There’s nothing that rivals the kind of mischief kids always find a way of getting into. From putting anything and everything in the toilet, drawing on walls, and breaking expensive stuff… all parents have their own tales to tell. But they’re so cute and it’s impossible to stay mad.
These parents have a level of patience that no one else in the world can understand!

1) Heartbreaking, and scary
“Gave my kids my old Toy Story toys from when I was little, only to find them this morning like this.”
The only explanation for this is that Sid’s parents have Reddit, and he finally got his hands on Woody and Buzz. RIP my friends.
2) This checks out
“I’ve just been told the cats did this.”
Looks like cat footprints to me. It’s amazing how in this day and age we can photograph everything, to serve as a reminder to our children later in life. Like when these ones learn what cat paws look like.
3) #FreeSpiderman
“Not sure what Spider-Man did exactly but he’s been hanging there for the last few days and both my kids are playing around him as if nothing’s going on…”
It was much cuter when he was hanging upside down (by choice) to kiss Mary Jane in the alleyway. This is something else.
4) Ah, such artists
One of the unwritten rules of parenting is that you will inevitably have to deal with some kind of paint fiasco (or two). All we can do is hope and pray that it’s a small scale disaster, or at least spilled on a tile floor. Unfortunately I think mom and dad are going to have to say goodbye to this nice leather couch.
5) Never mess with the card collection
“My two older children were trying to lay out all their Pokemon cards, but the youngest kept intervening, so they duct taped him to a chair.”
Yes, the chair is bad. But can we please talk about how many Pokemon cards these kids have?!
6) This little monster
Do you think they made the parents pay for it? If you think it’s bad enough for them… imagine what it feels like to the guy who built the sculpture in the first place!

7) They’ll put anything in the toilet
“Sometimes I don’t even know what to say. Went to take a pee in the basement. Not sure how long this has been there.”
Fortunately it’s not totally brown and turned to mush – so it can’t have been there that long. But maybe it’s time to have a chat with the kids about what goes in the toilet and what goes in the garbage bin.
8) They did their best
“Opened the fridge to find my 3 year old decided to help me put the eggs in it.”
If you think about it from a toddler’s eyes, why wouldn’t you take them all out of their cartons? Even more impressive… is that none of them broke! This kid deserves a medal.
9) The ol’ wave
“Instead of just letting us know verbally she woke up from her nap, or just ya know opening up the cracked door, she thought she needed to wave at us from under the door until she got our attention.”
I’m not sure how I feel about this. It’s a nice laid back way to get your parents attention but like… why?
10) This fool proof plan
“My son trying to hide his phone from me during virtual learning.”
Very covert! This kid may have a future as a spy. Kids really will do anything for their phones.
11) It’s the thought that counts
The look on her face says she’s both proud… and a little crazy. But it’s hard to be mad when she’s just trying to let the world know how much she loves her daddy!
12) Why though?
This would be funny if that Coke wasn’t definitely all over the that computer she’s used for filming. But seeing as it came out through her nose… I think she’s probably learned her lesson the hard way.
13) This twisted decision
“My daughters committed a war crime in the bathroom.”
I have questions. Primarily, why? Was this just a fun activity to pass the time? Were these girls mad at their parents? And lastly… did they still use it or…?
14) At least it still works?
“We found my wife’s phone in the toilet yesterday. We weren’t sure which of our three kids put it there… until my wife scrolled through her pictures today.”
This is so funny it would almost make me forget to be mad… Almost.
15) Always always remember the water
“My kid microwaved a Cup-Noodle. Without water. Plastic wrap still on it. For many minutes.”
To be honest, I’m surprised the entire thing didn’t go up in flames. I could forgive forgetting the water… but the plastic wrap!? Nah.
16) That’s the last time we leave him alone with dessert
“My mom made me a pan of brownies for my birthday, and my son insisted on to carrying them on the way home. Got back and somehow they ended up with a giant footprint in them.”
Why the foot?! A hand, a face, I get it. I respect it. But the foot? Yuck!
17) Hopefully they thought they were helping
“I spent an entire week refinishing this table. I was finally done. I went inside to get a drink of water for 30 seconds and my toddler found the sand paper and did this.”
You’d think a kid would completely ignore a boring craft project like refinishing a table. But if there’s destruction to be had… they’ll sniff it out!
18) As long as it’s better, I guess?
“My daughter told me her knee hurt and that she needed a bandaid. She also didn’t want to take her tights off. Apparently this made things all better.”
This is what they call a placebo effect. And if it’s this easy to convince a kid they’re better, why not?!
19) Ah, teenagers
“You get what you ask for. I asked my 13 year old grandson to put the green beans in the pan for dinner. He did!!!”
Wow, minimal effort. I am hoping he thought he was being clever and cheeky instead of actually thinking this was okay at 13 years old.
20) A new meaning to the term “potty head”
There’s a lot that can go wrong with potty training, but this is not one of the things you could be prepared for! How do kids come up with their shenanigans? Luckily dad is there to get creative and come to the rescue!
21) Hide and seek
“Can you find my 2 year old?”
Alright so this little one may not be the best at hide and seek. But I’m sure they have other great skills!
22) Is this clever or cheeky?
“Asked my student to complete the maze.”
This is definitely not how you do a maze. However, if that was the set up in a real world situation, the kid would be going places! Literally. You have to adapt to life’s obstacles, right?
23) Milk and watermelon?!
“So my son decided to make a bowl out of a watermelon to eat cereal today instead of using a clean bowl lol I can’t even be mad. This is hilarious.”
Hilarious? Yes. Sinful? Also yes. I admire the very creative problem solving in trying to avoid any dish-doing. But you can’t just go around mixing milk with watermelon juice – that’s just crazy!
24) Old school laundry
“When you find your pants in the toilet after asking your toddler to help you with laundry.”
What is this.. 1812? Is the kid going to get a wooden washboard out too? I don’t believe in ghosts but it seems as if this child has the old soul of one of their great great great ancestors instilled in them.
25) Prime hiding location
“Can’t find your switch remote? It must be somewhere reasonable like inside your kids ukulele.”
How in the heck did the parent even find this?! And why in the heck did this little monster take it hostage and hide it in an instrument? I mean… points for creativity.
26) They’re always watching
Imagine raising your child, giving them everything, driving them all over the place to school and extra curricular activities… only to have them snitch on you like this! This just goes to show they’re always watching.
27) This is illegal
“Forgot I left them out with my 5 year old son.”
Ummm… I think your child just broke a law. We all prefer the Oreo stuffing to the actual cookie part, but he has to tough it out like the rest of us. Those are the rules.
28) Quite the collection
“All the shit my son has put down the air conditioning vent in the last 6 years.”
Wow that is… a lot of stuff. I can only assume all the egg shaped things are plastic. Otherwise it’s a true miracle that they didn’t crack and get all over the inside of the vent. What a nightmare that would be.
29) We do not disrespect fruit like this
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
I used to think there was nothing worse than a half-eaten apple but… I stand corrected. This, this is definitely worse.
30) Any excuse to be picky!
“My kid won’t eat her eggs because they have ‘dark spots’. Yeah, that’s the fork.”
Oh gosh. There’s always some excuse for what’s wrong with the food. But the fork? That’s a new one.
31) Never mess with the TP
“While the world fights over TP, my toddler is giving ours a bath.”
I cannot imagine the stress this would have caused in March 2020. It’s bad enough that you’d have to find a way to drain the tub without getting chunks of wet toilet paper clogging it. But losing a whole 5 rolls to the tub? Tragic.
32) This is why kids can’t have scissors
I think a lot of kids (and parents, if we’re being honest) can relate to this. But the fact that she had the bravery, nay, the audacity to actually do it… that’s next level.
My daughter is so over remote schooling she cut the computer cord. SHE WENT TO THE KITCHEN, GOT THE KITCHEN SHEARS AND CUT THE CORD
— Dan Saltzstein (@dansaltzstein) May 8, 2020
33) That looked expensive
“My toddler hit the new 70″ TV with a broom stick. I’m sick to my stomach.”
And this is why parents can’t have nice things! This hurts to look at. I’m so sorry for your loss.
34) This photographer-to-be
A for effort, points for curiosity, but I have a feeling this little guy isn’t seeing much through that camera lens. It’s hard to be mad when they don’t realize what they’re doing is so destructive. But my oh my that’s one expensive little mistake!
35) You can’t turn your back for a moment
“Been home for 3 weeks. Leave for 10 minutes and kids shoot two BB’s through the window.”
One thing’s for sure, those kids are never going to be able to pick up a BB gun again.
36) Passports are not a coloring book
This child drew all over their dad’s passport, destroying it to a point that the airport security couldn’t accept it as valid ID. He was stranded in South Korea while he had to wait for a new passport. What would you do?!
37) Who came up with this anyway?
“‘Take Your Child To Work Day’ summed up in one photo.”
Bring your kid to work, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. But the reality is you’re actually just bringing the chaos of home to your workplace. Every parent’s dream!
38) I would cry too
This one is hard to look at. Not because the child is crying, but because an innocent pizza has been lost. Let’s all have a moment of silence for the fallen pie.
39) Nom nom nom
Geesh, this little one must have been pretty hungry to completely ignore the entire wrapper. And for more than just one bite it seems!
40) You know the rhyme
“So my daughter ripped her jacket yesterday and I told her I wasn’t fixing it. Well this is the lil note she left me.”
Wow this is quite the threat over a measly jacket! Keep this girl away from the sidewalk! She’s got some (hilarious) anger issues.
No matter how much trouble they find themselves in, we always forgive them for their naughty shenanigans. What’s the craziest thing your child has ever done to test your patience?
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