1. A day at the park
This lucky kitty got to go to the park with his little owner. Except, instead of the baby being in the swing, this cat got to go for a ride, and he doesn’t look too excited about it.
2. The problem with pick ups
The problem with pets and little kids, is that they always want to hold their furry friend to show their love. However, nine times out of ten, those little animals don’t want to be held- and the best example of that is on this cat’s face.
3. Rainbow dalmation
The problem with having a black and white dog, is that there is so much room for creativity and color. Look at this guy for example, clearly mom turned around for two seconds during coloring time and the kids went wild on the dog.
4. Testing patience
From the look on this dogs face, you can tell that he’s trying very hard to stay still. Unfortunately while he was napping this little girl found a fun game to play called ‘how many toys like up on my dog’ and when he woke up he couldn’t run away.
5. Guilty
Everyone knows the age old excuse “my dog ate my homework!” but have you heard “My dog colored on the wall!”? We’ve never heard that either but it looks like this little boy is trying to pass the blame on to his pup.
6. Partners in Crime
Dogs are supposedly mans best friend, but they may be closer to their kids. These two look like this isn’t the first time the two of them have gotten into trouble
7. Bras for dogs
While this post is super funny, this poor dog looks humiliated. His humans left him exposed! If you put the bra on, at least cover him up with a shirt too.
8. Tug of war
Sometimes kids and their family pets are so close that they don’t mind sharing their toys. Even the slobbery, wet, torn up, and dirty ones. Let’s hope mom brushes this little guys teeth when their done.
9. Unsupervised
Be careful when you leave your sleeping dog unsupervised. Once he’s asleep, there’s a big chance those nails are getting painted.
10. Barbie’s new horse
This dog is the perfect size for Barbie to ride. Instead of buying more toys, this baby used her resources and thought “We don’t need a toy horse, we have a Chihuahua!”
11. Super dog
IT’s amazing what a cape can do to make someone look like a super hero, dogs included. Mom may have complained that the dog should be left alone, but the look on the dogs face looks like he’s pretty satisfied with his new cape.
12. Unicorn hats bring the most joy
This little girl made her can a special unicorn horn. And she may be over the moon about how great it turned out, this can with attitude has different thoughts.
13. Baby kitty?
As if this fat cat didn’t get spoiled enough, now he’s getting pushed around in his owners baby doll stroller.
14. Ready for a tea party
Most little girls don’t even go this far dressing their dolls up, but look at this cat. He’s clearly not amused, but he looks great and the outfit fits perfectly.
15. E.T. phone home
This little cat all wrapped in a towel looks like E.T. ready to take a ride in a bicycle. From the way the towel is wrapped around his head, to the fear in his eyes, this cat could practically play the part.
16. Kitty dream house
This little girl thought, what cat would want just a boring old scratching post/tower? After decorating it with toys and blankets, the message is clear, this cat loves the new additions
17. A princess and her steed
These two are the perfect match. A fairy and a princess with two big smiles.
18. Tis the season
Make sure that you not only decorate your Christmas tree this year, but also your Lab. This poor guy isn’t loving his new outfit and looks like he’s asking the camera to save him.
19. Bundle of joy
Everyone refers to their babies as little bundles of joy, but this is what cat lovers picture. One little cat all snuggled up in the biggest pile of blanket- and loving every minute of it.
20. Fairy or dog?
This little girl was playing dress up with her dog, but she had no idea that she accidentally invented the perfect fairy halloween costume for her pet. The sword, the cape, the wings- all he’s missing is a little magic
21. Pit- Bullerina
This little girl decided that she wanted her dog to try on her tutu. This very tolerant pup isn’t enjoying it, but he’s being a good sport about it, and honestly- the tutu has never looked better.
22. Locked out
Theres a reason cat’s aren’t very fond of little kids. This is a perfect example, a toddler holding the door shut for the cat, and the cat glaring at everyone involved (including the photographer), and the cat also wishing he was anywhere else.
23. Ahoy, rabbits
If you get bored of playing with your dolls, and you have small enough critters, playing is never boring. This little one turned his rabbits into pirates to keep himself, and probably them, entertained.
24. Sombrero cat
Leaving your cat with your friend while he house sits is a good idea right? It may save you a little money, but be prepared to have your cat be humiliated.
25. “Daughters said dark eyebrows make her look younger”
Age is important even in dog years, apparently. This girls took to their dogs face with a marker making her seem even more emotional than she already looked.
26. Uh-oh
Not a walk. Not a car ride. It’s better. Full speed ahead in a toy shopping cart driven by a toddler. What could go wrong?
27. Tattoos?
This little weiner dog is totally clueless to the face that he’s been decorated by his family. Or if he does notice, he doesn’t seem to mind.
28. The importance of modesty
Imagine leaving your kids in charge of the pets and then coming home to find the dog wearing underwear.
29. Cat in the hat
This isn’t exactly the popular kids book The Cat in the Hat, but it is certainly a cat in a hat. Something that this little boy thought his feline friend needed.
30. Multitasking
One of the chores on the list was walking the dog. But mom didn’t say anything about not playing Pokemon Go at the same time.
31. Puppy bun
This doggy up-do was clearly done by a teenage girl. Someone had to be a pro at putting their own hair in a bun, to make their dog’s ears look this good pulled back.
32. The best night’s sleep
This little dog is going to fall asleep just like his little owner. Covered in pink bedding and all the toys, because why shouldn’t dogs be spoiled the same way?
33. A sleeping kitty or racetrack?
This little boy got tired of his regular race track and decided to go off roading. Luckily this lazy cat hosting the hot-wheels is too tired to notice.
34. Thanksgiving card
Nearly everyone sends out Christmas cards around the holidays, but this is even better. This owner thought that it would be hilarious to use his cat’s head, to replace the turkey’s head. And he was right. A great holiday card to send to loved ones.
This papered kitten doesn’t know how good he has it! Soon, just like human babies he’ll outgrow his stroller and be expected to walk everywhere.
36. Sponge bath time
This little boy is just trying to help out with chores not cause trouble. He’s just trying to give the dog a wash, and surprisingly, it looks like the dog is enjoying it.
37. Pajama sharing
One little girl thought that her kitten needed to get ready for bed with her, and everyone needs to wear pajamas at bedtime. She was just making sure he didn’t feel left out.
38. A call for help
This cat needs rescued from all the toys that his owner’s kids have surrounded him with. It even looks like he’s making a call for help to get rid of the things on him.
39. An afternoon soak
The look of surprise on this cat’s face makes you feel like you just walked into his bathroom without knocking. Though a little girl just put him in her dolls tub, this looks like something this cat would enjoy if someone wasn’t taking pictures.
40. Socks and attitude
This cat looks as though he did not give the kids permission to put socks on his fluffy feet. Either way, here we are, socks and a disapproving glare.
41. Where did all my clothes go?
The thing about big dogs, is that they fit into almost any clothing item. One family learned this and decided to dress up their husky in pants and a nice shirt, making it look like he just got home from a long day at work.
42. Canine education
There’s nothing cuter than this little girl reading her dog a story. Her patient pup looks on as she made herself comfortable on the floor with him to read him her favorite story.
43. The beauty of baby clothes
Who knew that baby clothes were so versatile? They aren’t just for babies anymore- they fit your pets too!
44. Concert for one
When mom and dad won’t listen, the dog is all ears. This little boy just wanted to show off his toy trumpet, but his best friend was the only one to show up to the concert.
45. A rough life
The only thing missing from this picture is a beach, and a human. This looks like the perfect vacation getaway, except it’s a cat living the papered life instead of his person.
46. Valentine bunny
This rabbit looks like he’s feeling the love from his little owner with the amount of kisses he has. Thuis bunny looks like he was made to be a valentines day present.
47. An interesting laundry day?
This mom was looking around, wondering where all her daughter clean underwear could have possibly gone. And then she came home to this.
48. Tucked in
This pooches owner took the time to get out of bed in the night, go over to her sleeping dog, and tuck him in for the night. Like her mom probably does for her, the little girl didn’t want her baby to be left out.
49. Perfect hair
Some parent’s complain about their kids decorating their dogs, but this is actually an improvement. This dog has a perfect coat and it’s made even better y this adorable pink barrett.
50. Put away
You tell your kids to put their toys away a hundred times, and the one time they do- they put the puppy on the shelf.
51. Kitty readers
How many mom’s complain about misplacing their glasses? Now we know the culprit, or the victim of the real culprit.
52. The perfect brow
Perfectly shaped brows are trending in the human world. Who said dogs couldn’t participate?
53. Dad?
Don’t be fooled , there really is two baby ducks in there. Just a little harder to find thanks to all their rubber imposters.
54. Replaced with a bunny
This shy guy is showing off his newly crowned bunny ears. So perfectly placed that you can’t even see his real ears.
55. Patriotic pooch
This dog may be embarrassed to be wearing it, but it really shows off his patriotism.
56. The coolest bulldog
Nothing symbolizes coolness quite like the perfect pair of sunglasses, and this bulldog has it figured out. Thanks to his mini owners he’s now the coolest dog on the block.
57. A beautiful tail
This cat had it coming. You can’t expect to fall asleep in a little one’s chair and be left to sleep in peace. Luckily for this cat, it was just some lovely tail decorations.
58. Dog or pony?
Little kids love their big dogs. Thankfully, most big dogs are very tolerant. Especially ones that think they can ride their pups like a miniture horse
59. Playing gone wrong
He may have been playing with this toy, but he definitely had some help getting it stuck around his head like a mane. Still makes for a great photo op.
60. All her hands were full
This little girl was just getting a snack from the fridge with her kitty when she realized she didn’t have enough hands to carry everything. No problem. That’s what a hooded sweatshirt is for!
61. Santa terrier
Whoever’s kids staged this photo shoot I think deserves an award. An award for cutest Christmas card definitely goes to this (tolerant) good boy.
62. Pop corn headdress
I feel like this started as the dog getting too far into the empty popcorn bag, and then escalated by having some help wearing it like a headdress.
63. Look again
The main focus of this photo is the dog clearly dressed by his little owners, outfitted in a hat, vest and headphones. But a closer look reveals a second dog in the background… wearing underwear.
64. Just a phase
Fedora. Chains. All black. Never let the teenager be in charge of watching the dog.
65. Gotta catch em all
A wild pikachu appeared! Nevermind, it’s just the dog enjoying his new onesie.
66. Cozy
Just because it’s not a designer bag doesn’t mean that you can’t carry your pooch in it. He looks nice and cozy in there, thanks to his little owners wanting to take him everywhere.
67. whers the dog? Oh..
Slap a hoodie on the dog and this could be another kid at the dinner table. Who knew that your dog could wear your clothes better?
68. Twinning
This little girl and her dog are a match made in heaven. So perfect for each other that they have matching tutus.
69. Pocketful of kitty
Mom said you can only bring one toy, specifically one that fits in your pocket. She never said anything about NOT taking the cat.
70. A new look
Before this pooch could head out, his owners made sure that at least his hair looked good. A new wig suits him well.
Just like a baby, if you ever need to keep an eye on your cat, baby wranglers work just as good as a kennel or pet carrier.
72. While you were sleeping
All this poor dog wanted was a nap, but he couldn’t even get that. While he was sleeping peacefully, the kids thought he would get chilly so they figured socks and a scarf would help.
73. A surprise under the tree
Do ever get so caught up in wrapping Christmas gifts that you accidenty wrap the dog? That may be whta happened here.
74. Best friends
A girl and her dog; an inseparable bond. Nothing says mans best friend like a pet that does everything with you.
75. Playing house
This parent came home to find their new kitten sitting in the high chair of the play kitchen. He just wanted to be treated like the baby he is.
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