This 4-year-old kid is all of us regardless of the day.
But it was a Monday so little Landry had to force his tiny body to make the long, dreary walk to the bus stop so he could board his school bus. A cold, lazy Monday while wearing a mask.
We’ve all been there. A fun weekend full of video games with friends, mom’s cooking and dad probably driving us somewhere nice. Only to wake up on Monday faced with the reality of life.

Bummer. Major.
Landry at 4 already knows the feeling. He walks, trudges, up the driveway towards those open doors before pausing, bending over with a heavy head then rolling backwards collapsing on his backpack.
We get it, kid, We really do.

And he stays on his back for a few seconds before slowly sitting up. And that’s it, he just sits up, until the bus driver makes her way from her seat to help the 4-year-old to his feet.
If that’s not us with everything going on in the world today.

But… here’s the best part. He got back up.
That’s a life lesson inadvertently taught to all of us by little Landry. The storm doesn’t last and the sun always breaks through the dark clouds. Just have to toughen up and face the current.

Even a viewer spotted another life lesson.
“Shout out to the kind and gentle bus driver for going above and beyond to help the child get on the bus. This, too, is a lesson in life about people helping people. Success is never achieved alone.”
Landry at his young age knew that the only way to get to the end is to get back on his feet.

This kid can roll with the punches and more. He’s just 4, so imagine when he’s 14, then 24, then 34. Landry’s going to get tougher and smarter. With the proper guidance of course.
He’s really cute though.

If he’s like this on a cold Monday morning, imagine what Landry is like on a Friday afternoon when the bell rings.
Though he probably lit up when he saw his buddies on the bus. And once they get to school, it’s nonstop talk over that game they played over the weekend. He just needed to warm up.

KPepper L certainly felt the message of this cute video.
“That’s the feeling of humanity right now… I hope we can all be just like this little guy and be able to get back up with a little help from a friend.”
There’s hope if most kids are like Landry.

Apparently, according to this kid’s mom, it was the mask that made Landry give up and fall backwards. It is annoying and we totally understand. But it is a must. Poor kid.
Though he’s gotten over 5 million views and counting!
Landry, in his little body, is all of us. But to get back up even though it’s tough is a decision we all must make.
Watch hilarious little Landry in the video below!
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