Special moments are meant to be captured. It feels good to be able to pull out that photo album and reflect on the special times you’ve had with your friends and family. Those are the kinds of things that money can’t buy however, with the right amount of creativity, they can be re created.
If you browse through the internet, you would be amazed at the amount of photo re-creations created from old photos that stretch through entire generations.
Take a look at these
Have you ever looked at the 45 most fascinating photo-re-creations from around the world. These photos will surely bring back back memories. Who knows, you may want to re-create some photos yourself!
Wow can you believe it’s been 90 years for these brothers? They must have so much wisdom and so many stories to tell. Here they are still alive and kicking.
Punk has always been a trend. The cool colors, the spiked hair, and the speaker bursting music is more than magnetic. This couple toned it down a bit, well a lot since their punk rock days.
Jean jackets were in then and there in now. The vintage stylings of this re-creation looks like it could have been an album cover. Jean jackets will never go out of style!
These two have definitely stood the test of times. The trees have grown and so did their love for each other. They’re still thriving and firmly planted just like the tree in the back.
They say dogs are a man’s best friend; just not sure how well they’ll hold up on a bike. Either way, their dogs made good companions and great accessories to both dad and son.
You’ve got to love graduation photos like these. Mom gradated with an infant in her arms and now that infant has turned into a beautiful graduate herself. The only difference is she might a bit heavy to hold now.
Wow, this is quite the resemblance! Their mustaches have even grown in the same. However, not certain how his Grandpa feels about the Raiders sweatshirt.
At 24 years apart, this man’s son is a spitting image of him. Same face, same uniform, same devotion to serving the country.
This baby looks like he was loving life! He is just as cheerful and loving then as he is now. The only thing that has changed is his age.
Mom has been taking her daughter to the same market for years and look at her baby girl now. Although it seems she’s grown out of that bag though.
This sweater has been passed down from child to child and still in good shape. You’ve got dad in the first photo in 1981, his son in the photo in 2017, and his daughter in 2020.
Here’s dad in the 70’s on his way to school and now here’s dad 50 years later possibly on his way to work. My how he has grown since then!
They’ve had a love for strings and a love for each other since 1975. This dedicated couple have been playing the violin for 45 years!
Now this son definitely mirrors his father. They are both 24 years old in the photo. Who would have known the son would grow up to be his father’s twin!
My how things have changed. Look at Tokyo then and look at it 73 years later! The large tree and the skyscrapers are certainly a nice touch.
These boys enjoy having a little fun in front of the camera and haven’t changed since. On the other hand, they’ve seem to have grown out of their uniforms.
What an adorable photo. The memory of kissing your baby girl at your own graduation and then planting one on her at her graduation, is priceless.
This photo re-creation is so spot on it looks like a copy and paste. The son is holding his newborn son just like his father was holding him.
This 3 year old is now a 26 year old and his mom is still looking good! It’s also very impressive that he was able to find a similar shirt.
For better or for worst this couple has held on to their vows. He may not be able to feed himself but thankfully, he still has his wife right by his side 51 years later.
What a perfect memory to share. Sitting in nature and the smoky background ties everything in perfectly. Their outfits also adds the perfect touch for the photo.
22. Wedding day re-creation
Here’s an impressive photo-recreation of a couple 60 years later in their same wedding outfits. It’s so inspiring to see that they’ve stood the test of time all these years.
It’s nice to see the grandson following in his grandfather’s footsteps 70 years later. It seems that strong genes and intelligence may run deep in this family.
What a touching photo. It’s always good to see a couple still in good spirits after so long. The bike is also super cool.
Woodstock is perhaps the most monumental rock event in U.S history. You’ve got people from all walks of life possibly meeting each other for the first time at this event. That’s the story behind this couple; they met at Woodstock and are still together till this day.
They went all out for this photo! Now towering over their mother, it’s wonderful to see that your kids can still be good sports and have a good sense of humor. The jumper is truly a great touch!
The crib is a place for protection. However, it can also be a place of fun and it seems these two are having a great time in this photo. They are having just as much fun now as they did then.
This father and son re-creation can easily be mistaken for the same person. The shirt is slightly different but everything from the physique and mustache is spot on. They even have the same smile!
From a baby bottle to a beer bottle these two definitely have grown up! They were close then and been clinging on ever since.
What a accurate recreation! This family of four pretty much got every detail right. One difference is the brother’s hair seemed to have switch places.
His Dad was holding him now he is a new dad holding his newborn son. There resemblance is undeniable and so is the Father and son love.
The classic brother and sister photo and here are the twins 26 years later. This re-creation is probably one of the most hilarious. Let’s just say they tried!
Here is dad carrying his son on his back and now his son who looks like he could almost carry him. It good to see that not much has changed except the backdrop and their age.
What a beautiful photo! From the flowers, their outfits, and most importantly their love for each other is just gorgeous. She is also is wearing the same dress!
It seems that surgical precision runs in the family. One is a heart surgeon and the other, a neonatologist. Hats off to you two fellas!
36. The cow and the cowboy
Now this photo is adorable. The cow and the cow boy are all grown up! They make great costumes as children and adults!
The mother and her daughter and her daughter with her baby girl in the same outfit. Polka dots are always a cute touch!
38. almost nothing has changed
Wow now the genes run strong in this family. The facial features and even the haircut is very similar. You definitely cannot deny this side-by-side comparison.
Looks like someone is super excited about his Christmas gift! But hey, who wouldn’t be excited about getting
Donkey Kong Country as a gift. He is smiling from ear to ear — it’s just his beard is overshadowing it a bit.
Dad holding his son and now his son holding is holding his. It’s cool to see his son looks like almost exactly he did when he was a youngster. This looks like a copy and paste except with more chest hair.
This is so lovely! Dad looks so comfy holding his baby boy but, not so sure how comfortable he is in the second photo. He is a big boy now!
Aviation has always been a part of this family. Dad is has been a pilot since she was a little girl and now his little girl is a part of the crew! She traded her pink shirt for a uniform.
Hugs anyone? The love and the hugs have not changed. We see that mom’s hair is the only thing that’s change but the love and hugs just keep on coming.
This family has close family ties and a love for lollipops. It’s wonderful to see them all together again. They should consider adding this one to the photo album as well.
Piggyback rides are the best! However, they are much more suited for kids than adults. Still, a very impressive re-creation.
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Special moments are meant to be captured. It feels good to be able to pull out that photo album and reflect on the special times you’ve had with your friends and family. Those are the kinds of things that money can’t buy however, with the right amount of creativity, they can be re created.
If you browse through the internet, you would be amazed at the amount of photo re-creations created from old photos that stretch through entire generations.
Take a look at these
Have you ever looked at the 45 most fascinating photo-re-creations from around the world. These photos will surely bring back back memories. Who knows, you may want to re-create some photos yourself!