Getting a baby to fall asleep can be an exhausting job for any parent. Babies will fight sleep for as long as they can. Once you think that they have fallen asleep, their cute little eyes will open right back up in resistance. Parents have tried driving their babies around in the car, rocking them, pushing their baby around the house in their stroller, and cuddling close.
This woman gets this baby to fall asleep in one minute! Don’t believe me, just take a look at this video.

This little girl is wide awake as she starts to get her scalp massaged. She is watching the television and reacting to the woman beside her, once she starts talking. It seems as if she is a bit fussy too when she starts to grumble. The women in this house are not worried though because they have the secret trick.
They know once the massage moves to a face massage that this baby is going to fall asleep real soon.

The woman starts to move her hands down each side of the baby’s face and within seconds she already starts to droop her eyes closed.
This makes the women start to quietly giggle and state, “she is sleeping.”
It only took about ten seconds for the baby to start to nod off to sleep. Yes, I said that correctly, ten seconds.

All the woman had to do was slowly massage the sides of the baby’s face very slowly. The woman is gently running her fingers up and down each side of the baby’s face. While the baby starts to quickly nod off to sleep in seconds. She is still a baby though and is going to fight every step of the way before she completely falls asleep.

The baby is trying her hardest to keep her eyes open, but the face massage is making that very difficult. She cannot fully open her eyes no matter how hard she tries. The gentle movements of the woman’s hands are almost hypnotizing this baby to sleep. It is hard for this baby to even fight falling asleep because the massage is so soothing.

The longer the massage goes on, the heavier the baby’s head is starting to get. Every time the baby tries to stay awake her head quickly starts to droop to the side as she closes her eyes once more. This has each of the ladies quietly laugh in amusement. So, the woman giving the massage brings the baby to her chest, so she can have a more comfortable spot to stay asleep.
Once she is laid against the woman’s chest it is game over. This baby is completely asleep.

The woman keeps massaging the baby’s face and head to make sure she is asleep, but she has done the trick. She has put the baby to sleep in a loud room within one minute! She is not a witch with magical baby powers though because face and head massages are known to put babies to sleep.

The company Huggies blogged about face and head massages helping put a baby to sleep as well. Huggies even gave some tips for parents, such as,
“Begin by gently cradling baby’s head in your hands
Use the pads of your fingers to gently make small circles all over your baby’s scalp, being especially careful of the soft cranial areas known as fontanelles
Keep circling, watching for baby’s cues and stopping if they indicate they’re not enjoying the sensation
Place your thumbs together in the centre of your baby’s forehead and gently stroke outwards towards baby’s temples
Start at the bridge of your baby’s nose and stroke down towards the cheekbones, then across to the temples”

If you have not tried this trick yet it is a must try. Hopefully you will be able to get your baby to sleep within a minute because that would be life changing for many parents.
Watch the video in full below and be amazed.
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