Kids aren’t always well-behaved. That’s why parents are there – to step in and let them know when they need to shape up.
Well, that’s why parents are supposed to be there, anyway.
These parents seem to be making the situation worse. In some cases, they actually join in on the bad behavior – or even start it.
Are you ready to pull out your hair? You’ll either laugh or scream when you see these.
This mom probably doesn’t mean to be entirely obnoxious and block everyone’s view with her giant iPad. However, she still is. Thanks, mom.
Parents are known for having a watchful eye. The parent of the child that did this destruction watched the whole time. We think she’s doing it wrong.
They let their kids run wild in the toy aisle. There’s so much damage that we have to wonder if the parents were actually helping to make the mess.
#4 Letting them get away with anything
A little kid may not realize that a balloon toy isn’t the best thing for a movie theater. That’s what parents are for – to let them know. Oh, wait… That last part didn’t happen.
A toddler bit into the top of a yogurt container. It happens. Their parent’s response was to put it back on the shelf for someone else to find. Yuck!
This is Old Navy. Those are new clothes that people actually want to buy (or wanted to buy before seeing this). Why is she using it as a changing table?
The little kid dropped food on the train. It happens. Most parents would pick it up. This parent stepped on it with his socks instead.
The kids started climbing a sign and destroying it. The parents chose to stand there and watch in silence.
We all want to get that perfect picture of our kid performing. Most of us don’t pull up a chair, get comfortable, and become part of the show just to do it.
#10 Living her teens twice
Teens and preteens aren’t always the most thoughtful when they take up a space intended for little kids. Sometimes, they just don’t realize that they’re stopping younger children from playing. This mom might not be a teenager anymore, but apparently, she hasn’t figured it out yet either.
Parents can get distracted. They have adult problems to worry about. But how do you not notice this happening behind you?
He has all that space in that car. There must be room for a garbage bag. No? Throw the diaper on the ground behind the car. No one will notice, right?
We noticed…
#13 The electronic babysitter
Most parents have been known to let their kids get some screen time for a little peace and quiet. These parents missed the memo about the peace and quiet part. The kid’s movie volume was up all the way in the middle of a restaurant.
Someone’s kids had measles. Instead of bringing them home, they brought them to an Ikea play area. I think we just found patient zero.
A parent can be a kid’s biggest fan. In some cases, they can also quickly become the biggest annoyance.
Kids can get a little rambunctious on a long flight. It happens. This was taken during landing. Where is his seatbelt? Where is the person who should be making sure that he’s wearing it?
This was the car a parent was given to drive while their car was being repaired. It was clean when they received it. Babies can be messy, but they also usually come along with a bag of wipes. It wouldn’t hurt to use one…or ten.
Sometimes it makes sense to litter, such as if you’re running from a pack of hungry wolves and need to throw them off the scent. This diaper was found on a playground ten feet from a trashcan. There were no wolves.
Barriers are there for a reason. Parents are there to remind children what that reason is. Clearly, there was a malfunction in the system – a malfunctioning parent. We hope no major damage was done to the art.
A red-eye flight took on a whole new level of meaning when this kid’s mom decided to let him watch cartoons on full volume for the entire flight. No one slept.
#21 More than one way to do something wrong
1. They left their child at the entrance to the store and wandered off. No one could even find them. 2. They pretty much blocked the entrance by rolling the baby into the precise middle of the doorway. We get the feeling that this parent is never going to be a great role model.
The kid didn’t show up for tutoring. The parents didn’t even bother to call to say they wouldn’t be there. Look at that perfectly nice setup going to waste.
#23 More unwanted gifts for the public
Yes, we know your kid is amazing. However, we do not want to see his dirty diapers everywhere.
There is actually a way to listen to a show without forcing everyone else to listen to it too. The device was invented many, many decades ago. Most parents were alive after it was already popular and should know where it can be purchased.
#25 The path of destruction continues
This was in a thrift store. No good deed goes unpunished.
#26 Master of being inconsiderate
All the parents enjoy watching their kids through that door. This parent doesn’t see why anyone should have any joy in their life.
#27 Intentionally unaware
He’s hiding his face in his phone to pretend like he doesn’t see what the kids are doing. He’s the one who lifted them over the barrier. Awkward.
When you’re using your child’s disability as a way to jab at people, you may have reached a new low. What happened to lifting everyone up together?
If we could sum up inconsiderate parents with just one image, this would be it. Why does it always have to be a dirty diaper?
For some thoughtless parents, just leaving a dirty diaper behind isn’t enough. This one left a diaper in a bowl. That is not sanitary.
If you think bad parenting is limited to our species, you might be wrong. Even penguins have been known to get it wrong.
Most of these parents have been too lenient. This one might be going too far in the other direction.
The kids aren’t wearing any shoes, but at least dad has something on his feet. It’s almost an attempt at being a role model?
#34 No attempt made at all
They decided to get into a fight. Not a single thought was given about the kid.
The cute little yellow signs used to say, “baby on board.” They never said baby on floor. These parents are doing it entirely wrong.
When you put your kid into a sugar coma – and post it on the internet. We’re sure she’ll recover.
#37 Not what we want to see on the table we eat on
Moms can get creative when necessary. However, this was entirely unnecessary. All restaurants have restrooms.
#38 This could “bee” a problem
We don’t want to see what happens next. Thankfully, there are no more photos from that day.
#39 Sometimes it really is just exhaustion
While it would be hard to forgive major destruction of property, we can understand how some of these moments happen. Parenting isn’t always easy. Sometimes complete exhaustion sets in.
#40 And once in a while..
They actually get it right. Here’s to all the parents out there, even the ones who clearly need to go back to parenting school.
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Kids aren’t always well-behaved. That’s why parents are there – to step in and let them know when they need to shape up.
Well, that’s why parents are supposed to be there, anyway.
These parents seem to be making the situation worse. In some cases, they actually join in on the bad behavior – or even start it.
Are you ready to pull out your hair? You’ll either laugh or scream when you see these.