Parenting is not easy. We all have the same struggles, but few people will talk about them in fear that they will be looked at as a bad parent. These parents are just like everyone else, taking it day by day and these are the results.
1) There’s A Story Here
There’s a major story behind this photo. The photographer was taking a photo of her boyfriend. But what she caught was a family tragedy in the making. There seems to have been a misunderstanding.

2) The Laptop Is Okay
This mom is right. This is what happens when you are making sure your laptop is safe and your kid is safe. One of them is going to be forgotten and fall to its doom. Which one would you let fall?
3) She Didn’t Dress Herself
This baby isn’t old enough to dress herself so we can only blame the parents for this little fiasco. The poor thing didn’t suffer, but she will look back on this photo with a smile on her face.

4) That’s A Dirty Hose
This is a tragedy. Every parent has had moments like these and they will stick in your memories forever. This one is extra appalling! That hose is quite disgusting and is working even harder now that he’s in the tank.

5) He Isn’t Wrong
This kid may be a smartmouth, but he isn’t wrong. Moms wouldn’t be moms without their kids and at least this kid knows it. It can make a mom feel a little shamed when they get notes like this, but it’s all in good fun.

6) She Needed A Mask
Taking care of your skin is important. This sweet girl thought that her diaper cream was a great face mask, hair mask, hand mask, and just about everything else. She doesn’t even look ashamed.

7) Baby Never Makes You Choose
Kids sometimes make you choose between them and your hobbies. Unless you raise them right. Then you can take part in both, as long as you are safe about it. Before long, they will be playing together.
8) Living On Two Hours Of Sleep
These parents were so tired that they fell asleep on their walk. It’s hard to stay awake during the day sometimes because babies keep you up all night. So we can’t hold this little nap against them.

9) It Does Look Like Her
I love these kids! Her daughter thought that this stock photo in this frame was her, and I do understand that. They look very much alike. Bonus: That’s her son kissing the mirror in the background.

10) Best Friends?
This family went to the zoo and were quite surprised when a lemur jumped onto their daughter’s head. Thankfully, the only ones who freaked out were the older kids. This baby could sleep through anything.

11) That’s A Long Time
This mom had her kids disable her iPhone for 45 years. How does that work? That was a lot of tries! It looks like she’s making a trip to Apple because she can’t call them by any means.

12) Whatever Works
I mean, this isn’t the worst thing I’ve seen. They may be eating fries off of him but at least he’s sleeping happily. As long as they don’t change him on the table then I think that we’re good.

13) We Just Found A Clue
This kid may be applying now but he will surely be sent to timeout when he wakes up. You can make a mess on the floor, but when you get to the walls, parents tend to get upset and with good reason.

14) Still Not Old Enough
A few years before this photo was taken, this mom got her kids fruit-scented markers. They drew on their own faces with them and she put them away for a few years. Well, when she gave them back, it turns out they are still not old enough.
15) Share With Everyone
This kid is feeding his stuffed dog goldfish crackers while his real dog watches, licking his lips. I think the kid may be taunting the dog, or maybe he thinks the dog wants to watch his pupper eat.

16) We’ve All Forgotten A Sock
Leaving your kid with only one sock on can be tough. But we’ve all had to for one reason or another. What really gets you is when the kid “forgets” to wear two socks on his own and is okay with that.
17) Oopsie Daisy
This happens. As long as you’re not swinging the kid around by her arms then you’re not really at fault here. Kids slip sometimes and their faces indicate that they are both worried and shocked.

18) Kids Aren’t Fit For Eating Out
Some restaurants are trying to ban kids and here is why. Kids want to go to McDonald’s. When you take them somewhere else, they end up playing a lot more than eating. These parents figured that out the hard way.

19) Babies Can Tan
This mom let her baby fall asleep on her after her spray tan! Now the baby’s face is darker and uneven on one side. This is one of those times that you hope you don’t have a doctor’s appointment soon.
20) He’s Immortal
This kid is immortal and everyone knows it. Most people can’t step on a lego without going insane. This kid is taking a nap on one which is worse than the bed of nails daredevils use to impress us.

21) Does It Work Better?
I do wonder if this kid has figured it all out. She’s using all of the straws! Her eyes say yes but her strategy says, “try again tomorrow,” but which one is the most telling? Maybe the look in her dad’s eyes.

22) Even Hello Kitty Underwear
This is embarrassing for everyone. This dad was meeting his wife at school for a parent-teacher meeting and didn’t notice that his daughter took her skirt off at home. Now she’s in tights and undies.
23) It’s Still Good
We tell our kids not to cry over spilt milk but this kid took it to another level. He didn’t cry, he improvised, adapted, and overcame. He figured it out. There’s like a five second rule and he is taking advantage.

24) Another Face Of A Future Villain
She’s concentrating so hard on making a mess! This is what happens whenyou give bathtoys that paint. They never use them inside the bath, they always get out. Her face is priceless though.

25) Pretty, Pretty Toilet
This kid thought it would be fun to decorate the toilet a bit. Spruce things up, you know. She did an excellent job and will probably be an interior designer one day. Until then, she will decorate the bathroom.

26) Your Bath Awaits
This kid tried to run his mom a nice bubble bath and he kind of nailed it. Now he just needs to get her enough chocolate to match the bubbles and he’s already an amazing husband in training.

27) Two Seconds
It only takes five seconds for a toddler to cause a castrophe. This kid was left alone for two seconds and this is what she did with her time. I mean, the paint could have been left at a better spot.

28) Don’t Watch Me
This kid has been potty training and this is how he was found. Do you think that the blanket is blocking his pathway and there’s a huge mess or if he’s actually doing it right and cleared the way?

29) The Best Big Sister
The best siblings aren’t the ones that give their full attention. But the ones that figure out the best way to have it all. She is a natural born mother and an amazing multitasker. But isn’t that all motherhood is?

30) Did You See His Sweater?
This mom sent her kid to school with a Christmas sweater on. She didn’t realize what it was until his teacher told her when she picked him up from school. Yes, she was a little embarrassed.

31) Pretend She’s Not There
I wonder how she even fit behind there. It’s not sanitary, but it is pretty cute, despite giving you a heart attack when you look in the mirror and see her peek out. I’d do my business later.

32) Water Is Water
That’s what this kid believes. His sister is taking a bath in the bathtub hut he is sure that the toilet is just as good. A little cold but nothing he can’t handle. And his sister is totally oblivious.

33) That Look Says It All
That is a look of no regrets. He knows what he did and he still thinks it’s funny even after he was caught. Is that a good sign or a bad sign? Does it mean he’s innocent or a villain? These are the questions we ask ourselves.

34) They Don’t Have A Cat
This kid was making strange noises in this caddy and sounded like a cat. The thing is, they don’t have a cat. Where did he learn to make those sounds and why is he laying there for so long?

35) She Made A Mistake
This mom was spitting sunflower seed shells out of her window on the way home. Turns out, they were finding their way back in the back window and hitting her daughter in the face. Yet, the kid still sleeps.

36) She’s Fighting The Bad Guys
This girl is one tough cookie. She’s armed and dangerous, and isn’t afraid to get dirty. Look at how fierce she is in her tutu! She’s already a force to be reckoned with, pretty soon, she will be unstoppable.

37) Let Him Explain
Just wait a second, because this kid has the perfect explanation. Hear him out. He knows he wasn’t supposed to get the flour and play in it, but if you’d just listen you’d agree with him.

38) He Washed His Hands
I’m impressed that this kid is washing his hands but I wonder how this happened. How did he climb up to do so if this is where he got stuck? He must be an expert climber and those cabinets are probably abused.

39) Cool Tricks, Cool Tricks
This kid and his cat have a weird relationship. They probably fight over who mom loves most and who is the prettiest. But other than that, they enjoy showing her all of their coolest tricks.

40) Caught Orange-Handed
This kid was up at 3am eating junk food and watching cartoons. He didn’t think his parents would find him and he was shocked when they did. The kid knows how to live it up with the cereal and chips.

41) He Saw It Differently
For some reason, most dads can’t visualize what is going to happen when they do something with their kids. I’m pretty sure her mom would not have done this. But at least there’s a safe place to land.

42) Anyone Else Nervous?
I’m guessing nothing bad happened because this photo was indeed posted. People don’t post photos of their kids’ injuries like this. But still, the picture makes me nervous for all kids involved.
43) She’s A Good Hider
This kid is the best hider in the house. She loves playing hide-and-seek with the big kids and always has the best hiding places. If you can’t see them, they can’t see you, that’s the rule of the game.

44) Farewell, Brother
This is what her daughter picked out to see her son off to school. She dressed as Peppa Pig, complete with decked out glasses and a Minnie Mouse coffee mug. Do you think she drinks expresso?

45) He Thought They Said Elvis
The kids were told to dress as “elves” for their Christmas program and he thought they said “Elvis” so he told his mom he needed an Elvis costume. I think there was a misunderstanding.

46) She Needed A Nap
This toddler needed a nap real bad. She was playing with chalk and she drew a pillow so she could lay down and go to sleep. That’s smart and someone has been watching too much Blue’s Clues.

47) Nine Hour Flight
What makes a nine-hour flight more painful than it has to be? Kids. Taking kids on a long trip is torture. Even the small things like getting a drink of water becomes a struggle. Oh, dear, should have asked grandma to keep them.
48) That’s A Bubble Bath
This is why kids shouldn’t be in control of anything. Let them give themselves a bath and they go overboard. It leaves you a mess and with bubble bath to buy. It does look like a lot of fun though.

49) She Likes To Sleep
This kid is going places. She loves to make beds in random places. This time, it was a bin from the store that she cuddled up in. Anyone else remember sleeping in the cart like this? Good times.

50) The Kid Knows How To Have A Good Time
While most eight-year-olds build fire trucks and water parks, this kid is building a saloon. He dressed it up and made it fancy. He even flipped the glass upside down to make a boddle. Now that’s smart.

51) A Sandy Disaster
This is something you can’t stop from happening. Babies and toddlers will fall, it’s our job to make sure those places that they fall are relatively harmless. Letting them fall in the sand rather than the concrete is the thing to do.
52) Don’t Make Indoor Sandboxes
I’ve never understood kids that made indoor sandboxes. It’s just asking for a mess in the kitchen. If you like messes and the drama, then go for it. If not, let’s stick to racetracks and toy animals.

53) Her Favorite Exhibit
This family went to a Van Gogh exhibition and she quickly made his work her own with Snapchat. Now she can tell all of her friends about the cool art she saw, though it won’t be how they remembered Van Gogh.

54) We Know Why She Hasn’t Stopped Him
There will be times in your life when you’re so surprised at what your kid is doing that you can’t stop them for a minute. Her hand is on her forehead with this one and it’s not surprising.

55) He Does It All
This guy can do everything. He’s holding his resting kid while entertaining the kid with a fidget spinner and himself with a sport’s game. At least he’s not neglecting the kid even though the kid probably begged for Nickelodeon.
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