Taking care of a kid is similar to looking after a little person constantly drunk on life. They have no filter and an atom size worth of emotional intelligence. Their sporadic actions driven by curiosity turns into messes. When you’re barely hanging by your last strand of sanity, they know how to push all the right buttons. Kids have mastered the art of manipulation. In order to remain a rational human being, parents have turned to Twitter to vent and channel their frustrations into hilarious and sarcastic forward tweets! Here are 25 extremely amusing mom and dad tweets! Even if you’re not a parent, they’re guaranteed to make you laugh.
#1 Sometimes we accidentally instigate their mischievous behavior by providing them with the right kind of tool.

#2 Even if we started to do this, they’d probably start demanding for the other sock and only eating food out of the trash can.

#3 Wise kid! Moms really do A LOT of work.

#4 They just know how to squeeze every ounce of love (and energy) out of us, but they’re worth it!

#5 Who can relate to this?! The point is we always give it our best.

#6 Mothers are the ultimate chameleons. They are the jack-of-all-trades.

#7 Ask any mother, they’ll tell you those 5 minutes of clean are so worth it.

#8 Touché– They say with age comes wisdom, but somehow, kids tend to outsmart us quite often with their sassy remarks.

#9 All children are master manipulators. We have to pick and choose our battles carefully. We can’t let them get away with all their absurd tricks.

#10 The ultimate blackmail scheme.

#11 Parenting 101: Tips to being a full-time parent with a career.

#12 The best thing to do is laugh off the realities of parenting.

#13 Step aside, Kanye. Mama Bear is in the house!

#14 Whatever it takes to get them to sleep.

#15 A kid’s warped sense of reality (a.k.a. imagination) is what makes their day-to-day magical.

#16 They have no idea how fun schooling is compared to adulting.

#17 Kids enjoy the simple things in life. No need for a $50 Avocado Toast entree to keep those smiles around.

#18 You’d think it be the other way around but having a serious conversation with a kid can really open up your life perspective.

#19 The life of a kid in a nutshell.

#20 This conversation must have been a relief for James Breakwell, a father of four girls!

#21 As a parent, you start to ask for sleep as a present for every gift-giving holiday.

#22 You start to use your kid’s lingo in the adult world.

#23 When you like Disneyland more than your daughter
Went to Disneyland because my daughter’s obsessed with Mickey Mouse. She was so excited when I got home and told her.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 30, 2017
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