As parents, we want our kids to be happy and healthy. Although, what we think will make them happy doesn’t always have the intended consequence. If you have ever had a toddler, you’ll remember the sudden tantrums over some of the most random and unexpected things on the planet.
Here are 75 of our favorite meltdowns from when parents somehow just ruined everything.
Every parent should know by now what the most disappointing thing to a child is. In case you didn’t know, it’s discovering that there is an apple inside of the caramel apple.
According to the parent who posted this one,
“He doesn’t want to stand up, and he doesn’t want to sit down.”
Talk about life being tough.
We all did stupid things as a kid. In some cases, we actually started to worry about the consequences.
This one is titled,
“I ate my hair…. will it come out?”
She was having fun with mommy’s makeup. Mommy said that she had enough now, and it was time to put it away. This was the result.
This child offered their parents a bite of a pretzel. The unsuspecting and innocent parent took the offered bite of pretzel. This was what happened next.
This dad made the mistake of stirring the fruit at the bottom of his son’s yogurt. Never stir the fruit.
She lost her page in a book. Maybe if it wasn’t upside down, it would have been easier to find.
His mom said that he had to eat ice cream. Cough drops were not on the menu. This made him very sad.
He asked for milk. Mom gave him milk. This did not make him happy.
She wanted to climb on the coffee table. Her parents didn’t let her. This was extremely upsetting.
#11 When there are no more blueberries
We all love blueberries. Sometimes, they run out. The first time that happens can be very rough.
#12 When you just can’t let it go
Her dad refused to play the ‘Let it Go’ music video after playing it ten times in a row already. She just wasn’t ready for it to end.
As parents, we want to keep our children safe. Sometimes, that means keeping them safe from themselves.
He really wanted to use the toothbrush he dropped in the toilet. Mom said no.
#14 Too many chefs in the kitchen
He did not want the cupcake batter to go in the oven. Unfortunately, that’s the next step in the cupcake baking process.
Most kids want to win when they’re playing a game. Not this one. She was upset when she won.
Finding a lock on the toilet seat can be hard…especially when you had your heart set on flushing a Fig Newton down the toilet.
#17 Not a future environmentalist
Mom was trying to set a good example by recycling the old phonebook. He didn’t really want that to happen.
#18 The never-ending struggle
Most of parenting is simply getting no recognition for all the times you have saved your children from nearly killing themselves.
This baby wanted to go under the sofa to eat the upholstery staples. Mom said no.
#19 No mountains to climb
This little adventurer was upset to find out that Austin does not have any mountains. He was all geared up for mountain climbing that day.
He ate all the cheese off his pizza. Now, his pizza has no more cheese. This is extremely devastating.
Parents can do a lot of things, but we can’t change the season. This boy was unhappy to find out that playing with his water table was not going to be an option in the middle of winter.
#22 When it all goes wrong
He just wanted Captain Kirk’s feet to fit into the container sideways. Unfortunately, that’s not the direction in which they fit.
Parents can be mean. This girl’s parent wouldn’t let her eat a shoe.
Sharing is an important part of life. When mom refused the offer of an already chewed piece of food, the tears started flowing.
Holly asked her son how he was doing. We take it by the response that the answer wasn’t a positive one.
#26 No, you can’t play in the trash
We try to be good parents and protect our children from harm. It’s not always an easy battle.
To be fair, water chestnuts are kind of a weird food. When he touched one, he started crying. We almost can’t blame him for this one.
Some people don’t like attention. Apparently, the cashier looked at her. This was the result.
#29 He wanted to be the only one in a swing
Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes you have a brother. Sometimes, that brother also gets his own swing.
The Easter bunny gave her a basket. She was not amused by this, not even a little bit.
#31 When you just want to clean things a little
She wanted to sweep up the dogs. It was not permitted. This was an unsatisfactory answer to her.
#32 She wanted to be helpful
Here we have another case of cleaning gone wrong. She wanted to help clean up the cat poop. Mom did it instead.
#33 Can’t take a compliment
Her mom said that her sweater looked soft. Never say that the sweater looks soft.
She learned about static electricity. This did not please her, not one bit.
He went to see the lighting of the Christmas Tree. At that point, he discovered something terrible – the lighting does not involve setting the tree on fire.
Now, this is a classic one. Mom turned on the water for his bath. This did not make him happy.
She got up on the chair. However, she didn’t know how to get down. That’s quite the conundrum.
He asked to watch Toy Story. His mom put in Toy Story. Maybe it was the wrong one?
This future scientist wants to see an eclipse. Unfortunately, he wants to see one right now. Nature obeys no one.
Part of the fun of being little is trying on your parents’ shoes. Well, usually it’s a part of the fun. This little girl was not amused when she discovered that the shoes didn’t actually fit her.
Parenting is unforgiving. This is especially true when you tell a toddler they cannot eat the bathroom garbage.
#42 When you’re just not hungry
Being a parent includes being responsible and providing meals on a regular basis. However, it often goes unappreciated. In this case, the tears started when he found out it was lunchtime.
He tried to share his banana with his mom. She declined. Sometimes, life really is rough.
He wanted to play with the food processor. Mom thought he might still be too young to do that. The response? Tears.
#45 Working against your own best interests
He is crying because he cannot reach the bowl of cereal. He pushed that bowl out of his own reach several times in a row. What is a parent to do?
No kid likes their phone privileges taken away. This includes toddlers who have already accidentally called 911 twice.
#47 When you have a craving
He really wanted to drink the chicken broth directly from the carton. Mom said no.
His mom wouldn’t read him the U.S. Constitution as a bedtime story. This was the result.
#49 Life has consequences
He sneezed into the flour. The result was hilarious, although he doesn’t seem to think so.
He asked his mom to fix the cracker. Unfortunately, she couldn’t. The tears followed shortly after.
#51 Those annoying seasons
Some kids love jumping into a pile of leaves in autumn. Some, however, really do not.
#52 Something we can relate to
She said the computer is too slow. I think even a few of us adults have wanted to have a tantrum over that.
#53 When you just really wanted a pony
She wanted to ride the dog like a horse. Unfortunately, for the sake of the dog, mom had to say no.
She really wanted a purple one. Pink was the only color available.
The mom from the previous wrong-color fiasco went out and got her daughter something purple – the requested color. The result still wasn’t a happy child.
#56 A lack of instant gratification
He wanted a smoothie. It was still being blended. This did not make him happy.
#57 When you really can’t let it go
He lost a sliver of soap down the drain. This happened three years ago. Sometimes, he just relives the moment.
He begged to be signed up for a gymnastics class. His mom signed him up. This is how he acted when he found out.
He asked for a banana. Mom gave him a banana. We’re not sure what went wrong, but something went wrong.
As parents, we have some things that only belong to us. A hot cup of coffee is one of those things. Finding this out did not make him happy.
#61 When the weather doesn’t obey
He wanted to go on the slip and slide. It was freezing outside.
He wanted to eat his parent’s “I voted” sticker. It wasn’t allowed.
Dad said no when she asked to have a bottle of hot sauce as a bedtime snack. Personally, we think he made a wise decision.
You would think that giving a child a birthday cake would be a sure way to make them smile. You would be wrong.
He had a snack. He finished that snack. Then he cried because the snack was gone. Life is hard.
She has a toy that she pulls, and it follows her around. She doesn’t like it when it follows her around.
Dad would not let him eat the remote. Maybe the message on the shirt is a lie.
She opened the Oreo. Cream was stuck to both sides instead of one. Devastating!
#69 She wanted mom to read
Dad read the book instead. The book was called ‘Just Me And My Dad.’
One of the perks of being a kid is getting carried everywhere. This girl was truly dismayed when she found out she had to WALK all the way up the driveway.
#71 An offer he could refuse
His mom offered him a piece of her cinnamon roll. He must really hate cinnamon rolls.
He wants to hold all three remotes. He can’t figure out how to do it. Life is complicated.
A lot of women do not want to discuss their age. She’s getting a head start on that. When they sang ‘Happy Birthday,’ she cried.
#74 The importance of fashion
She wanted her sleeves rolled up in an exactly perfect way. That way could not be obtained. This was the result.
This kid wanted to turn on his dad’s electric toothbrush. Dad said no. Cruelty!
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