7-month-old twins have sweetest reaction when they realize daddy’s home
This is the best welcome home!
Sasha Alonzo

Have you ever found yourself at work, yearning to be with your little ones?

This is a common sentiment, particularly when you first return to work after welcoming them into the world.

But guess what?

Your babies miss you too!

Maritza Van Cott shares a heartwarming glimpse into how her twin daughters, Anabel and Lydia, long for their dad when he’s away.

At just seven months old in the video, they seem unperturbed by his absence, as they’re busy discovering the world around them.

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

Interestingly, it’s not clear if they even realize they’re missing him.

They’re just babies, after all, piecing together their surroundings bit by bit.

Then, a sound at the door captures their attention.

Their adorable, inquisitive faces light up in anticipation.

They brace themselves for the anticipation of who is about to walk in from the door.

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

Babies, especially in their early stages, have a fascinating and unique view of the world.

Despite their ability to hear, see, and smell, they lack the context to fully comprehend what they’re experiencing.

However, they do possess an innate ability to recognize familiar faces and show a preference for certain people.

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

The moment their dad walks through the door, their reactions are priceless.

Their expressions are not only adorable but also comically different.

One twin looks at him as if he’s just walked in with a bag of candy, while the other gazes at him with awe, as if he’s an angel.

There’s no denying that they’re excited to see their dad though.

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

Once they recognize their dad, their faces light up with joy.

Imagine being greeted by such a scene of smiling, laughing, and dancing babies.

It would surely be a treat!

It’s almost impossible to not allow the baby’s joy to consume you.

What’s even more heartwarming is that they’re so thrilled because it’s YOU who’s just walked in!

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

Their dad’s reaction is equally touching.

The smile radiating from his face shows the love that binds this family together.

Even today, their smiles continue to light up their faces.

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

It’s evident they’re daddy’s girls just by the way they light up upon seeing him.

While we might wish for more dancing babies in the world, the internet is thankfully filled with countless videos of them.

There’s just something so pure about a baby’s joy.

Just look at those giant grins?!

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

Dancing seems to be an instinctive response in babies.

They dance when they’re excited and even respond to music at a very early age.

In fact, babies find music and dancing more engaging than speech.

As Marcel Zentner puts it, “We […] found that the better the children were able to synchronize their movements with the music, the more they smiled.”

Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube
Maritza and the VanCuties - YouTube

These twins might have dancing in their blood, given that their dad is a musician.

He’s been nurturing their musical talents by helping them write and play songs.

It’s clear that music runs deep in this family.

Not only will these girls have an unbreakable bond with each other but it’s evident that they’ll have it through the love of their family too.

They’re extremely lucky!

To witness this adorable interaction for yourself, you can watch the video below.

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