Getting into a new relationship is full of excitement and thrill. Will they or won’t they call you back? You get butterflies every time you see them, and you don’t think you’ve ever been more attracted to someone in your life.
A few years down the line, and while you’re still in love, you’re admittedly so far past the honeymoon phase you can hardly remember what it’s like. This is completely normal – and luckily, these 35 hilarious wives are here to show that it’s still possible to keep the element of mystery in your relationship!
1. Hiding the candy
If you think your wife is sharing all her food with you, think again. She might occasionally cook for you, but when it comes to her favorite candy, that’s something she’s going to hide. This funny wife decided that naturally, her tampon box was the least likely place that her husband would search for a snack.

2. A funny reminder
Being married over the years means you’re inevitably going to reach times of difficulty. This wife wanted to remind her husband about his vasectomy in the lightest way she could manage. She did a toothpaste drawing and placed a pair of scissors in the least comforting manner. You’ve got to joke about it!

3. That relationship suspense
This person’s wife never wants him to get too comfortable around her. That’s why she’s taken to keeping him on his feet with notes about the potential pranks she had been considering. Will she ever pull one off? For sure – that’s why her husband knows he can’t ever properly relax.

4. When she knows too much
There’s nothing like a bit of fliratious joking to keep the marriage alive. Like this woman, insinuating that her husband has a tiny… While this was admittedly brutal, it was probably too funny for the husband to be mad about – she took the opportunity to be witty when she saw it!

5. TP messages
This person’s wife thinks that hand-written notes in the lunch box are so last year. Instead, she has taken to drawing snigger-worthy images on a toll of toilet paper to communicate with her husband. It might look slightly passive aggressive, but there’s love behind her illustrations.

6. The sweetest bedtime companion
If you think this photo shows a stuffed caterpillar, think again. This husband might have forgotten to empty out the diaper pail before he left, and now he’s dealing with the consequences. Not only will he have to remove this “stuffed toy” from his bed before he can sleep in it, he’s also got to deal with the lingering after-smell against the sheets. Lovely.

7. She’s the boss
There are occasions where husband-wife relationships start to feel a bit like a fight for who’s the boss. Luckily, for many couples, this ongoing argument becomes a source of humor in the marriage, like in this case. It’s pretty clear from these messages that this wife runs the house, and her husband knows it!

8. Romantic valentines day gift
Valentines day is completely overrated, and some long-time couples know that. This couple knows that, and that’s why they have a more refreshing approach to their v-day celebrations. There’s nothing like letting your husband know that you love them with an “I tolerate u” cake.

9. “Sexy” dress-up
When things are getting a little boring in your relationship, the best way to spice things up is with a sexy dress-up session. This wife might not have had exactly what her husband had in mind… but at least she has a good sense of humor! Now she needs to just find what he’s actually looking for.

10. Taking his word literally
When a husband asks for something, what does a good wife do? They give them exactly what they asked for, of course. In this case, this husband asked his wife for “a little something to eat”, his wife made sure she delivered. Hopefully that’s satisfied his cravings.

11. Now she knows how it feels
There’s a bit of a running joke in society that men tend to be a little more reactive to pain than women. This man’s wife took this joke a little later with her first Facebook post after giving birth. We bet her husband thought twice about moaning about his cold after watching her push a baby out.

12. Changing her habits
When you’ve been married for so long, your little habits can start to get on your partner’s nerves. Luckily, most couples are able to lightly joke about these habits without taking it any further. This man mocked his wife for her “OCD”, so she decided to show him that old habits can be changed – and presented him with unmatched socks from the laundry.

13. Bathroom humor
It takes a couple who’ve been together for many years to be able to make bathroom humor. Many new couples shy away from even discussing their toileting habits, but this wife is happy to share with the whole world the dangers of entering the bathroom when her husband is in there. She really knows how to big up his efforts.

14. The wife hack
There was a time when it was funny for people to hack each other’s social media and write slightly embarrassing statuses on their behalf. This man’s wife decided to check in on his own Facebook account with a lovely message about his appreciation for her. N’aww – what a heartfelt statement.

15. Giving out the phone number
When this woman’s husband asked her for a phone number, she replied with the lyrics from an 80s song… and he was none the wiser. We’d love to have seen the outcome of this one – who did he actually call instead of the pharmacy? Someone in the world must have this number.
Lee just asked for a pharmacy number-I told him “867-5309.” He fell for it. :) #thatsan80ssong #pranksterwife
— Missi Wimberly (@missiwimberly) February 28, 2012
16. Flirtatious messages
Every married couple knows that the best way to keep the spark alive is to send attractive selfies back and forth. This wife knows more than anyone that she’s cute from all angles – and of course, she wants her husband to know, too. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.

17. A frightening surprise
The longer you’ve been married for, the more difficult it is to surprise your significant other. They know everything about you, and they start to learn exactly how your mind works. But this wife manages to surprise her husband in the least expected – and most terrifying ways. Skeleton in a computer chair? Totally normal.

18. An innocent bet
Making bets in a marriage is a great way to keep things interesting – just be careful what you put on the line! This wife proved that she could do a whole lot of stuff to her husband’s foot while he slept. Not only did she shave off his hair, but she gave him a pedicure while she was at it.

19. The comeback
There are two ways to handle an argument: draw it out for ages and ignore each other until someone relents, or make a slightly funny retort and forget the whole thing. This wife didn’t like being asked to make her husband a sandwich, so she did a little something with the plastic cheese. Hopefully he saw the funny side of this!

20. Pizza menu art
This wife reminded us that it’s not just the things inside a marriage that can annoy us, but also the things that seem entirely unrelated. After becoming fed up of receiving the same takeaway pizza leaflet, she decided to make them into a piece of (admittedly beautiful) art and hang them on her front door.

21. April fool’s
If you and your partner are the sort of couple who love to make the most of April fool’s, this prank is for you. The wife in question attached a sneaky note to the back of her husband’s car, asking people to honk and say hi on their journey. After how many strangers saying hello did the husband figure out what was going on?

22. Pointing out the obvious
There are plenty of times in a marriage when you can be so smart that you amaze yourself. That’s exactly how one wife felt when she noticed she could make a little picture-pun out of her husband’s favorite TV show. He’ll never see it the same again.

23. Childish humor
Who said that being a married grown-up meant life had to be boring? This man’s wife took a photo of a slightly phallic looking cactus and proceeded to laugh about it for three hours. We can’t say it’s everyone’s humor, but there’s no way you could be mad at someone who found the smallest of life’s handouts hilarious.

24. When you ask for more fridge magnets
You’re not in a proper homely home unless the fridge is full of magnets. The sweetest magnets have a history to them – perhaps they’ve been picked up on a vacation, or were given as a gift from a close friend or family member. This man asked his wife for more fridge magnets, without specifying which one… and she came back with this beauty.

25. Humorous birthday present
Birthdays become so much more fun when you and your partner have been married long enough to know each other really well. This man’s wife has the best knack for buying humorous presents for her husband. Though this mug is a slight jab at his obvious lack of spelling abilities, there’s no denying that it’s pretty hilarious.

26. Homemade flow chart
For all of those indecisive moments, this man’s wife is here to help. If he’s ever uncertain whether he should eat when he’s hungry, she made him a handy flow chart to decide whether it’s really a good idea to eat. Instead of bugging her husband to clean up after he’s made a meal, she’s given him alternative solutions.

27. Lovely anniversary message
Anyone who says romance is dead should take a look at this romantic anniversary note one husband received from his wife. There are the lovey-dovey people, and then there are these guys… This wife really knows her husband’s flaws, and she’s here to celebrate them!

28. A sexy reminder
This man’s wife wanted to remind him what he was missing when she went away for a few weeks. She got inventive with a pillow and her underwear to give him something to cuddle while she was gone. It’s not quite the same as the real thing, but this has got to be better than nothing, right?

29. Getting his attention
For those forgetful husbands out there, remembering something as small as your lunch can prove difficult. This wife thought up an ingenious way to get her husband looking in the right direction when it came to his packed lunch. That’s one way to make him remember!

30. Wardrobe assistance
The duty of many wives is to help their husbands choose what to wear for work every day. This wife decided to make things a little easier for both parties by dividing his wardrobe between things that are “good for work” and “bad for work”. Great idea – until she asks her husband to put away the laundry!

31. A kind “get well soon” cake
This man was complaining about his cold to his wife so much that she decided to make him a much-needed “get well soon” cake. The wording might be seen as harsh by some, but it definitely gets her point across! Plus, it’s a homemade cake, and there’s no way her husband could get mad back at her when she’s gone to all that effort.

32. Licence fail
You know you have a deep relationship with your wife when she tells you this number plate reminds her of you… It’s nice to know that this wife’s loved one was still on her mind as she went about her weekly errands. Well, when it fits, it fits.

33. Dealing with the tough times
If you manage to keep the same job forever, count yourself lucky. With all the predictability with the world, many people face redundancy at some point in their lives. When this wife found out that her husband had lost his job, she prepared a selection of his favorite snacks to help ease the pain a little.

34. Valentines day gift
What’s the best way to let your partner know you could do with a bit of bedroom attention? Ringing a bell, apparently. The question is, did he genuinely start using this bell? And how long until his wife was wishing she’d never bought it?

35. Fridge full of smileys
Finally, this wife just wanted to make her husband feel special when he woke up by reminding him that all eyes were on him. There’s something pretty cute about all the food-faces in here. It’s so cheesy it’s adorable.

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