This is because babies tend to wake up and cry in the middle of the night, keeping most parents of newborns from getting a full night’s rest for days and weeks on end.
There are many different methods that parents employ to try and get their child to sleep through the night–one of those being the Cry-It-Out method.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you simply ignore your child and try to go back to bed when they start to cry.
There is still parenting taking place, often from a distance, but essentially you try and comfort your child without picking them up or physically engaging them.
When one family in an apartment complex decided that they were going to give this method a try, they wanted to warn their neighbors.
So they printed up letters to give to all of their apartment neighbors, hoping that it would make up for the amount of crying that was going to be taking place over the next few weeks.
One of the neighbors goes by @KittyBeeJr on Twitter and she posted the letter that she received from the neighbors.
According to Bored Panda, @KittyBeeJr told them, “I thought it was the cutest, most considerate thing. You see stuff like this on the internet so I was surprised it actually happened to me. The tequila peace offering made my day.”
When she posted the letter on her Twitter, she never expected it to go viral.
@KittyBeeJr says, “I posted the tweet, went on about my business, and came back to 1 million likes. With so much going on in the world, people were expecting something negative.”
In fact, the letter was quite the opposite of negative.
The secret to making this method work is what child psychologist, Jodi Mindell, author of Sleeping Through The Night, calls “the magic moment.”
There’s no strict schedule that parents should follow when it comes to checking in on their child.
You want to wait that perfect amount of time before checking in on your baby that allows them to learn to fall asleep on their own, but also to know that they are being cared for.
In case you were wondering how the sleep training is going for the parents of the newborn, @KittyBeeJr tells us that everything seems to be going fine.
She told Bored Panda, “I have my AirPods in and Kitchen Aid going most of the time so I never hear the baby crying.”
The cookies that she baked for her neighbors were happily received as well.