Family Refuses To Adopt Baby When They See Her Face, But There's A Happy Ending
This is a heartbreaking story with an uplifting ending.
Ryan Aliapoulios

Although childbirth is commonly called a miracle, sometimes it comes with complications.

No matter what we do to ensure our babies are safe and healthy when they finally arrive, there are some genetic conditions which simply can’t be planned for. One of those conditions is Treacher Collins syndrome, a congenital disorder which affects the healthy formation of the facial bones. Although it results in serious malformation of the nose, eyes, ears, cheekbones and jaw, these babies are typically born with normal intelligence and brain function.

In a story out of Fort Walton Beach, Florida, a baby named Abigail Lynn Fisher was affected by this rare disorder.

Abigail Lynn was born to 36-year-old Christina Fisher, a single mother who was living in a trailer park.

Faced with financial difficulties and a difficult living situation, Fisher thought her daughter might have a better life if she were adopted.

As a result, Christina put little Abigail Lynn up for adoption where she was matched with a family. Fisher
Source: Fisher

After the birth, the adoptive family came to the hospital ready to take Abigail Lynn.

Still, to everyone’s surprise, Abigail Lynn came out with the rare Treacher Collins syndrome. After the adoptive family went into the NICU to see the baby, they came out crying and left the hospital.

As a result of her condition, the adoptive family left little Abigail Lynn at the hospital. Fisher
Source: Fisher

Still, the turn of events ended up being positive.

After spending some time with the baby, Christina couldn’t take her eyes off of her. Despite her condition, Abigail Lynn was still a beautiful baby—and Christina was her rightful mother. With that, Christina decided she would do her duty to raise Abigail Lynn, despite the difficulties.

For her part, Christina says the decision was the right one:

“I can’t imagine my life without her.” Fisher
Source: Fisher

Despite the adoptive family’s change of heart, this story has a happy ending.

To help out with the costs of the baby, Christina started a GoFundMe page to help raise money for her and her baby girl. As a result of her proactive efforts, the page has raised more than $22,000 out of a total goal of $25,000. If you feel inspired to chip in, click the link above! Fisher
Source: Fisher

Overall, this story shows the power of the love shared by a mother and daughter.

Although Christina was initially overwhelmed by the prospect of having a daughter, she eventually came to fall completely in love with little Abigail Lynn. And after seeing their pictures together, it’s not hard to see why.

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