As Michele Newman huffed and puffed in the hospital, she dreaded what she had to do.
The high school junior was giving birth to a baby, and she had kept the pregnancy a secret from the infant’s father David Lindgren.
“Before I knew I was pregnant, Dave and I broke up,” Michelle, now 53, told WSAW.
“By the time I knew I was pregnant, Dave was in another relationship, and so there was no chance of us getting back together again, and I made the decision to put our son up for adoption.”

Martin Schmidt, Michele’s son, was adopted by a loving family who had always been honest with him about his past.

“They absolutely loved me like I was biologically born. I have a great family,” he told The New York Times. But even with the love his family gave him, Martin often wondered about his biological parents. Finally, at the age of 36, a big life change motivated him to start the hunt.
“The reason I ended up reaching out [to find my adoptive parents] was that my wife and I found out we were pregnant with our little boy,” he revealed.

“It really felt like it was the right time to find out more about my birth parents.”
Martin reached out to the Wisconsin Department of Children, who got him in touch with his mother Michele.
She was living in Hawaii at the time and received the call during a lunch break at her job.
“It was immediately waterworks,” said Michele.
“I called my mom. Then I went back to work and told my boss, ‘I’ve got to go home for the rest of the day.”
After hearing from Martin, Michele decided to reach out to David, Martin’s biological father, finally revealing that he’s had a son for all these years. “Our first communication together was December 12, when Michele had texted me … Then we called, and we talked that night for hours,” David said later.
Reuniting with their son led David and Michele to rekindle their romantic relationship.
On August 4, 2018, in a heartwarming ceremony, Martin served as the officiant at their wedding.
At first, Michele resisted the proposal. They had each been married before and she thought they were too “old” for the foolish games. But David insisted.
“I want to marry my sweetheart,” he told her.

Michele, David, and Martin are thrilled about the way everything worked out. During the ceremony, Michele told the guests: “The day I got the call that Martin wanted to reach out to us was the best day of my life— and it’s just gotten better every day after that.
“Miracles do happen,” added David.
“Somebody up there or out there figured out the timing for all this to come together.”

Hear the heartwarming story below.
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