Children can be very creative and imaginative when it comes to jokes and pranks. They can even possess a very good sense of humor that can often surprise us.
What is even better is that whenever they do joke, you can see innocence and honesty characterizing their jokes.
Had you been the same when you were a kid? Do you remember the pranks you used to pull on your friends and family? Did they find them hilarious and even praise you for your wittiness?
Well, if you don’t remember click away and see here 73 occasions that children’s’ pranks brought us memories from our own childhood!
1. Checklist
This girl is making sure that all strangers know that she is watching! She has brought her checklist of unknown requirements and checks people off only for herself. She is a little girl that already knows how to keep everyone on their toes, what a leader!
2. What You Asked For
This sister needs her siblings to be specific in the gift requests. As they say, be careful what you wish for! This sibling asked for whatever and basically got whatever, with the reminder attached as to why. Amazing!
3. Rotten Milk
One little brother needed the rest of his family to know that the milk had gone bad. He did not throw away the bad milk, just wanted to inform everyone before they opened the refrigerator door. At least he gave them all a needed heads up!
4. Fake Tears
This cute little girl has already learned the trick to getting her way, fake tears! Whenever her dad came close to her nails with those scissors, she started the tears! Her adorable laugh shows that she knows exactly what she is doing!
5. Pizza Order
Hospital food is not tasty to anyone! This child tried his hardest to never eat that hospital food again, that he asked for the help of strangers! We are hoping his or her plan worked. Smart kid!
6. Safety First
This little brother wants his older sibling to know exactly how he feels, fear of his life! This jokester did not trust his sibling driving him at all and made sure that it was clear. The seatbelt invention that he created would keep him extra safe!
7. Dead
When the parent of this child would come around the car to get him out, he plays fake dead every time! Finally, she took a picture to always remember this stage in her son’s life. We are glad she did because time did not make this joke less funny!
8. How Long?
This kid has been waiting ages for his gift!
“My Boyfriend Told My Little Cousin That He’d Get Him A Turtle From New York City When He Goes For Work. Today My Cousin Sent Me This Picture With A Text Saying “I Have Been Patiently Waiting For The Turtle”
9. Literal Brown-e’s
This daughter decided to give the gift of humor to her father for Father’s Day. He was hoping for some delicious brownies, but she decided to try out a new recipe! They do not look as tasty but they are funnier.
10. Picture Day
This son had a vision for his school picture day! His mother only allowed him to wear this sweater if he took it off for picture day, instead of taking it off he put the hood up for the picture. He might have broken a promise to his mother but years from now it will be a story to remember!
11. Self Portrait
This little girl knows her brother completely. If she had tried to take a selfie, he would have photobombed! So, when she drew her self-portrait she included the truth, her brother!
12. Power Move
This eight year old wants to be seen as the most powerful kid at lunchtime! So, he makes sure all his fellow students think he is the strongest one there by eating the hottest peppers! If only they knew the peppers were sweet. What a power move by this eight year old!
13. One of the Guys
This cutie pie just wanted to fit in and be one of the guys! So, she made sure that she was just like them in Roma! What a way to blend in, she almost could pull off being the sixth one.
14. Toilet Paper Apocalypse
This clever ten year old needed the next bathroom guest now exactly what is about to happen in the future. Hopefully they only meant for the toilet paper and not for the bathroom visitor! Good luck in that bathroom.
15. The Favorite
This little girl knows she is the favorite child because she is the funniest! She even was able to leave that card unsigned because her mom will know exactly which child wrote it. That is the bonus about being “the favorite.”
16. Sneaky
One thing is true about this next generation, their phone addiction is just as bad as the adults! When this son was told he had to leave his phone downstairs at nighttime, he tried to abide by the rule to the best of his ability! Wonder how long it took his parents to realize how sneaky there son is.
17. Carrot Birth?
For decades certain siblings have always teased each other that the other sibling was adopted. This can end in tears for the sibling that believes it, but this brother took a new approach. He teases his little sister with a new chalkboard drawing every morning, but this one was extra strange!
18. Doll Face
Little girls have to hear, all the time, “you look just like a doll!” So this little girl went to the extreme to show how creepy it would be if she did have the face of a doll. This is one face swap that went awry! She looks cute on that doll but an actual doll face on a little girl is an entirely different story.
19. Chores
One of the worst things about being a child is doing chores, so do not tell them what adult life is like! This young girl was told to put her clothes upstairs. So, she did exactly as she was told! Impressive humor!
20. Caption Contest
After reading the caption’s created by this 9 year old girl, The New Yorker should include kid captions into the contest! Alice’s quick and simple humor can compete with any adults responses. You deserve the winning caption Alice!
21.Stone Cold
This little girl refuses to smile for any family photo! She starts with a smile and right at the last second goes stone cold! When they look back at their family photo albums during this stage, it will sure bring laughs, even though her parents were probably not laughing at the time. Also, can we talk about her perfect side eye? Talent!
22. His Angel
Once this 13 year old son learned about photoshop, it was game over! He wanted their his family to know who he thought his angel was. The one and only Steve Buscemi! He was not lying either, Steve Buscemi is an angel. Ha!
23. Career Calling
Shopping with children is always an experience, good and bad. Shopping with this little girl tends to be more on the hilarious side. She sure does make a great headless mannequin impression!
24. Googly Eyes
Children will always believe that googly eyes will make anything more funnier. This five year old was right in her case! She added some googly eyes to her aunt’s tattoos and got a great laugh out of it. She even had different sizes for each tattoo. What a great aunt to let her niece mess with her tattoos for a laugh!
25. Needed Humor
When this four year old girl was diagnosed with cancer, she decided to never lose her humor during her treatments! She made sure that her parents sent this funny picture to her uncle while she was at the hospital! What an inspiring little girl to keep her sense of humor.
26. Uncle Nemesis
Nine year old Abigail had not received a letter from her Uncle in awhile, so she sent one to him. Abigail’s humor starts from the very first line by referring to her uncle as Uncle Nemesis. It lasted all the way through, down to the P.S.! She is not only funny but pretty clever as well. We are glad to hear she is doing fabulous, she deserves to be!
27. Mother’s Day
It is true that a mother could not celebrate a Mother’s Day without having children. This daughter wanted to make sure her mother knew exactly that. Her Mother’s Day card was solely about herself!
28. Six-Year-Old Surprise
This six year old could not wait for his prank to unfold.
“My 6 yr old son had been asking me over and over, “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” and I just found out why.”
29. Vote For Owen
Owen deserves to win just because of his signs! This smart kid made sure to make signs that no kid could deny. Owen for Speaker! Smart kid.
30. New Day, New Name
She looks so very sweet and innocent, but do not let that fool you! This little girl has a quick sense of humor that would surprise anyone coming from such an angelic face. She might know this, which makes it even better!
31. Hidden Humor
This seven year old girl was not even trying to be funny for anyone, only for herself! When she was given a jewelry kit, she created a bracelet that would make her giggle every time she looked at it! Or she might have just been giving herself permission to do what she wanted. Either way, amazing bracelet!
32. New Superhero
This three year old boy created an entirely new superhero! All he had to do was take a couple letters out of Spiderman!
“My 3 year-old nephew made this and called him pie-derman.”
33. Dog-Man
This niece made sure to ask for permission before dawning some clothing items and accessory on this dog! Once she did though, even her uncle appreciated how funny it was. This boxer has a dog face and a new face from its tail, genius.
34. The Flash
This little boy might turn into a method actor! Once he was in character for Halloween, as the Flash, he had to stay in character. There was no staying still for pictures because he was Flash, even while photobombing his sister’s photo.
35. Watch Out
If you were the aunt to this child I might be a bit concerned! This child’s drawing was hung up at a children’s hospital. It was probably the only one of its kind, but it was funny enough for strangers to take its picture and share!
36. Speaking Truth
A family tradition in this family is for the children to create a new inspirational quote for each new day. This son took an old saying and made it his own and created it to be very truthful. Hopefully he has not tested out his theory!
37. Sike!
This little boy was able to fool this soccer player for a high five! The soccer player was not going to let him get away that easy though. What a cute exchange!
38. Selfie Take Over
When his older sister falls asleep, this little jokester steals her laptop for some selfie time! Those pictures are priceless! He probably gets his ideas from his unknowingly older sister’s selfie photoshoots.
39. Apple Attention
This legend of a kid made sure that every apple device had his face on it! He wanted all the attention of strangers, but instead of a happy face he made only silly faces. Someone should have saved his photo because he might be a famous comedian one day.
40. Cem’s First Book
Twelve year old Cem decided to write a relationship advice book for men. He only had one sentence of help but many men will relate. He turned this into school as a project, he deserves an A!
41. Grossed Out
Their daughter was so grossed out by her parents kissing, she wanted it to saved in a photograph forever. She must be used to their kissing to have such a quick and grossed out response. Her dad probably wants to her to keep that reaction to kissing forever!
42. Toilet Training Award
This sibling wanted to give their younger sibling an actual award for their progress in potty training!
“So the 2 year old is potty training and this is what the 10 year old comes up with. “It’s a trophy for when he is all trained.”
43. Simple Humor
Sometimes the most obvious humor is the funniest. This little girl only had to be one word on her door to make an easy joke. Harry Potter fans unite for this little girl’s humor!
44. New Earrings
This younger cousin was not afraid about a little pain to make a joke! Talk about dedication, he is committed to his craft. We have to wonder how long that lizard stayed on as his “new earring.”
45. Revenger
When this child was grounded and ordered to do chores, they made sure to exact revenge on their father during the power washing of the family deck. Sadly, it backfired as their punishment was extended. It was funny enough though for the father to take a picture of it!
46. Got Ya!
Even adults still loving scaring others for a prank. This nine year old went one extra step to scare his mother. He hid their plastic Santa in the backseat of his mother’s car to scare her first thing in the morning! According to his dad, the prank went as planned!
47. Sun Abuse
When this ten year old read in his book that “the sun hit her face perfectly” he did more than just giggle. He stopped reading immediately and made a drawing of his vision of the sentence. According to his cousin, he just had to do it. When the humor called he could not do anything by answer!
48. Picture Day Part Three
This little girl took advantage of her mother forgetting about picture day! She wore her favorite jacket, that she knew her mother would not have approved of! The devilish grin she had during the picture, shows how happy she was to get away with it.
49. House Remodel
Once this five year old boy as given permission to play with this already built lego set, he knew exactly what he wanted to add first! Bring your mind to that of a five year old boy and see if you can find his addition to the house!
50. Make Over
This child decided to give their family chihuahua a make over. Poor dog had to suffer through this eyebrow and mustache make over. It makes you wonder, how long was this child envisioning adding this to their dog before they did it!
51. High School ID
This high school student knew exactly where is super suit and made sure to wear it for his ID picture! Many superheroes try to conceal their identity but this student wanted everyone to know who he really is.
52. Unicorn Cat
This little girl is so proud of her creation that she cannot stop laughing even for a picture! This mom cannot even nap for a minute without her daughter carrying out her humorous ideas. The creation of unicorn cat is one for the books!
53. Oh, Stephanie
Oh, Stephanie. The family having to put a special note in for Stephanie shows that they are used to her behavior by now. Nothing is wrong with know what you like though, stick to your guns Stephanie!
54. Cabinet of Kids
This older sibling told their younger brother and cousins to stop bugging them. Between that sentence and only a few minutes, it had gotten quiet. In fear of what the quiet meant, they went to look for the troublemakers. This is how they found them!
55. Grow Up Fast
Some children just want to grow up too soon, and this boy is a great example. While adults want their children to stay as young as possible, it is hard to ignore how happy this boy seems with his new gift of “hair on his chest.”
56. Long Wait Humor
Standing in a long line can be one of the most frustrating things as an adult. Next time you are in line remember these two boys who instead of complaining, found humor during their wait! It might have been simple humor but it probably helped their time go by faster.
57. Requirements
This fifth grader completed part one of their state project by sending out letters to organizations within the state. He made sure to have some fun with it though and created the most honest letter! It must have been a treat to open and read this letter. He does not deserve a hate letter for it, as he mentioned he feared might happen.
58. Dashing McHandsome
When this little brother found out he could use any name when online ordering, he used the name he felt he deserved, Dashing McHandsome. We do not know about you, but we have never met a Dashing McHandsome before. He is one of a kind!
59. Airplane Buddy
The little kid in front of this airplane passenger needed someone to entertain with their humor, so he secretly started giving a show to the passenger behind them! It is unknown why the torture of that little toy was necessary, but, hey, at least the kid was not crying or screaming.
60. Godzilla the Helper
This teacher’s son wanted to instill fear into the students when he had to go to her class.
“My cousin’s son is on spring break, so today she brought him to help teach her class. He decided to wear his Godzilla outfit.”
61. Cartoons for Lunch
Cartoons are not only for little kids! These high school students make sure to have cartoons on their school’s televisions at every lunch. Kids might have gotten older and have smartphones of their own but they still use them to watch cartoons by breaking into the school’s closed circuit TV’s.
62. Baby Holder
These kids wanted to scare their parents, so they used their baby doll. What looks like a cute picture of a doll holding a carrot and apple was really only used to scare!
“Why The Hell Is This In My Refrigerator? Because Kids. Kids Who Want To Give Me A Heart Attack.”
63. Snapchat
This father thought his child just wanted a quick and innocent picture of him, but that was not his child’s thought. Snapchat has been the go to social media application for teenagers to make fun of their parents! Poor dad, at least you are not alone!
64. Negotiator
This seven-year-old has the negotiating gene in his body! He probably did not create this hostage situation for humor purposes but he is funny without even knowing it!
“Demand proof of life first. Make him/her prove that they do in fact possess an undamaged remote.”
65. Lord of the Rings
This 12 year old is being raised great! He is already equipped with creating Lord of the Rings puns. Amazing and impressive!
66. School Break
Cara put in a great effort to extend her school vacation! This note from her school does not even need a parent signature, just hers. The princess stamp must mean it has been approved, ha!
67. Picture Placement
This girl saw a perfect opportunity for a photo-“shoot” and she went all out for it! Daniel Craig better not hurt this gem of a little girl.
68. Homemade Gift
This little sister had the best intention to give her older sibling exactly what they wanted!
“After my heart surgery, I jokingly said to my little sister that I could use an Apple Watch, because of it’s heart rate monitor. She delivered.”
69. The Tides
This 12 year old is not a fool and keeping up with the trend to actually eat a tide pod. Instead she knows their real use, for jokes! Two thumbs up for her.
70. “C” of Water
These three year old already understands that when pulling off certain jokes that it needs a sense of urgency. So, she made sure to yell from the top of the stairs and tell her father that a sea of water on the counter! Well played three year old, well played.
71. Humor Hurts
When this father turned forty, his kids decided to play a joke at his expense. While it is funny for the rest of us, it probably hurt just a bit for Mark.
72. Team Up
These students decided to team up and try to cancel school. While they were probably very serious in their intentions, it is very humorous for adults! The innocence in their task makes it great. Their school was taught them that team work makes the dream work.
73. Picture Day Part Two
This sixth-grader was a born prankster! When it came around to picture day at school, he brought props! He brought false teeth and fake glasses. He solely did this to prank his mother, we can only imagine how shocked she was to receive these pictures!
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