Kids see the world in a whole different way – and sometimes that perspective is just what we need.
In a 2015 piece by talk show host Dr. Phil, he addresses just what kids do and don’t know when it comes to parents having relationship issues. And his proof that young ones are a lot more aware than their parents give them credit for has now been viewed over 2.6 million times.

“Do you really think kids don’t know what’s going on between you and your spouse?” he asks.
He points out that they can hear and understand what’s said as well as the tone in which parents say it.
“They even notice when you set your coffee cup down with a little extra bang in the morning,” he insists.
Dr. Phil then introduces his audience to 6-year-old Tiana, who is about to change people’s minds about just how much kids know when it comes to their parents’ state of mind.
Tiana has her own YouTube channel called Tiana Smile Club and this girl is wise beyond her years!
In her first video, viewed by over 8.7 million people, she addresses her mom, who has clearly asked her for some advice about getting along with Tiana’s dad, from whom she is divorced.
“Mom, are you ready to be his friend?,” she asks her mother.

Tough question!
Tiana wants everyone to come back to Earth and not assume they can hold their own behavior on a pedestal. She wants calm and stability between her parents and she’s not afraid to ask for it.
“I’m not trying to be mean,” she says as she wisely counsels her mother.

There’s a lot of emotion behind her voice – normally we would assume that something so mature coming from the mouth of a 6-year-old would be rehearsed, but this seems genuine. And it’s both cute and sad. Sad, in part, because a kindergartener understands friendship better than most adults (then again, they don’t have quite the same baggage we do).
Tiana points out that her parents might take a page from her book in terms of being “nice.”
“If I am being nice, I think all of us can be nice too,” Tiana insists.
She’s quite the little therapist as she stresses that she’s trying to do her best in this difficult situation and that, quite frankly, she expects the same of her parents.

While their marriage might not have worked out, they certainly managed to raise quite the little spitfire!
Of course, at 6, it’s easy to assume that deep issues can be cured with a smile. And maybe some things can – we can all certainly strive to smile and be friendly in front of children. But, luckily, Tiana is years away from knowing the kind of drama that leads people to resent one another – sometimes legitimately!
Nevertheless, she believes in her parents, telling her mom “I think you can do it” when it comes to keeping on a smile around her dad. She’s going to make quite the motivational speaker someday!

As we pan back to Dr. Phil, he’s clearly made his point that kids are a lot savvier than we give them credit for. That’s why he introduces 2 rules when it comes to children. And no matter what you think of the talk show host, these really are important:
- Do not burden them with situations they can’t control.
- Do not ask them to deal with adult issues.

Can you imagine all the childhood trauma we could avoid if adults could get their acts together and keep their children out of the middle of their relationship drama?
Be sure to scroll down to see this little girl’s words of wisdom and Dr. Phil’s take on them.
Or click here to watch Tiana’s video in its entirety.
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