Let’s admit it, telling someone “I told you so” is so satisfying, right? Especially when they have that doubtful look on their faces.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to prove yourself right in an argument, just to be sure to have hard-core evidence.
Sometimes, the only way you can prove that you are right is by presenting photos and other evidence types. That’s where these funny photographs come in.
These 52 people made sure that they were able to prove that they were right! Each story is hilarious, so we’re pretty sure you will have a hard time choosing your favorite.
1) “She can’t possibly win, so I won’t have to worry about carrying that huge thing around.
Well guess what! Sometimes kids can outwit, outsmart, and even surprise you.
2) “My friends said I couldn’t live in a storage unit…”
“Back in the late 90’s, I used to work for U-Haul. We had storage units with 24 hour access. There was a group of 3 guys who had an 8×10 unit with nothing in it but a bed, a battery operated radio/cd player, and a battery operated lantern. They swore that they used it when the picked up girls from the bar…..and the entry logs confirmed that they only accessed the room between midnight and 4 AM on the weekends….”
“Did they also keep an axe, shovel, and some lyme to complete the vibe they started there?”
3) “I didn’t believe my daughter when she said she couldn’t put her blocks away.”
“It took more time than it should have to realize that the cat wasn’t printed on the label.”
“Someone should let the cat out of the bag.”
4) “My wife showed me this picture after I told her that I’ve been working out. Don’t think she believes me.”
“Sure, tell her you wanted to work with weight’s, but after seeing that spider you decided to run a few kilometre.”
5) Korean students make raft out of potato chip bags to prove a point.
@Maria Ofar:
“And i bet the raft was still edible at the end. I should know, my toddler was beating on a packet of chips for about 10 minutes and most were still intact afterwards.”
“I found comparing the air to chips ratio in chips bags. The worst has 87%, the best 56% air. Lay’s is 3rd place 86%. Pringles has 66% of air, even though it’s in a can, and the excuse of protecting the chips doesn’t work there.”
6) “Almost 12 years ago my Dad caught a picture so rare that no one believed us when we told them. Today I finally found the picture to prove it…”
“People thought we had gone “nuts” when we “spoke” about it.”
“They said we had a screw loose.”
“That looks like the last frame of a thug life video.”
7) “After months of denial and many nights on the couch. I finally got the evidence to prove to my wife why she sleeps better than I do.”
“She has a whole lotta dog ass pointed at her face. Where I come from, this is very very bad.”
“Puppies never seem to realize that they grew up.”
“Tonight, put bacon under her pillow. Problem solved.”
8) Husband said “We don’t need a dog.”
@Carmen Devore-Blakestad:
“This is my hubby. Said we didn’t need a new pet. I went and rescued our deaf cat and now they’re best buddies. Hubby’s really a softy at heart.”
9) “I was arrested at a protest Wednesday. The trooper asked me what was in my pockets. He didn’t believe me.”
“Did not pass GO, did not collect $200.”
“I also had to pay a poor tax of $15.”
“I got hassled by the,cops one night and ran my mouth so they ended up patting me down. They asked what I had in my pockets. Without really thinking about it, I answered “crystal”. Immediately grab me and start roughing me up a bit. Empty my pockets and they find it. Quartz crystal. I always like to carry around a crystal or mineral for good luck. They seemed surprised and somewhat disappointed, had to let me go.”
10) “My wife was angry at me for buying such a huge cat tree for our blind cat…36 hours later…”
“… And now she’s stuck there.”
“Haha..the first time she got up there she jumped down. The second time, she whined until I got her down. She is slowing learning though. And I didn’t have to call the fire dept..”
11) “I didn’t believe my friend when she said her sister’s friend bought an ostrich, so we asked for pics…”
“Ostrichcised to the back seat.”
“I would rather drive cab in the ghetto than drive with one of those mean [bleep]ers sitting behind me.”
12) “The lengths I have gone to prove to my better half that I am not rubbish with tools.”
“What does she weigh that you need 4×4’s? And I’ll leave now.”
“Looks good, but if your other half is better than you (as you claim) then she would’ve done a better job and you should’ve let her do it.”
13) “Spent 30 mins looking through the trash for this packet to prove to my girl the corner wasn’t from a condom wrapper.”
“That’s what you [bleep]ing get for not tearing along the line.”
“I do wonder though. They have flavored condoms. I bet I could make a killing with chicken curry flavored condoms.”
14) “Local police department unlawfully entering unlocked vehicles to prove a point.”
“If you are in a bad area, it’s often best to leave it unlocked to keep your windows un-smashed. Just take your valuables first.”
“In certain parts of Canada, it’s illegal to lock you car as someone may need to use it to escape polar bears.”
15) He said he had a “bald man super power.” I didn’t believe him.
“I should try this. I have a Bluetooth speaker that has a suction cup that I stick to my head, but I’ve never tried a can.”
“I’ve done both. The speaker leaves little hickeys on my head though.”
16) “No one believes me, but my son did in fact hold his head up less than 5 minutes after being born.”
“You’re gonna eat lightnin’ and you’re gonna crap thunder!”
“Your wife could use some laser hair removal treatments. Cute little guy you’ve got there tho. Impressive neck muscles.”
17) “My boyfriend doesn’t believe that his cat bullies mine.”
“It’s probably because the other cat was making fun of his tail.”
“There can be only one!”
18) “4.5 Years After Being Told By A Team Of Doctors That I’d Probably Never Move Anything Below My Shoulders Again, I Finally Got To Take This Pic.”
“They grafted a wheelchair to your face?”
“They said they wanted to get me out of my wheelchair. They got my whole body out except for the arm.”

19) “Contractor gets in the cabinet he just built to prove its sturdiness.”
“Maybe this is where contractors disappear to in the middle of remodeling jobs. They’re actually vacationing inside one of the cabinets in your house.”
“I can’t figure out how he got in there. Did he lift himself up and go feet first. I wouldn’t even attempt and I’m skinny.”
20) “People think I’m terrible at cooking, so when I offered to help with Thanksgiving, my family said, “Just cut vegetables for the veggie tray.” Fine. I made this to prove my worth.”
“The vegetarians can finally get into the holiday spirit.”
“Every family has at least one person who won’t give a f*ck and go straight for the olives.”
“No wonder people think you’re bad at cooking. They asked for a veggie plate and you put turkey on it.”
21) “Told not just by my wife, but several people this idea would never work. Sold three books in two hours.”
“Well, the price is right!”
@Monika Soffronow:
“And the sales pitch is right-er”
22) “Fiancée said she needed an iPad for work purposes. Her fingerprints prove otherwise…”
“For those just getting into this game, ESCAPE WHILE YOU CAN.”
“This game is like virtual cocaine.”
23) “Uncle kept this 35 years because his mom told him he wouldn’t.”
“What the f*ck is that.”
“Stretched out Pepsi bottle with food colouring in water. Just an old school carnival prize!”
“As an expert in elongated 35 year old Pepsi bottles I’d say the market is rather overstretched at the moment.”
24) “My grandpa kept telling me that he had 8 “gal pals” at his senior home. I didn’t believe him until I saw this picture hanging up on his fridge.”
“The sad day when you wake up and realize your grandpa gets more action than you.”
“Gal pals with benefits. Pension benefits.”
25) “Before I left for work, my girlfriend said I was dressed like an old man. I didn’t believe her until this happened.”
“Maybe that old guy is thinking his wife told him he’s dressed like a nerd, and he didn’t believe her…Until now.”
“This is what happens when you just buy whatever the mannequin is wearing at JCrew.”
26) “Told my boss I couldn’t come to work as my neighborhood was on lock down. He didn’t believe me so I sent him this…”
“Awesome, now I have a photo I can use next time I want to bail on work. Thanks!”
“This is why I always have a picture of my car with a flat tire on my phone to send. Actually I have several, one for rainy-day pavement, one for dry, one for night…”
27) “Told my girlfriend it was impossible to stand a coin on its side.”
“Tell her you meant the other side.”
“You know, most people would just Google it or go on YouTube to prove you wrong, but your gf said no man, imma [bleep] on his existence.”
28) “My friends go to great lengths to prove me wrong. Apparently there really is a pole down there.”
“The 300 Club involves running around the pole in the picture while being naked.”
“That’s the 300 club?! If you excuse me, I have an apology to make to my local bowling alley.”
29) Wife told him to the floor doesn’t really need cleaning, and to just do half. Mission accomplished!
“Told the wife the floor was gross and needed cleaning. Told her I was willing to do it. She said we don’t need to. Clean half she said and let’s see the difference….mission accomplished. (We don’t have tiled floors).”
“He half-assed half-assing.”
30) Colorblind man solves Rubik’s Cube in 27 seconds!
“As a color blind man can confirm.”
“We all know you didn’t solve it, you just peeled off the stickers, didn’t you?!”
31) “It happened again! My girlfriend took this photo to prove that I dress like an old man…”
“That’s my 75 year-old dad’s outfit you’re wearing. To be fair, he has been wearing the same exact outfit since he was 25.”
32) “I ordered a waffle at Mel’s and said they couldn’t put enough whipping cream on it.”
“This is now it should be served. The whole damn can.”
“When I was a kid, whipped cream was served like it was caviar laced with gold–just a tiny dollop. Now I’m the adult and I make the rules.”
33) Officer, I’m so not drunk. I can prove it!
34) “Married for 62 years, but my grandpa will still pull out his road atlas to prove my grandma wrong.”
“Not married long enough, apparently. Even when you’re right, you’re wrong.”
“Married man chiming in… I don’t seem to be ‘right’ often enough. Opportunity has to be seized when it’s available.”
35) “My friend told me he was working security for the Dalai Lama. I didn’t believe him until he posted this on his Facebook.”
“Got your soul. Just kidding.”
“A Dalai Lama chin tickle earns you soooooo much karma, reincarnation-wise.”
“Am I the only one that sees it as the Dalai Lama holding an imaginary umbrella to shield him from spiritual rain? Very cool photo regardless.”
36) “I didn’t believe my roommate until I saw the report…”
The report reads:
“A man, 23, reported a suspect forcibly stole his sandwich out of his hands, and an altercation ensued in his attempt to recover the sandwich, during which time he was struck about the face multiple times by multiple suspects, causing minor scrapes, lacerations, contusions and bruising to his face. He also sustained similar injuries to his knuckles in defending himself, and was able to recover the sandwich.”
“Is google crime now a thing?”
“I really thought the story was going to end with the suspects turning out to be pigeons.”
37) “My SO always denies taking up space on the bed. So I took and edited a picture to prove it. This is for men everywhere.”
“If she doesn’t get a nightstand she can have a phone pillow.”
“Spoon the hell out of her until she retreats. Or fart, depending on dinner.”
38) “My grandmother didn’t think I could handle a fruit salad for a BBQ.”
“Suck on that, Nana! What you got now??”
“I remember once trying to do something like this with honeydew melon… total disaster. Apparently all those hours of playing Fruit Ninja don’t qualify you for a fruit carving degree.”
39) “Proving to the public that London’s double-decker buses are not a tipping hazard in 1933”
“The original study just seemed a little slanted.”
“It used to be (and maybe still is) part of the driver training program for DD drivers to go onto an oiled patch of asphalt and do doughnuts.”
40) Boyfriend “wins” – or so he thinks
“Girlfriend is always telling me my shirts are the same color. I had to prove her wrong.”
41) “CEO take a bullet to the crotch to prove his product works.”
“I don’t know if I’d be more nervous wearing the cup or pulling the trigger.”
“Wearing the cup for sure. I can shoot the nutsack off a squirrel from 200 yards away; trusting someone else to have as steady aim as me? no.”
“During deployment, we wore ballistic underwear and shrapnel-resistant diapers.”
42) Pakistani woman gave the bird to the boogyman.
But, instead of playing the victim, this Pakistani woman leaned into her strength and showed all her global sisters that overcoming those fears is what can lead you down the path to true freedom.
“Women in the Arab world struggle to feel free enough to travel alone. I am a 25-year-old girl from Pakistan, and I cycled from Muenster to Aachen, Germany to prove to every female around the world that there is no one stopping them from achieving their dreams.”
43) “My wife and I were just talking about how our son had never fell asleep in an odd place. I think he wanted to prove us wrong.”
“Remember this when he’s a teenager! Proving parents wrong is not so cute at 16!”
44) “Nobody ever believes me when I tell them my address.”
“Used to live in an apartment complex that was 12345. There were 15 buildings each with 3 floors. Apts were numbered BBFU (Bldg bldg floor unit). This means you could have had 12345 Streetname Ave, Apt 1234. Just glad it wasn’t in Schenectady. (Zip code 12345)”
45) “My wife said I couldn’t build a fence because I’m not “handy.” Well I showed her… how good she is at reverse psychology.”
“But there’s still no way you’re handy enough to build an addition on my house.”
“OH YEAH? I’ll come over on Monday, wiseguy.”
46) “I’ve been told I look like The Unabomber. Didn’t believe it until I found this book.”
“Oh God, I look just like a Redditor. – Ted Kaczynski”
“…Wow. Hard luck bro. At least you don’t look like Jim Jones! Now where’s my FlavorAid?”
47) Inventor of the first bulletproof vest went to extreme lengths to prove doubters wrong.
“Doesn’t getting shot through a bullet proof vest still feel something like getting hit with a hammer? How is the guy being shot at standing there so calmly?”
“He’s stabilized by a massive pair of testicles.”
48) “I never thought these photo shoots were real until my dad showed me his high school photos. Never been more happy to be proved wrong.”
49) When your boss asks for a note to prove you’re really sick…
“I guess i never realized how lucky I am at my job. I just tell my boss I’m not coming in and he asks me if I want to use a sick or personal day. It really sucks how much everyone is micromanaged now like little kids.”
50) They said he wasn’t Princeton material
“The instructors and other Marines at my separation transition classes said I was way out of my league applying to Princeton. I just found out that I proved them wrong.”
51) Big Mouth
In everything you claim, you need to have a way to prove it. Just like this professor right here. The theorem is that he has a big mouth, and guess what he did next?
At least, he was able to prove his point, right?
52) “Parents wanted to give me a desk, I said I didn’t want it because it was too small. They wanted to prove me wrong.”
Be careful what you say to your parents because they are one of the people who would love to prove you wrong. This, right here, is the perfect example.
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