We all love our moms, but sometimes, they say some pretty strange things. They think they are funny, but mom jokes are usually just corny and annoying. They can’t help it; they try their best.
When a mom does come up with something funny to say, she can’t wait to tell everyone. If you checked her cellphone, you would probably see 10 texts of the same joke to every family member and friend in the phone. Moms just love to be funny.
If you don’t think your mom has a great sense of humor, you probably aren’t spending enough time with her. After a while, the things she does become less annoying and start to be a little funny. It’s OK to laugh.
These moms all had at least one funny joke in their lifetimes. Sometimes, their jokes are funny, and sometimes, it’s just the fact that they think they are funny that causes the big laughs. These 35 moms have hilarious senses of humor. But their kids might not agree.
When a son told his mom that he wanted a picture of Jesus riding on a dinosaur on his birthday cake, he didn’t think she would make it happen. Little did he know, his mom is super cool and will go out of her way to give her baby what he wants. This is a pretty cool cake from an even cooler mom.
We all have our own ways of dealing with the missionaries that show up at our doors. This mom was willing to listen to them if they agreed to help her in the garden. She got some free help, and they got to spread the word. Everyone wins.
Some people play beer pong and flippy cup when they are drinking; this mom stacks up her potatoes. She is too cool for those other drinking games. Now, what is she going to do with these potatoes? Make soup to help with her hangover tomorrow, of course.
4. Mom Makes The Jokes Around Here
When a mom complained about missing her son, he sent her a life-sized cutout of himself. He thought she would laugh and then throw it away. But she got the last laugh. She brings it around to family get-togethers and tells everyone it’s her son.
You might think that moms don’t have any fun doing things like dishes and laundry. The truth is, you just have to find a way to make these things fun. One mom made a little sign to help keep her laughing when she is sorting clothes in the laundry room.
This mom dropped a bag of peas on the floor when she was trying to make dinner for her family. Instead of crying over spilled peas, she decided to laugh about it. She went into the living room and announced that she had “peed” on the floor. Then, her family walked in and saw her mess.
For some reason, toddlers love little television jingles. This little guy loved one commercial so much that his mom decided to use it for his party theme. Sure, the other moms thought she was crazy, but this little guy seems to love it.
8. This Is How You Get Your Kids To Come Home
This mom broke a knife while she was chopping up food for dinner. Instead of throwing it away, she used it for a photo prop. She texted this photo to her kids, and they immediately showed up worried. Then, she told them it was just a joke and served them dinner.
9. Mom Knows If You Are Reading
This mom really wanted to motivate her children to read. She made a bookmark out of one of her photos. She has a look on her face that will likely make them think twice before they try to cheat on their reading time. She’s watching them and knows how long they have been reading.
When you are a kid and want to get out of something, you hope your parents will write a note and give you permission. This mom isn’t having it. She was so mad that her daughter would even ask her to write such a note that she decided to get back at her kiddo.
Moms love funny shirts. The problem is, most of the shirts they think are funny really aren’t. This mom didn’t think her shirt was funny enough, so she added something to it. Now, it’s hilarious to her. But is it true?
Most moms worry about their kids when they go to college. They want them to study and not party. This mom thought she was being witty when she told her son that this is the only cup he can drink alcohol from. He doesn’t think it’s funny.
In this house, if Mom has to clean your room and make your bed, you can bet she is going to let you know about it. She decided to just put this giant sock monkey on the bed this time. Look at that pose. That thing is pretty creepy.
When her son was little, his favorite bedding was his dinosaur sheets. He always wanted to sleep on them. When Mom found out her son was coming home for the weekend, she made up a bed for him. Guess what sheets she used?
When the kids move out, moms can get lonely and bored. This mom doesn’t have kids to drive to sports or take to family photos. Instead, she dresses up the cat and gets it photographed. Even better, this cat was entered in a photo contest and won. Such a proud day for Mom.
Moms love to give out fun gifts for Christmas. With some kids asked their mom to give them cash for Christmas, she came up with a plan to make it fun … for her. She wrapped the dollars around Tootsie Rolls and then wrapped them back up. The kids had to unwrap every single dollar.
Moms don’t want to do the old people thing. When this mom started canning, she had to find a way to make it cool. What’s cooler than giving your canned food music-related names? This one is a rap track.
When these moms saw that their boys were at a ballgame together having fun, they decided to watch it together at home. When one of the boys posted a selfie, they posted one, too. They seemed to be having just as much fun at home.
19. No Need To Come Out To Mom
A lot of kids are nervous to come out to their parents. This boy tried to sit down with his mom to let her know he was gay, but she told him she already knew. When he asked her how, she didn’t hesitate to show him this photo. She was saving it for that moment.
Teens think they are so funny, but they never laugh at their parents’ jokes. Sure, some of them are lame, but Mom got the last laugh on this one. I bet this girl won’t smart off to her mom again.
Sometimes, moms have good jokes, and sometimes, they come up with corny ones. This mom didn’t even care how ridiculous this was, she was going to snap a photo and send it on to her family. She isn’t lying in this one.
Moms have a lot of time on their hands, so they can come up with some crazy things. They seem to love it when they can make a play on words. This mom couldn’t miss this chance to take a photo of her crack in thyme. Her kids didn’t bother to reply.
Moms know how to hand some serious burners out. This mom knows that Taylor Swift is a trending celebrity, so when she was able to use Taylor’s name to call out her kid, she couldn’t resist. What other celebrity burns does she have?
To kids, there’s nothing worse than a mom who thinks she’s funny when she isn’t. These kids must be used to their mom doing this. They don’t even have the words to continue the argument. You can bet Mom is laughing, though.
25. That’s Not Right, Mom
Is it May 5? It is in this house because mom is celebrating. She sent this to all her friends and family. The only people who laughed were other moms. Most people celebrate with booze. This mom celebrates with mayo.
Nobody knows you like your mom. This mom knows how much her son loves his cat. She decided to get them matching ties. Now, they are like twins. Thanks, Mom!
Everything about this note is embarrassing. What boy would want to admit to any of these things? Mom has no shame, though. She wants to know what is going on.
28. She Just Wants A Laugh
You can’t tell a mom you are tired. Moms do too much to care. This mom was a different type of tired. She really felt it. She really put some thought into this one.
29. If You Can’t Tell Mom, Tell The Cat
Mom may have found the condoms in the laundry, but the cat needs some answers. If this boy can’t tell his mom about the condoms, maybe he will just confess to the cat. Which is more embarrassing?
Mom thinks she is so funny that she should be on “Ellen.” Moms and texting never go together. Unless you need a good laugh. Did she really need to correct this? Hopefully, Ellen did see it.
You never know what religion your pet was brought up to be. This mom is just being respectful. More people should be like her toward other humans. If she can respect her cat’s religion, why can’t more people do the same for their neighbors?
32. Mom Watches ‘South Park’
It’s pretty cool that this mom watches “South Park” and has a sense of humor. Who asks for a rug for Christmas anyway? Makes you wonder if anyone guessed what this was or just thought Mom was getting carried away with the decorations.
It’s always nice to see a mom playing with her child. Most moms seem stressed when they are in the store and their kids start doing silly things. This mom just played along. It kept her kid happy, and she was able to shop in peace. Her dignity was a small price to pay.
34. Better Answer Mom’s Texts
This mother knows how to get her kids to text back. She isn’t about to be ignored by them. If she has to stoop to tricking them to reply to her messages, then so be it. Now, about those dishes?
This mom wanted to have a little fun at her kids’ expense. She also wanted some funny photos. Hopefully, Dad washes his feet pretty often. These poor kids will do anything to get on Santa’s good list.
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We all love our moms, but sometimes, they say some pretty strange things. They think they are funny, but mom jokes are usually just corny and annoying. They can’t help it; they try their best.
When a mom does come up with something funny to say, she can’t wait to tell everyone. If you checked her cellphone, you would probably see 10 texts of the same joke to every family member and friend in the phone. Moms just love to be funny.
If you don’t think your mom has a great sense of humor, you probably aren’t spending enough time with her. After a while, the things she does become less annoying and start to be a little funny. It’s OK to laugh.
These moms all had at least one funny joke in their lifetimes. Sometimes, their jokes are funny, and sometimes, it’s just the fact that they think they are funny that causes the big laughs. These 35 moms have hilarious senses of humor. But their kids might not agree.