At 14 years old, Caleb Anderson will soon graduate from Georgia Tech, as an aerospace engineer.
That’s right, instead of being in 9th grade, Caleb is almost done with his college degree.
“It’s one of my dreams. So yeah, I am really excited to go there!” Caleb, the young genius told NewsNation Now. “They have an amazing aerospace engineering program.”

When Claire and Kobe Anderson welcomed their firstborn, Caleb, they were so happy that he was a jolly baby.
In fact, he would try to mimic people talking at just three weeks old.
That was his first sign of genius.
Happy with Caleb’s interest in reading and talking, Claire tried an alternative approach.

“I would teach children to read, as they were learning to talk,” recalled Claire.
Caleb seemed to like his mother’s approach and he was more interested in interacting than in baby toys.
The baby would try to sound out the words being read to him.
By one, Caleb was into math.
When Caleb turned one, he already mastered sight words and began being interested in math.

That’s when his parents knew their son was different.
At just two years old, instead of putting toys in his mouth and babbling, Caleb was already onto something many still can’t grasp.
He was mastering fractions.
There was also a viral video of little Caleb reading the United States Constitution at just two years old.

Claire recalled people laughing because they didn’t have television or baskets of toys.
Some even found it weird that she and her husband would give out books as presents for Christmas.
At 3, Caleb qualified for MENSA.
Mensa is a well-known society for people who have exceptionally high IQs.
He was later enrolled when he turned five and then he passed first grade.

Caleb is fluent in 3 languages.
Young Caleb is also fluent in Spanish, French, and Mandarin.
If you think he’s already amazing, well, at nine, he was already in 7th grade.
Caleb talked to his mother and told her it was boring, so his parents decided he could skip high school and go directly to college.

His dad chaperoned the young genius because of his age and taught him about the adjustments to being a college student.
Caleb finished his first two years of college at Chattahoochee Technical College. When he was 12, he applied to Georgia Tech as a sophomore.
Of course, he got in.
And now he’s graduating.

He’ll have an internship with Elon Musk
And eventually his Ph.D. from MIT- outstanding achievements for a young man.
Being an aerospace engineer is not an easy course to take, but it was this young man’s dream.
So when he was asked about his experience in college, he said:

“Do I feel like I’m (breaking barriers)? No, not necessarily,” Caleb said in his interview with TODAY. “I honestly just feel like I am doing what I want to do. But do I know that I am doing it? Yes. I know that people are inspired by me. People look up to me.”
In an interview with 11Alive, Caleb’s mother said that there are many kids like Caleb and they just need the right opportunities and guidance.
Indeed, Claire was right.
With the right guidance, children like Caleb would flourish.

Aside from Caleb, Claire and Kobe Anderson also have two younger kids named Aaron and Hannah.
They are also enrolled in gifted programs at their school.
Learn more about Caleb’s inspiring journey in the video below!
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