Marriage isn’t easy. If you want to stay happy and make things work, you have to put up with each other’s silliness and find a way to keep things exciting. This isn’t always easy, and sometimes, it takes a lot of effort.

In most cases, husbands don’t know when they are doing too much or not enough. They want to remind their wives why they got married, but they sometimes get carried away and take things too far. Sometimes, they even do it on purpose.

If a man can make a woman laugh, he has pretty much won her over. Of course, sometimes the things husbands find funny, their wives find annoying. That’s how love goes, though.

These husbands were all trying to get a giggle out of their wives. They may have been a little over the top with some of their gestures, but at least they are trying to keep things interesting. With husbands like them, these women will never be bored.