Part of growing older means slowly accumulating more and more random things. Don’t believe us? Just have a look at your parents’ house. Almost every family has some ridiculous items tucked away in some corner somewhere. Recently, thousands of people on Twitter shared photos of their weird items that they found at their mom and dad’s place, and we’ve chosen 75 of the most hilarious ones to share with you today.
From weird vacation souvenirs to obscure decorative items that for whatever reason the parents thought were a good idea to buy at the time, this list has it all. These are all of the winning items from the unofficial online competition. Which ones are your favorites?
The dad put a ventriloquist dummy in his window to scare away birds in the yard. It has been sitting there for years. Where it came from and whether it actually works? No one knows…
The driftwood bird sculpture is a pretty cool decoration. However, the octopus tentacle coming out of the vase is not what you would typically expect. It’s a little strange, to say the least.
This person found a Donald Trump troll doll sitting on the corner of their parents’ kitchen counter. It’s pretty hilarious. The features on the doll are all surprisingly accurate.
The daughter bought the turtle planter for her mom for Mother’s Day decades ago when she was six years old. Nothing was ever planted in it, but it retains a prime position on the mom’s end table to this day.
“This is the anatomically correct male lion coffee table that my parents bought when I was away at camp one summer,” the woman explains. When she was a kid, it used to be really embarrassing, but now she hopes she’ll get to display it in her own house one day.
The dad accidentally took a photo of himself while trying to fix a camera. His son used it as an opportunity to practice his drawing skills. The teenager sketched a copy of the photo and his mom hung it up on the wall.
There are some items that you just have to see to believe. For example, this man riding a unicycle converted into a toilet paper dispenser. Every sheet of paper that is pulled out causes the little wheel to turn.
This Twitter user made a really obscure find at his parent’s house — a bunch of heads in a jar. It looks like a very tight squeeze. Our best guess is that it is a jar full of knitting supplies and the heads are pincushions.
The wooden horse toy has seen better days. At this point, it’s downright spooky. It’s a pretty weird thing to leave hanging from the rafters in the basement.
If we walked into a strange bathroom in the dark and saw this unusual planter staring back at us, we would definitely be freaked out. However, at this parents’ place, it blends right in. It was a surprise at first, but now everyone in the family is used to it.
This mom has a Star Trek figurine collection in her house. Every time the kids come over, they rearrange the action figures into precarious positions to see if their mom will notice. It leads to a lot of laughter.
Imagine taking the bottom half of a mannequin, attaching it to a stool, and dressing it up in cowboy gear. This is what you would get. It’s not as stable as a seat with four legs, but it certainly is weirder.
13. Fantastical Animal Statues
If we had to pick a winner for the weirdest item found in a parent’s house, this one might just be it. There is nothing more ridiculous than a frog harnessing and riding a turtle. It’s like something straight out of a fantasy movie.
This house has a scary African sculpture casually sitting in the living room. It looks like some sort of ritualistic evil doll. There are hundreds of nails sticking out of it.
“Apparently someone thought that an illuminated Cujo would help kids with their fear of the dark,” writes the Twitter user. The children’s dog lamp has been keeping watch at night in the home of the parents for years.
Here we have a life-sized stuffed man with angel wings holding a zombie baby doll. It’s completely normal. Who doesn’t have one of these displays lying in front of the fireplace?
As far as weird things involving dolls goes, this one takes the cake. It’s a Christmas tree covered with dolls instead of ornaments. There are so many of them that there is not even room for lights.
18. Synchronized Swimming Barbies
This weird doll creation is pretty high up there in the competition too. As you might suspect, the parents made it themselves. It features a bunch of swimming barbies and rubber ducks wrapped around a mirror.
This funny kitchen cloth is pretty much the opposite of what you want to see at your mom or dad’s place. The saying on it is a bit crude. The last thing anyone ever wants to think about is their parents’ sex life.
The lamp is bizarre enough on its own. However, if you look closely in the bowl on the left, you’ll see that it is full of doll heads! Why anyone would keep a collection like this in their room is beyond us.
“This lives in a back room at my in-law’s house. My husband’s Very Proper grandmother made it,” writes the Twitter user. It features a naked lady with pink hair posing with a cocktail. We think it’s very tastefully done.
Every time you go to the bathroom at this parent’s house, you’ll run into an eyeless doll. It is used as a cover for the toilet paper. Somehow, the parents think that using a freakish doll is a better choice than simply letting the toilet paper roll sit there on its own.
Normally, glass displays are used to house valuable items like jewelry or antique art. However, in this household, you’ll find Mom’s teeth and Dad’s glass eye. It seems people have different ideas about what is important to display.
Are your parents using your bedroom to store random junk they’ve acquired since you moved out? If so, it’s nothing to be concerned about. At least they haven’t turned your old room into an Elvis Presley shrine yet as these parents did.
25. Goofy Squirrel Mounts
In most cases, the goal of taxidermy is to display an animal in a natural position. Taxidermists want their creations to look as life-like as possible. However, these parents had a better idea.
There are not many families that have one of these in their home. It’s a pink table attached to the ceiling with two rabbits dining at it. It is a decorative piece that is simply one of a kind.
Nothing completes a room quite like a mannequin missing a torso in a display case. It is certainly not your everyday decoration choice. We’re not sure whether to classify it as artwork, or simply a creepy disaster.
This random sculpture was found in the parent’s rec room. It displays a very positive message, encouraging treadmill users to keep going no matter what. Let’s just hope no one accidentally hits their head on it when getting off of the treadmill.
It’s not unusual to hang up a picture of a favorite actor on the wall, but this? Really? It’s Jack Nicholson and some babies. When it comes to artwork, the parents have some really obscure tastes.
“This is in my mom’s house and I don’t know what it is but I think it summons demons,” explains the man. The circular puzzle has all sorts of interesting patterns and designs on it. Many look very similar to serpents.
31. Horse Toilet Accessory
These parents bought a horse statue to hold the toilet paper in their house. It’s pretty hilarious, but not exactly practical. If you pull too hard on the sheets of paper, it’s bound to tip over.
32. Monkey Toilet Paper Holder
This household uses an animal to hold their toilet paper too. It features a monkey crouching in a squatting position like it is about to take a dump. One part of us thinks it’s kind of cool. The other part of us thinks that it’s completely absurd.
There is nothing kids love more than making their own Christmas decorations. This kid even made a fun “karate elf” one year. His parents have displayed it proudly in their home ever since.
This seat is reserved for the freaky monkey. He plays the symbols every night in this parent’s living room. His hollow eyes and awkward grin are just part of the act.
This is a strange sight to see in a bathroom next to the mirror. It is a penguin holding a platter with a naked woman on it. If it was holding soap, it would make so much more sense…
These parents wanted to make sure that any visitors to their home didn’t forget to pray before they pooped. They wrote the message “Did you think to pray?” in big black letters on the mirror in their guest bathroom.
The entire corner of this room is dedicated to some pretty obscure collections. In addition to the hundreds of painted eggs, there are also all sorts of other knick-knacks. It is quite chaotic.
Honestly, the dad has no idea what this is, but that has never stopped him from proudly displaying it. It has a permanent position on his kitchen counter. He just calls it folk art.
This weird item is hanging in the mother in law’s kitchen. It appears to be a creepy twine dispenser. Despite the fact that it never gets used, it’s a good thing to have, just in case…
This giant mushroom is made out of a big tree trunk. It almost looks like it could be used as a seat, but its awkward shape assures that its only real purpose is to take up space. It is a pretty goofy thing to keep around.
If you walk into the kitchen of this humble abode, you’ll be greeted by a rooster. It sits up on top of the cabinet and watches over the cooks. When anyone makes a recipe mistake, it instantly notices.
Compared to some of the other finds, this one isn’t weird at all. It’s a fun little crab made out of seashells. The addition of the Nintendo character, Link, on the ship in the back is an unusual choice though.
Most people collect things like stamps or coins. However, in this household, the dad keeps a collection of mini-anvils. It’s not your everyday collection, but it’s certainly interesting.
It’s hard to even speculate as to what is going on in this display case. Is it art or is it just weird? The case contains a doll, a pig, and a man carrying what appears to be a red bucket.
Every Thanksgiving, the mom pulls out her “voodoo-eyes Pilgrim woman” and places it next to the table. For 35 years now, it has been watching over the table while everyone eats. At this point, it is a family tradition.
The dad really likes this sculpture, but his two sons are not so sure about it. Eventually, it will be theirs one day, the dad says. Which son will end up with it is a big debate in the family.
This one is pretty funny. The man holds the toilet paper in the family’s bathroom with one hand while politely plugging his nose with the other. It’s a stinky job, but somebody has to do it.
The dog’s are all gathered around the candle holder doing a strange dance. “I think they’re performing some sort of black mass,” explains the Twitter user about her mom’s unusual possession. The dark eyes are very telling.
This parents’ house has a fake little kid standing in the corner. Her arms are folded up and seem to be covering her eyes. She must be hiding from something.
“This puzzle has been hanging up in my basement since we moved in 20 years ago… My dad is too afraid to move it, touch it, or take it down,” explains the woman. The evil clown’s presence is constantly lurking in the haunted room.
This painting can be found hanging up in the parent’s guest bedroom. Anyone who sleeps there is watched over by a very good-looking Jesus. He is practically a male model.
At first glance, everything looks pretty normal. It’s just a bunch of decorative items on a couple of shelves. Although, there is a Kabuki theater mask hiding in the shrubbery.
There are actual real frogs on the wall of this family’s house. They are all mummified and their bodies are frozen forever in the awkward positions that they died. It’s definitely a weird thing to display in the home.
This sign was spotted at the man’s grandma’s house. He is not 100% sure as to what it means, but there are a few possibilities. He is really hoping his interpretation is wrong.
Imagine walking into a house and coming across this unusual art piece. It’s very bizarre. It appears to be some mannequin parts attached to a wooden board with a wig placed on top.
It’s not just any toilet candle, it’s an inspirational toilet candle with a cat sleeping on it. The quote reminds bathroom visitors to appreciate the simple things in life… like a trip to the bathroom.
The mom put the cow up on the top of the cabinet in her house first. The note came later. However, it has remained there ever since.
“My mom was tired of the good flatware disappearing so it’s been like this for years. She releases it for holidays then puts them back,” the Twitter user explains. The goofy wrestler action figures guard the expensive dining set.
The man was shocked to find this interesting decoration hanging up at his mom’s place. It’s funny, but it’s also a little perverted — especially considering the context. Let’s hope no one ever offers to pay while he is taking a shower.
If you ever eat dinner at this parents’ house, one of the first things you’ll notice is that their salt and pepper shaker holder is shaped like an eagle. You’ll have to fight the bird to access the seasonings, and it looks aggressive.
This unique lamp was made by the father. It features a brass sculpture of a singing man with a lightbulb inside of it. We have seen sculptures where the eyes light up before, but nothing like this.
This parent’s house has an even creepier lamp. The lampshade is made entirely out of old dolls. Some are standing, some are upside-down, and the whole thing is spray painted gold.
63. OJ Simpson Matryoshka Doll Set
Russian dolls typically have ornate pictures of women on them. However, this set is based on the OJ Simpson trial. All of the most important figures from the trial are present.
Here we have some more memorable wall art. It’s a scorpion with a human face chasing a spider. It wouldn’t be our first pick for wall art but to each his own.
“This pic of my mother’s antique doll head collection is from a few years ago, the collection has like quadrupled in size,” the man explains. The doll heads keep piling up and the collection gets bigger every year. The mom can’t resist buying them.
Really, almost every family has at least one obscure doll lying around. This one can be found in the guest bedroom of the woman’s parents’ house. It sits on the chair and watches people while they sleep.
When this woman moved out of her mom’s house, the mom immediately filled her old bedroom up with soup. She certainly bought a lot of them. The cans of Baxters must have been on super special.
This fish carving is both cool and terrifying. It’s supposed to be a lingcod, also known as a buffalo cod. It is a pretty monstrous-looking sea creature.
This mom replaced her grown-up children with a baby doll after the kids all left the nest. The mom missed having someone to take care of. Now, the doll will have to do.
In this household, the parents love The Beatles. Instead of getting a photo of the band to hang up, they bought this tacky painting. It’s a cartoon representation of the Yellow Submarine.
We feel like we should know who this person is, but we aren’t sure. The face definitely looks familiar, although, it could just be a random dude. Either way, it’s a pretty weird thing to hang on the wall.
This house has a giant stuffed-animal bear wearing fishing gear standing in the hallway. The bear even has a bucket next to it to put its fish in if it happens to catch any. However, most of them just get eaten immediately.
In this house, there is a monkey on the couch. Although, it’s not an ordinary monkey. Its fur is colored black and yellow like a bumbl bee and it is wearing shoes.
This mom set up a troll doll to guard the dishwashing supplies. However, it’s definitely slacking on guard duty. It can be seen poking out of the pot with a big smile on its face and seems to be seeking a hug.
Lots of houses have game mounts on the wall, but this one is completely unique. It’s a two-headed cow. It doesn’t involve hunting at all. However, we are not surprised that someone preserved it.
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