9-year-old sews dad an entire shirt and dad’s reaction makes headlines among parents
It took Sam six weeks to make the surprise shirt for his dad.
Maria Pangilinan

A dad and son duo is going viral because of an adorable interaction between them caught on camera.

As of writing, the TikTok video has over 17 million views.

Aaron Gouveia posted a TikTok video of his nine-year-old son Sam Gouveia showing a shirt he made for him during sewing class.

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TikTok daddyfiles

The video shows Sam going inside his parents’ room holding a shirt he hand-made during his sewing class at a local store, the Franklin Mill Store.

Aaron told Good Morning America that Sam has been taking sewing classes for over a year and was inspired by his Great-Aunt Val to start sewing.

TikTok daddyfiles
TikTok daddyfiles

In the viral video, you can hear Aaron asking his son about the shirt he made and Sam answering proudly.


“Dude, look at this!” Aaron said while Sam explained that he made the button holes and the buttons himself

Aaron tries on the shirt and shows off the 70s collar while Sam looks on proudly.

Sam also explained how he made the back of the shirt and said that he did it himself and even got stuck on this part a few times but continued working on it.

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TikTok daddyfiles

Aaron asks him why he chose that pattern, and Sam says it stands out and goes well with jeans, which his dad always wears.

In the end, Aaron thanks him for the shirt, and you can see Sam with a big smile on his face.

CBS Boston also picked up the heartwarming story and featured the loving family on the local news.

CBS Boston
CBS Boston

Sam told CBS Boston that he likes the feeling of accomplishing something, which he gets from sewing.

We also find out more details about Sam and his love for sewing.

He spent six sewing classes making the shirt for his dad.

CBS Boston
CBS Boston

Sam had come a long way from Kindergarten when he was bullied for wearing red nail polish and enjoying sewing.

Fortunately, his parents supported what Sam wanted to do and taught him about self-love and acceptance.

“He taught me that anyone can do anything,” Sam said about his dad.

CBS Boston
CBS Boston

This is not the first viral video of Sam. When he turned nine, his ecstatic reaction to getting his own Singer sewing machine for his birthday also made the rounds on the Internet.

People from all over the world has sent him fabric to show their support of him and his love for sewing.

Even if he’s the only boy in his sewing class, Sam continues his journey of learning how to sew and growing his passion for sewing.

“I think in the end it’s just the human aspect of it. Seeing someone do something they love, especially a kid at a young age and doing it without shame. That’s pretty amazing, ” said dad Aaron.

CBS Boston
CBS Boston

“You can do anything, if you be yourself,” Sam shared.

We love the unconditional love and support Sam’s parents show him.

More importantly, we love how Sam shows us an excellent example of self-love and acceptance, even at only nine years old.

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TikTok daddyfiles

Watch the video of Sam gifting his dad a hand-made shirt below!

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