We all love our moms, but sometimes, they say some pretty strange things. They think they are funny, but mom jokes are usually just corny and annoying. They can’t help it; they try their best.

When a mom does come up with something funny to say, she can’t wait to tell everyone. If you checked her cellphone, you would probably see 10 texts of the same joke to every family member and friend in the phone. Moms just love to be funny.

If you don’t think your mom has a great sense of humor, you probably aren’t spending enough time with her. After a while, the things she does become less annoying and start to be a little funny. It’s OK to laugh.

These moms all had at least one funny joke in their lifetimes. Sometimes, their jokes are funny, and sometimes, it’s just the fact that they think they are funny that causes the big laughs. These 35 moms have hilarious senses of humor. But their kids might not agree.