Is there anyone better at making terrible puns and jokes than dads? I highly doubt it. The art of terribly corny jokes seems innate. Intrinsic, even. When fatherhood’s upon a man, it’s his sworn duty to join other fathers in unison, and make the absolutely most vapid jokes you can think of.
But the thing is, we never get tired of them, do we? Dad jokes have gone from unbearably corny, to actually appreciated. So here’s a whole collection of them for your viewing pleasure. Big disclaimer : you will almost definitely sigh and facepalm at most of these.
#1 This dad doesn’t have favorites
They say every parent has a favorite child, but this dad is adamant to prove that he doesn’t. While he’s probably just trying to make a child who feels left out a bit better, that’s still some pretty good parenting right there.
#2 No reason to go
Sometimes it’s just easier to ask mom for permission to go out. She may also have many questions to ask, but we’re pretty sure they aren’t as savage as dad’s.
#3 When they just use you for your knowledge
We go to our dads for knowledge. It only makes sense that now and then they might come to us for ours as well.
#4 Kidnapped at school
Props to this dad for such a genuinely well thought out joke. It might not have been the funniest, but we’re betting his kid’s day just got a little bit better after reading these texts.
MittRomneysPlatform via Reddit
#5 Getting there faster
Dads can get a bit impatient, especially when they reach a certain age, so it’s best not to make them wait. This father has definitely gotten to that point. It’s a good thing he seems pretty chill about it.
wc452 via Reddit
#6 Staying up to date
Now, this one’s just a tad bit too corny, but we have to give this dad props for well…using props to set the stage for his joke. We wonder what he texts his children whenever Apple releases a new iPhone…
KateNextDoor via Imgur
#7 A hilarious misunderstanding
With gender reveal parties and LGBT issues being talked about so frequently these days, we can’t say we blame this dad for getting things mixed up. It’s a good thing that one of his kids clarified to avoid further awkward exchanges at the party.
meghan_smith177 via Reddit
#8 The takeaway
Sometimes a dad’s humor is just so obscure that no one gets it, not even their kids. This is an example of that.
#9 Taking things literally
There’s no predicting when dad will crack out one of the jokes he’s been keeping for later. It can come up anytime, especially in the middle of seemingly normal texts like the one above.
#10 Creating his own slang
Is it really Thanksgiving if your dad doesn’t make at least one turkey joke? This one didn’t even wait for his kid to come home before reminding him of what being back home is like.
#11 Horses are cool
Emojis are always fun to use. They’re a great way to add humor to conversations and even express one’s feelings better via text. Although, we’re still trying to figure out what this dad may be trying to communicate with his constant use of the horse emoji.
Matt Butler via Instagram
#12 How Harry Potter really walks
While his joke may not be the most creative, we’re pretty amazed this dad even knows who Harry Potter is. We guess that’s what raising a Potterhead kid can do to parent.
@lawrenmehaffey via Twitter
#13 Seen it coming
This kid has most definitely gotten used to his father’s brand of humor and can see a joke coming from a mile away. That doesn’t deter his old man from making them. Not even a bit.
#14 Unsure about ‘Sure’
Everything can turn into a fun moment when dads are involved. Proof is in this hilarious exchange between father and son about something as simple as deodorant.
#15 When things don’t go as planned
Kids may think they can easily outsmart their parents when it comes to technology, but they’re still no match to dads and their savage one-liners. Case in point is this autocorrect prank that backfired in the most amusing way.
#16 Proud dad
Dads are typically laxer compared to moms when it comes to disciplining kids. While this is certainly epic, we’re pretty sure this kid’s mom won’t be too pleased to hear about what they did and how their dad reacted proudly to it.
Bored Panda
#17 Taking care of the family
Sometimes dads sound a whole lot more like teens than teens do. This might be one of those times.
#18 Death by moth
This is probably one of the funniest dad jokes we’ve encountered so far. There’s just something absolutely hilarious about the contrast between the seriousness of the kid’s texts and the deadpan humor of their father.
Meme Center
#19 Master of acronyms
When dads learn Internet slang, they get serious about it…really serious. The proof is this father’s surprising knowledge of this rather obscure meme/acronym. No wonder his kid is totally impressed.
Bored Panda
#20 When dad’s a police officer
This dad has probably seen some serious stuff at work being a police officer, and he’s developed a dark brand of humor. It seems like it’s rubbed off on his kid, too.
Bored Panda
#21 Classic “When I was your age”
This dad may be at the ripe age of fifty, but he’s still in the know about how kids these days talk. In fact, he would’ve passed as a young man had he not made the mistake of calling it back to the good old days of “wrappin.”
#22 A witty reminder
Dads can be some of the most generous people, and this one surely won’t let his kid forget about that. You have to give him props, though, for inserting such a witty reminder in just the span of two texts.
#23 Good Advice
Sometimes you need good advice from dad. Sometimes what you get is a movie reference.
#24 Not in a meeting
The funniest thing about this text convo is how the dad doesn’t seem to be aware that he just butt texted his kid the same message about eight times before replying.
#25 Keeping things secret from mom
Kids sometimes forget that their parents were young once. And chances are high that, despite the generation gap, they both enjoy the same ‘recreational’ stuff.
pepaa via Imgur
#26 Getting the kids confused
Having multiple kids, parents can sometimes get siblings’ names mixed up with each other. And this is the text equivalent of your dad mistakenly calling you by your brother or sister’s name.
![wrong kid](
![wrong kid](
pepaa via Imgur
#27 Darn auto-correct
A father and son bond is different from a mother and daughter bond. While some may see this exchange as rude, it’s actually how a lot of dads express their happiness for their sons.
UbenDaBear via Imgur
#28 Trouble with Siri
Hilarity always ensues whenever a parent is introduced to new technology. Proof is this dad’s struggles with Siri and texting. Hopefully, he’ll eventually get the hang of things.
logic via Imgur
#29 The big leek
Receiving the first text, this kid probably thought he’d be in big trouble. Fortunately, he was able to breathe a big sigh of relief after realizing that it was just a classic dad joke.
#30 Creating his own slang
Who says all older people are completely out of the loop? Some of them can even be more advanced when it comes to slang than the younger generation, as proven by this dad and his invention of the word “pelfie.”
#31 Just a concerned dad
The photo’s original poster shares that this was how her and her dad’s texts would go after she first started going to college. Now, if that isn’t an awww-inducing story we don’t know what is.
sprighetti via Imgur
#32 Just a random thought
We bet mom had a hand in stopping this dad from actually naming their kid ‘Jadaveius’. And he or she is definitely thankful about that. Still, that doesn’t stop dad from reminding them.
Breadboy70 via Imgur
#33 Doing just fine
Here’s a hilarious reminder not to worry too much about dad. He can definitely take care of himself just fine…as long as he’s got access to your savings account.
bananakid via Imgur
#34 Most supporting dad award goes to…
Say what you will, but dads and their humor can make light of any situation. This dad’s humor probably made his kid feel just a little bit better about whatever event they were nervous about.
#35 When he just can’t admit it
Dads can be softies, but that doesn’t always mean they can admit to being softies. That’s okay. We know this one is.
deadinside222 via Reddit
#36 Wait until mom hears about this
Isn’t it funny how both dads and their kids can use mom as a threat to each other? This kid has certainly found this useful realization and puts it to good use.
pepaa via Imgur
#37 How dads roll
Imagine getting this random text from your dad while you’re at work and thinking “WTF?” We guess dads just have to dish out the jokes whenever the inspiration strikes them.
AegonTheConqueror via Imgur
#38 Dad is jiggy with that
Simply judging from these texts, we bet this dad is one chill dude. His slang might be a bit dated but he’s still cool in our books.
AegonTheConqueror via Imgur
#39 Ruining the family name
While moms are known for being more encouraging when it comes to their kids’ study habits, dads serve as a balancing force when it comes to parenting it seems. This one definitely is on the polar opposite of most parents.
#40 The look of disappointment
For better or for worse, parents have discovered how to send pictures via text messaging and they are definitely using it to their advantage. We can’t blame them though, sometimes emojis just can’t convey the same emotions.
#41 It’s the thought that counts
We wonder how long it took this dad to realize his hilarious mistake. Still, he deserves some points for simply being concerned about his kid.
#42 Terms of endearment
There’s no doubt that all parents love their kids. Some couples just have unconventional terms of endearment they use for their children…behind their back.
#43 Ed Sharon is the best
Clearly, Siri needs to get her stuff together so this dad can correctly express his love for Ed Sheeran. We’re not sure though why he thought liking the singer would make him gay.
Stonefruitlove via Imgur
#44 MarriageGoals
Now, this is some joke-ception. And we have to say, being this comfortable with your significant other is a serious #marriagegoal right there.
Stonefruitlove via Imgur
Getting the hang of texting on smartphones can be difficult for some. A great example is this dad who hasn’t quite figured out how to type in all caps yet. Good thing his kid is there to help him out.
![cap lock](
![cap lock](
#46 Sailing through the rough waters of Facebook
As the younger people migrate off Facebook for Twitter and Instagram, their parents are slowly dominating Facebook. Some of them need some help navigating the site, though, as evidenced by this dad.
mishmosh__ via Reddit
#47 Tough love
Sometimes dads declare opposite days without telling their kids. They need to maintain that strong, manly image, you see? Hopefully, Amy sees through this and gets her dad’s real message.
#48Just a regular straight guy
As they say, adults are just kids with money. This dad is certainly proof of it. We bet he and his teenage sons get along really well.
#49 When they know what you’re going to ask
He might be playing mind reader a little bit too much. Or maybe not. We’re not going to judge.
@jennabelsome via Twitter
#50 Good news and bad news
We have to give props for this kid’s excellent way of delivering bad news to his pops. We bet there were a million thoughts already running through his dad’s head after reading the first text.
Bored Panda
#51 Dropping subtle hints
It seems like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. The use of subtle hints to ask for money is definitely smart but not wise to use on the person from whom they probably learned the trick.
Bored Panda
#52 Hopes crushed
Now, this one has got to hurt. This kid’s dreams of owning a new phone just got crushed by their own dad. Worse, their sister is the one who is getting what they wanted.
Bored Panda
#53 They still need you
Even if the kids grow up, that doesn’t mean dad doesn’t need them just as much as they used to need him. Sometimes it’s just to get “unhacked.”
fightms via Reddit
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Source: Bored Panda, Flickr/Tony Alter