If it weren’t for neighbors, we’d be fooled into thinking that the world was a relatively normal place. But those not-so-strangers that you live next door to seem set on causing drama in the least necessary of situations. If it wasn’t bad enough having to hear your neighbor’s episodes through the walls, there are some neighbors who can’t help but go a step further – and take out their problems on you.
If you’ve ever had a nightmare neighbor before, you’ll probably be able to empathize with the recipients of the madness we’ve rounded up here. And hopefully, you’ll at least think to yourself, “Well, it was bad, but it could have been so much worse…”
The guy across the street from this person blocks off the entire street with RVs that he repairs as a side business from his home. They’ll stay parked in front of his place for months. Apparently they’ve tried going to the police, and there’s nothing they’ll do about it.
2. Neighbors but not friends
Living next door to someone doesn’t mean you’re going to lend a hand. As this neighbor proved, when it snowed one day… and they only cleared their side of the path to the sidewalk. Come on, it would have taken an extra 5 minutes at most.
When this man parks his truck on the street, he leaves a ladder hanging out in front of his neighbor’s driveway. How are they supposed to safely get in and out of their driveway now? Unloading the ladder and putting it elsewhere would literally take seconds.
When this person’s neighbor got his reindeer decorations stolen, they put out grinch ones instead. He’s name-and-shamed the guy who stole them with screenshots from his security footage. Good for him – that’s one way to catch them out!
Apparently, this neighbor is above parking their fancy car on the street. So, instead of paying for parking or simply buying a house with a driveway, what does he do? He parks his car on the sidewalk. Smooth move, man…
Out of all the bad neighbors out there, the ones with guns that they actually use might just be the worst. This person’s neighbor shot a hole in their wall from two doors down. We’d be upping and selling right now if we were them.
OIftentimes, even if they’re being petty, we can understand a neighbor’s motive for doing something. But this guy? He thought he’d just spy through someone’s window, taking photos, for no understandable reason whatsoever.
Buying chickens to get eggs is actually a pretty good idea – but not when you live in an apartment! For a start, chickens would much rather have space to run about in the outdoors, instead of being cooped up inside. For seconds, it’s guaranteed to make a whole lot of noise that’ll disturb the neighbors.
6. There are so many cases of people not picking up their dogs’ business on the neighbor’s lawn, and the neighbors retaliating. In this case, the neighbor had a message to the dog owner who let their dog poop on their lawn. Yep, that really is poop. In what looks like a giant dog bowl.
Sometimes being a bad neighbor isn’t about what you did do, but what you didn’t do. This neighbor failed to prune his out-of-control cactus, and this was the end result. You know things are bad when a plant has the power to knock down a brick wall.
After their dog attacked their neighbor’s dog, this piece of work grudgingly agreed to pay for their neighbor’s vet bills… with pennies. What would you do if this happened to you? We think we’d wheel them right back around and tell them no deal.
Laziness is one of the worst characteristics, especially when it comes to doing the tasks that are important for everyday hygiene, like taking out the tracsh. This neighbor leaves his trash outside his door (the one that’s slightly open). He won’t throw it out until he overhears complaints.
We all know that person who’s obsessed with birds or just wants to help out the wildlife. Cute as this is, it can get a bit excessive when people cross the line. This neighbor keeps putting out duck food, so the neighborhood is now overrun by quackers.
When you think you’re doing a good deed, there will always be people who don’t care. When this guy mowed his elderly neighbor’s lawn, he was only too happy to help. But then, the people on the left of his neighbor mowed a day after. Looks like the guy didn’t mow right to the property line. Idiot neighbors.
Have you ever had a neighbor play music so loud that you can record the song on your phone and play it back at near-perfect quality? How about having your phone detect what song is playing? This neighbor was playing music so loud at midnight that the people next door could use their phones to detect what song they were listening to.
You never quite know about the state of a person’s house until you actually see the inside. This person’s neighbor asked them to feed his cat while he was away, and this was what the water dish looked like. Poor kitty – someone get her out of these!
Whether or not you smoke is completely your choice. Whether or not you dispose of your cigarettes properly, on the other hand, is not something that can be debated. This smoker tosses their buds out the window, creating this lovely view for the other residents of the apartment.
If you don’t trust your neighbors, don’t let them water your flowers! This person found out the hard way when the neighbor who had been watering their flowers had been trying on their shoes in secret. Who even does that?
You thought the last picture of the neighbor’s trash was bad – at least that was in bags. This person’s neighbor from a block over moved out and left this at the road in front of the house. Who do they think is going to clean that up?
On streets with roadside parking, permits become a hot source of debate amongst locals. This person’s dad has thought up a clever way to deal with his neighbor who checks with the city whenever anyone does any work on their property. That way, he’s got a quick solution – no pettiness needed.
Air con units are hardly a pretty sight in themselves – but hey, they’re essential. What surely
isn’t essential is this eyesore, which someone’s neighbor rigged to make their air conditioner work better. Just get another one – problem solved.
Imagine living next door to someone with this ridiculous amount of speakers! They uploaded the image to Reddit and wrote “What should my neighbors listen to today?” How about “Learn how to play things at a quiet volume – or buy a pair of headphones?”
Now, many of us can admit to having been in a slightly compromising position after a night out when it comes to needing the toilet. But ducking into an alleyway or behind a bush is
not the same as doing what this neighbor did. Yep, ge really did drop a deuce down someone’s chimney.
When this person’s neighbor said he’d call the cops on him if he shot fireworks off after 11pm, he decided not to respect this threat. Instead, he saw it as a “Challenge accepted!” and posted about his midnight fireworks plans online. Why are people so disrespectful?
25. “Enjoy since you didn’t like the boat”
This man’s neighbor didn’t like seeing his boat every day. The city got involved, and then this happened. Guess the boat had to be removed, but that didn’t stop the guy from replacing it with something else even more offensive.
Why do some neighbors think they can decide what we park in our own driveways? This person’s neighbor does not like their new truck, so he told her he would park it out of sight, and blocked it with a tree… Nailed it. Try and hear them complain now.
One of this person’s neighbors, Mark, has a lemon tree and he always tells everyone to ‘Help themselves!’ However, last week, someone took the last lemon — which really upset Mark. A couple hours later, the neighbors noticed what looked like a peach on the lemon tree. It was this note.
28. “I don’t even have a car!”
Looks like this neighbor is directing their passive aggressiveness towards the wrong person. She’s called the cops on someone and threatened to get rid of their car… but it’s not even thiers! Hillarious.
29. Message to the neighbors
If you’re looking for a light-hearted-but-still-serious way to remind your dog-walking neighbor’s once and for all to pick up their poop, this sign nails it. Nobody can get mad at The Office, surely. Let’s hope people actually listen to this.
Yep, the 4th July is a great excuse to have a party, celebrate with friends, and basically love being an American. But this level of decor is slightly OTT. Patriotic, or a major eyesore? Imagine if they left it up all year, too…
We’ve all accidentally kicked a ball or two over our neighbor’s yard, then awkwardly had to go retrieve it later that day. Whenever a ball goes into this person’s neighbor’s yard, he puts them in his tree so no one can get them back. Talk about savage!
Of all the ways to get rid of an old Christmas tree, this is clearly not the best. When this person’s neighbor just tried to throw his Christmas tree from the balcony, he obviously thought the invisible Christmas elves were going to sweep it away for him. Who knows what the ideal landing spot should have been?
This bitter man bought the house for sale next door to his ex-wife. As if that wasn’t bad enough for her, he went one step further to remind her of his constant feelings towards him. Yep, that really is a sculpture of a hand giving the finger.
Here’s another example of when the neighbors have the time, passion and enthusiasm to work on their own section of the property, but not their neighbor’s. They could have at least consulted with their neighbor before doing this. It might have been that they could work on the project together.
An anonymous neighbor called code enforcement on a friend of this person for not cutting his grass. Here’s his response. We totally don’t blame him – what ever happened to being an adult and discussing the matter sensibly in person, first?
We don’t know what this guy’s neighbors ever did for him to get “sick” of them, but we wouldn’t want to cross him, either way! Not sure we’d reach the conclusion that our home had been cursed if we came home to this, but it’s still kinda annoying. Surely there are more important ways you could spend your time.
Here we have some more neighbors who clearly know exactly where the property line ends. When they cleaned their part of the wall, they decided not to extend their goodwill to their neighbors’ section. Again, this would have literally taken 2 minutes to do.
38. Late-night lawn mowing
People get up to all sorts of weird stuff in the middle of the night, but we bet you’ve never heard of late-night lawn mowing. This person thought they heard their neighbor mowing his lawn at 9 p.m. last night… Turns out he was right. Unless that’s genuinely how the guy mows his lawn, regardless of the amount of daylight he has access to.
Look, if you’re going to leave your car parked in a bad way, at least don’t do it where you live. This person’s friend parked “like a d-bag”. The neighbor kids left him a message. Well, he’ll take more care in the future, won’t he?
The guys building next door decided to tear down this person’s fence while they weren’t home and not put up any sort of barrier between their house and the pit. We get that building work is unavoidable sometimes, but this is just rude
and unsafe. They could totally call the builders out for this.
This person woke up and opened the shades one morning to discover this message from the flat directly across the street. After all her flatmates were questioned about what they had been up to last night, they decided it must be the flat next to theirs. Awkward, but hilarious!
These two neighbors are clearly on very different wavelengths when it comes to accepting visitors into their home. Wonder which of the two is actually the most popular? It’s extra hilarious that the ‘Weclome’ one has flowers next to it and ‘Leave’ has an extra bar screen.
This person’s dad hates their neighbor so much that he’s installing one-way mirrors facing his house. This is because the neighbor likes to turn on flood lights that beam through our windows at night. So the one-way mirrors bounce it back, and retain the darkness inside his house.
Okay, this massive pile of trash beats all the “neighbor trash” photos we’ve shown so far. What on earth is going on here? They do realize that you can just put your trash in a garbage can and put it out every week for free collection like everyone else? Absolute madness.
This person lives in a large -rise apartment, so she says it’s difficult to determine the identity of the ash-holes who are tossing their cigarette butts off their balconies with no apparent concern for either the earth or the people living down below. According to the person who posted this, the photo doesn’t even show the full extent of the problem — there are many, many more butts around. Here’s how she chose to respond.
So many problems with the neighbors would just be resolved if the walls were a bit thicker. This person’s walls are so thin that her cat and her neighbors have taken to having conversations between them. If they can hear the cat, what else can they hear?
As this photo proves, some neighbors seriously aren’t worth getting near to. This guy has a neighbor whose kid is always playing in their yard and leaving his toys. Annoying as this is, it’s also kinda innocent. But when the kid left two broomsticks, this guy left this in his yard as a warning. Excessive or what?
48. Asshole parking neighbor
When you actually pay money for a parking spot, it means you’re even more entitled to park there. This person pays $125 a month to park in their parking spot. He’s 111B. The person who has parked in both spots is their neighbor.
Of all the passive-aggressive notes out there, this one takes the cake. Instead of just asking their upstairs neighbors to remove their shoes if and when possible, they decided to leave a note on the banister instead. This would just incite us to stomp even louder.
Again, this is a question of neighbor laziness – but it’s somehow even worse, because they’ve left their trash in the lift, which people have to use every day. There’s apparently a trash chute in the building and a dumpster not far away. What more do could you possibly need to stop leaving trash?
51. Trash behind a barrier
Looks like trash is a main cause of neighbor complaints, but not always for understandable reasons. This person’s neighbor anonymously reported them to the city because their trash cans were not behind a barrier. Again, what’s with the anonymous reporting? But whatever – now they are.
Isn’t it funny how petty some neighbors can get when they’re doing anything that might present the remotest possibility to help out someone else? These neighbors know for sure where their property line ends. That’s some crazy cleaning they’ve managed to do.
There are some indications of animosity between these two neighbours. The question we all want to know is, are they actually friends or is this a genuine war? Suppose you’d only know if you lived near enough to listen into their interactions.
Now, you can’t help drilling when you’ve got the occasional DIY job to do around the house. But if something requires you to drill all day –
and all night – you probably need to build yourself a sound-proof shed in the bottom of your garden. No one wants to hear it.
55. “I’ll park what I want”
We think we know the situation here: this person pays for a parking spot, but, for whatever reason, they don’t currently have a car. Being possessive of their space, they don’t want to give it up and stop paying for it (the sensible idea). Nor do they want to let anybody else use it until they get a proper car to fill the space (the kind idea). So this is the outcome.
These neighbors have an inflatable life-size whale in front of their house. You have to question the reason for this – it’s not like it fits in most standard size swimming pools. It’s longer than their house… which means it isn’t very easy to hide. What a view to wake up to every morning.
It’s frustrating when neighbors think they have a say on what you choose to do to your property. This person came up with a clever way to shut up their complaining neighbor once and for all. What’s it to Bob whether the fence is painted or not?
Some neighbors really do find everything to complain about. But, in this case, it probably would have been wise to zoom in on the “dog” in question with a camera before reporting it for being aggressive. Lies don’t add up, guys.
59. Response to dog walkers
When your lawn looks as immaculate as theirs, it’s no surprise they’re leaving passive-aggreesive messages to keep the dog poop away. What we can’t understand is why people can’t just pick up their poop and move on. Don’t own a dog if you’re not prepared for such a basic task.
Have you ever lived next to someone who makes the bizarrest decisions? This person was at a loss of what to think when his neighbor burned his lawn. There doesn’t seem to be a logical purpose to this… aside from that it’s a sure-fire way to get rid of your lawn, we guess.
Living in an apartment with thin walls is bad enough if your neighbors have children or play loud music. But when your neighbors’ bedroom activities leave little to the imagination, you’ll end up wanting to plug your ears. This person left their printer without a passcode. Their neighbors sent them a message.
62. “Flooding” the neighbor’s
Here’s another example of a neighbor complaining without actual proof to back them up. You can’t just assume that a person with a pool is flooding you. It’s like some people think that everyone is out to get them – they don’t seem to realize that most of us don’t even think about our neighbors on a daily basis.
Apparently, this person’s neighbors think they know how to look after their dog more than the person themselves. The neighbor complained that it was far too cold for their dog to be outside all day during the winter. In response, they sent them this. That’ll tell them!
64. Apartment parking lot
This is more of a case of multiple lazy neighbors than one. Instead of making nice, neat lines along the parking lot, it looks like a sort of free-for-all parking situation. Imagine if someone blocked you in and you had to get to work early in the morning? Nightmare.
65. Responding to petty neighbors
Isn’t it strange that people get so offended about trash cans on show? In this neighborhood, this person was recently threatened with a fine after being reported by their neighbors for not hiding their their trash cans, even though they’ve been in the same spot for over a decade. This is their solution.
There are subtle ways to tell your neighbors that you’d much rather not have them peering into your garden – and then there’s this. One dad’s latest project: a shield that prevents his neighbor from spying through the window. He’s suddenly made their view much less interesting, we’d imagine.
When you park like an asshole, you totally deserve to be called out on it. This person apparently couldn’t care less that their car took up two spots, so someone shamed them with a chalk drawing. They seem like the sort not to care, unfortunately.
How many times do we have to say it: if you don’t have legitimate grounds to make a complaint, don’t make it! This neighbor tried to reverse gravity by suggesting the neighbors underneath him were somehow above him… and that their stomping was disturbing him. Yep, makes so much sense.
69. Pointing out the obvious
If there was ever a more passive aggressive way to call out your neighbors for not picking up their dog poop, it’s this. You just know that whoever owns the dog responsible for this will walk by this house again. Hopefully they’ll see that their sneakiness has been outed to the world.
Most people have dreams of moving to the country because it allows for a much quieter, laid-back lifestyle. As in, you can get away from neighbors full stop and enjoy your own company. So when this person started receiving far-too-regular visits from a persistent neighbor, they built a fence
and placed a line of growing trees behind it.
We’ve all dealt with rowdy neighbors (and maybe some of us have been rowdy neighbors). While their escapades can sometimes be pretty funny, most of the time, they’re just downright annoying. Like this guy. The note reads: “I regret to inform you that I took your doorknob. I was trippin’ balls and thought it was a muffin.”
If you’re the new roommate, you pretty much have to do everything in your power to show your fellow roomies that you’re going to improve, not worsen, their lives. This person apparently didn’t get the memo. Unless they think it’s cool to draw smileys on people’s walls.
When your neighbor owns a lawnmower and doesn’t like you, this is the sort of thing that may happen. Of course, to an innocent person walking by, the note wouldn’t even be visible. That’s what makes this such a passive-aggressive act of genius.
74. Neighbor’s archery practice
There’s a time and a place to practice archery, and it’s never “in the middle of the day at home”. When this person receive yet another arrow-head gift from their neighbor, they knew they’d taken it too far this time. Thank goodness the window blocked it from speeding right into the room.
75. One-sided driveway maintenance
And finally, these neighbors may as well have a fence or a hedgerow between them, because we all know where the property line ends. Again, maybe it would have been nice for the two of them to work together on this retarmacking project. But apparently that would be just too easy.
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