Moms have one of the toughest jobs there is. So, it helps to have a sense of humor. Moms have to suffer endless housework, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and temper tantrums.
If you can’t laugh at it all, you’ll go crazy. And sometimes moms do. But that’s OK.
Because you can go crazy about it, as long as you laugh at it afterward. Laughter, after all, is the best medicine. And scrolling through funny mom memes is the best-tasting medicine there is.
Here are 50 hilarious mom memes that are so you as a mom:
Kids want to be independent. They come to a stage when they don’t want to old mommy’s hand anymore. This is what it looks like trying to get them to hold your hand during that stage.
A child thinks they are getting back at you when they threaten you with the cold shoulder. But it’s actually a gift.
4) Instagram Mom vs. Real Mom
On Instagram, moms put on a show and look perfect. But no one is perfect and Instagram isn’t real. The photo on the right is probably a much more accurate portrayal of a mom.
Making eye contact before bed is one way to ensure you’re kid won’t be falling asleep. They’ll get suspicious and want to stay up. They don’t want to miss any of the fun.
7) Personal Space
Personal space becomes non-existent when you have children. This is what it basically looks like. At all times.
8) Dried Rice Krispies
Only a parent could understand this struggle. Dried Rice Krispies aren’t easy to clean. You need to scrub, then toss in a dish washer.
Kids think that everything is amazing. They will call you from the other side of the house to show it to you. And you have to pretend it’s amazing even when it’s not.
These questions go hand-in-hand. This doctor didn’t even have to ask this question. It should have been obvious.
27) Where’s the Chocolate
Moms keep a lot of snacks in their house for the kids. And sometimes they eat those snacks. Then sometimes moms pretend to look for those snacks when like they didn’t eat those snacks.
This very accurately describes what it’s like being a parent to a toddler. You just get stood on the whole time. And you have to keep a straight face the whole time.
A day off from work in a magical thing. Well, it would be if the kids didn’t also have off. Imagine what a mom could get done on a day off without the kids?!
Moms are always too busy to talk. If you call them, they’ll tell you that they will call you back. If you’re lucky you’ll hear from them in less than 11 years.
Toddlers never finish anything. They take one or two bites and leave it. They’ll want more an hour later but they eat an untouched piece instead of finishing what they left.
Moms should NEVER cut their kids hair. Like never, ever ever. Unless your a licensed hair stylist. Or unless you want your kid to be bullied relentlessly.
Moms have crazy face as the end of the day. Much like Taylor Swift in this video. It only gets crazier when you start explaining your day to another adult.
Moms have one of the toughest jobs there is. So, it helps to have a sense of humor. Moms have to suffer endless housework, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and temper tantrums.
If you can’t laugh at it all, you’ll go crazy. And sometimes moms do. But that’s OK.
Because you can go crazy about it, as long as you laugh at it afterward. Laughter, after all, is the best medicine. And scrolling through funny mom memes is the best-tasting medicine there is.
Here are 50 hilarious mom memes that are so you as a mom: