Asking your kids to things is a real struggle. The younger they are, the more they don not want to do anything that you ask. Whether its chores, picking up their toys or something as simple as taking a bath, they can be impossible. And for this little baby when it comes to bath time, that is the last thing that she wants.
When dad suggests that it’s time for a bath, this little lady is not having it. All he does is ask one simple question “Should we go and have a bath?” and she was practically in tears already.

He continues to ask and the tantrum only escalates. She buries her face into the blankets and pouts. She yells no and starts to cry. This baby is puling every toddler move on her dad to avoid having a bath.
But the little girl is so adorable you can’t help but take her side!

The tantrum continues for about 30 seconds and no matter what Dad says to convince her she is set on not having a bath. “It’s fun, it’s relaxing” he chimes in but she refuses to listen. A lot of this tantrum points to the fact that she probably just needs to go to sleep, but they continue to argue.
She clearly has her daddy wrapped around her finger because eventually he gives up and asks the strangest question to distract her:

“Do you want an egg?”
The little girls expression immediately changes as she realizes she’s about to get something that she actually wants. He continues to ask and every time the little one replies yeah, and perks up, completely forgetting about her bath time tantrum.

Everyone in the Youtube comments loves the interaction, thats particularly why the video has almost 200,000 views. Everyone is calling her cute and adorable, and questioning the fact that her dad got her to stop crying by bribing her with an egg.

“Lol who knew eggs were better than baths” said one user. “I had to watch this three times.” said another user, clearly obsessed with this baby’s cuteness. One funny comment one user left read “When my wife and I can’t agree on something we have an egg.”
It’s clear this little lady has her daddy wrapped around her finger if she can convince him to have an egg instead of taking a bath.

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