Finding out you’re pregnant triggers a mix of emotions: happiness, excitement, nervousness. Yet, once morning sickness hits, reality sets in. Pregnancy isn’t easy. From nausea to heartburn, pregnant women endure a range of discomforts throughout the journey. These are important experiences that never get talked about.
“Just a little longer,” they say. “Hang in there,” they encourage. But it’s easier said than done. When you’re eight months pregnant, you might think that one more month wouldn’t be difficult, but guess what? It still is.
Need more examples of what needs to be talked about but isn’t? Keep reading!
Like a Penguin
As if carrying a big belly isn’t enough, some people, especially our husbands, might even mock us, comparing our walk to that of penguins, calling it a waddle.
We adore our husbands, no question about it, but pregnancy hormones can transform us into someone entirely different. Even the smallest error can trigger a desire to lash out and rip our husband’s head off.
Ever glanced in the mirror and encountered this sight? Yep, it’s the stretch marks party, commonly hosted on the belly and other parts of the body for most pregnant women. If you find them annoying, just wait until they start itching!
Babies in the womb certainly have their preferences. Some enjoy constant movement, while others prefer to settle into a favorite position. Take a peek at this photo showcasing a baby bump leaning to the right side. It might seem adorable, but it can seriously disrupt your balance.
One morning, you wake up and realize your boobs look like this! Yep, it’s something rarely discussed but definitely should be. Seriously, the first glimpse can even induce panic.
They dub it “morning sickness,” but the truth is, it can persist throughout the entire day and even into the night. In certain instances, it doesn’t confine itself to just the first trimester; consider this poor girl who’s been enduring it all the way into her third trimester!
Expecting a bundle of joy? Congratulations! But did you know you can also ‘expect’ to experience heartburn? Just when you thought the list of pregnancy symptoms couldn’t get any longer, here’s another one to add. Wonderful, isn’t it?
We’re not discussing babies here, but rather boobies. Imagine feeling them growing again, and to add to the fun, they often grow bigger but unevenly most of the time. SMH!
Aren’t all of these familiar? Yep, women who’ve experienced pregnancy know these symptoms all too well. That’s not just about crying and peeing; you might also want to hear about the saga of releasing gas.
Love shoes? Fantastic! But if you’re pregnant, it’s time to give them a vacation because, darling, you won’t be able to wear them for a while. Opt for bigger, more comfortable shoes—you’ll thank me later.
We’re all aware that pregnancy is no walk in the park. Just look at this poor lady. She’s suffering from PUPPP Rash or Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. Take a glance at her tummy; can you even begin to imagine the pain she’s enduring? It’s both itchy and excruciating.
Pregnancy entails a complete overhaul of your wardrobe for the entire duration. Alongside your expanding tummy, your boobs also join the growth spurt. Hang in there, poor buttons.
Pregnancy is no walk in the park, but amidst all the challenges, there’s a bit of consolation here. Take a look at this lady using her baby bump as her table. It’s functional, and you’d be thrilled to know how it can come in handy – big time. Fries and nachos, anyone?
When you’re pregnant, it’s not just tiredness – it’s extra tiredness. It’s different from a day of hard work or a long hike; it’s a unique kind of fatigue only pregnant women can truly grasp. So, if you see us looking exhausted, trust that we really are. Growing a baby inside you is undeniably draining!
When you’re restricted from taking any medications without your doctor’s approval, that’s when all the rashes and aches come rushing in! Wow, just wow! Picture being uncomfortable with a huge bump. Pregnant women – you rock!
If you have a large pregnancy belly, dear, here’s a hack you’ll love! Try resting your belly on the countertop or table, and those few minutes are absolutely divine!
This beautiful pregnant woman may seem fine, but she’s just grateful she can use this motorized cart at the store. Just take a glance at her swollen ankles!
It seems logical to just cut your own hair but what if it goes wrong? You don’t have the time or energy to go to the salon to get it fixed. It’s now or never!
One pregnant woman shared that during her entire third trimester, all she could wear were her Old Navy Flip-Flops because her feet swelled up so much that she had to go up to size 11!
She also mentioned suffering from pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel syndrome, but she insisted it was totally worth it. We feel you, girl! Once you lay eyes on your little one, all these challenges become so worth it.
Surprise! Even if you’ve never had issues with constipation before, be prepared to experience it during pregnancy. Increase your fiber intake, drink plenty of water, and keep your fingers crossed!
Why did I come into this room? Where did I leave my keys? What day is it? So many questions, but don’t worry, darling, this is normal for pregnant women. It’s called pregnancy brain. Share your experiences!
We’re all aware that our noses can swell up during pregnancy, right? It’s not pleasant, but just take a look at this poor lady. Her entire face is swollen; coupled with her pregnancy hormones, she must have felt absolutely dreadful!
What was your weirdest pregnancy craving? Craving pickles is something common for pregnant women, and we think this is such a great hack. I bet this tastes yummy!
When we scroll through our social media feeds, we come across pregnancy photoshoots, cheerful pregnant women indulging in ice cream, and it seems like they’re in paradise! All lies! If you’re pregnant, you know it’s not a walk in the park! More like Jurassic Park – maybe!
Peeing all the time? Yep, you can’t even get enough sleep without waking up to rush to the bathroom. And when your tummy is all big, good luck trying to stand up to go to the bathroom.
30 not so talked about things that happen when you’re pregnant
Ma Fatima Garcia
Finding out you’re pregnant triggers a mix of emotions: happiness, excitement, nervousness. Yet, once morning sickness hits, reality sets in. Pregnancy isn’t easy. From nausea to heartburn, pregnant women endure a range of discomforts throughout the journey. These are important experiences that never get talked about.
“Just a little longer,” they say. “Hang in there,” they encourage. But it’s easier said than done. When you’re eight months pregnant, you might think that one more month wouldn’t be difficult, but guess what? It still is.
Need more examples of what needs to be talked about but isn’t? Keep reading!