Isn’t technology wonderful? Today, moms dads take photos specifically to share with select family members and friends. But because some of them are so hilarious, they end up online. And we’re glad they do so that we can all have a good laugh.
1. Control at its best
Sometimes, work-at-home parents feel overwhelmed. With kids running around, it’s hard to stay focused. So, this mom came up with a perfect solution.
You can’t leave kids alone for a second. If you do, expect something like to happen. Although the poster only intended for family to see this photo, once shared online, it didn’t take long for it to go viral.
That’s what this kid’s facial expression says. His mom shared the photo with her mother and, well, you know the rest. Grandma raised kids so now it’s her turn to laugh instead of cry.
Or perhaps a better question, was he thinking? For this photo to end up on social media, there’s a good chance the parents wanted to hide under the nearest rock.
After finding sample jars of paint in the closet, these two had the bright idea of changing the appearance of the floor. They both look surprised that their parents weren’t thrilled with their redecorating skills.
Not only did this girl cover herself in paint but unlike the other artist, she also spread it all over the floor. Anyone who judged either doesn’t have children or they haven’t experienced a crisis yet.
Instead of homeschooling her kids, it looks as though this mom allowed them to enjoy an indoor skating party. No, this mom wasn’t slacking. The children had already spent hours studying.
This little girl has a vivid imagination. After playing outside for a while, she got tired. But instead of going inside to take a nap, she used chalk to draw a pillow on the sidewalk and that’s where she slept.
This is what happens when kids get a little too rough with bean bag chairs. They mysteriously explode. Family members and strangers alike got a good laugh from this photo.
Sorry, but this is super funny. For one thing, the expression on this girl’s face is priceless. Second, if that’s permanent marker, she’s going to look like that for a long time.
All the kids in this Christmas play were supposed to dress up as “elves.” But one parent didn’t read the letter school carefully enough. Their child went as “Elvis.”
Here’s a little girl holding her baby brother for the first time. But as you can see from her expression, that little guy was much heavier than her dolls.
Guess who discovered the doggie door? After making its way on the internet, a lot of other parents thought this was hilarious. This kid just wanted to do a little exploring.
This photo serves as a good reminder to parents everywhere…never let an older brother babysit. If you do, you can expect to come home to something like this or even worse.
That’s what this little girl was trying to convince her parent of. By hiding under the hallway rug, her mom and dad will think she’s asleep in her bed.
Without coloring books or paper, this kid had to get creative. So, he used the family dog as his canvas. And no, this pup wasn’t harmed as part of this art project.
…this pet fish wasn’t so lucky. This little boy loved his fish so much he wanted to sleep with it. When someone posted the photo online, a lot of parents sympathized…and giggled.
Can you imagine if one of your family members posted this photo online? Considering the content, it wasn’t meant for everyone to see. But now that they have, they can’t unsee it.
A minute earlier, this boy was quietly watching Cars 2. But after following a trail of rice from the kitchen to the living room…this is what his parent found. The funniest part — he’s still watching the movie as though nothing happened.
This boy enjoyed his birthday cake so much, that someone leaked it on social media. But a lot of parents related to this photo, having already been there.
This boy enjoyed his birthday cake so much, that someone leaked it on social media. But a lot of parents related to this photo, having already been there.
“Hold the can like this and then press this little thing.” It’s awesome this boy likes trying new things but he won’t be getting any whipped topping on his pumpkin pie…his favorite dessert.
Fortunately, this didn’t happen during the pandemic. So, after it got shared, people found the humor in this. Had this been during the pandemic when TP was non-existent, it’d be a different matter.
In this house, nothing goes to waste, even juice. Of course, having this end up on the internet wasn’t in the plan. Her parents don’t want people to think this is the norm.
Forget about the disaster in the closet behind her and focus on how adorable this girl looks. At least that’s what her mom was hoping when someone shared the photo online.
Although this boy was protecting his little sister, having this photo end up online was probably stressful for this mom. After all, no parent wants people to think their kid is weird.
35 Kid photos that were meant just for the family to see
Cedric Jackson
Isn’t technology wonderful? Today, moms dads take photos specifically to share with select family members and friends. But because some of them are so hilarious, they end up online. And we’re glad they do so that we can all have a good laugh.