Are you ready for the most heart warming video that you’ll see all week? It’s seriously so cute, I’ve watched this over and over just melting!
Sean Going posted a video a little while back of him playing a perfectly simple game with his daughter, Alana.
She’s completely adorable and hilarious!
The game consisted of Alana picking up her pacifier and holding it up like she’s about to drop it. Easy!
Except Alana and her parents are all laughing hysterically!

It probably doesn’t help when her dad is giving her looks as hilarious as the one below! Every time he gave her the big wide eyed stare she would bust up, along with everyone in the video and no doubt everyone watching the video too!
Is there anything more pure than babies laughing?
It’s a huge part of socialisation for people! There’s an instinctual part of us that loves to laugh and loves hearing our baby laugh!

A developmental psychologist by the name of Casper Addyman actually studies why exactly babies laugh and he helps us understand a bit about it!
“The main things that make babies laugh are not things. They’re other people. Baby laughter is intensely social. It is an invitation for you to engage with the baby. It encourages you to keep playing a game. And often the best bit of that game is the fact that you are playing.”

“One of the central things babies have to learn about is other people. Laughing with you helps them do so. We see this most clearly in peekaboo, which, my research found, was the best way to make babies laugh all over the world. It is also Social Interaction 101—a conversation that even preverbal babies can understand, participate in, and enjoy.”
Addyman published his findings in a book called The Laughing Baby which will hopefully provide future researchers a more complete picture of how we develop in our first two years of life!

It’s really hilarious and interesting to see Alana’s face as she watches for her dad’s reactions as she picks up the pacifier and holds it over the edge of the table! As if she’s asking “what are you going to do if I do it again?”
And every single time Sean catches it and holds it up triumphantly she starts howling all over again!
Alana simply can’t get enough of this game!

A big part of what will get a parent laughing as hard as their baby is the intensity at which a baby laughs! They laugh in fits that seem completely uncontrolled! And that’s really because it is!
An article from Science Daily explains:
“Few things can delight an adult more easily than the uninhibited, effervescent laughter of a baby. Yet baby laughter, a new study shows, differs from adult laughter in a key way: Babies laugh as they both exhale and inhale, in a manner that is remarkably similar to nonhuman primates.”

That’s right! Babies laugh like chimps!
“[The researchers] found that the youngest babies commonly laughed on both inhalation and exhalation, as do nonhuman primates like chimpanzees. In the older babies studied, however, laughter was primarily produced only on the exhale, as is the case in older children and adults.”

The article continues:
“The researchers currently are examining if there is a link between the amount of laughter produced upon inhalation and exhalation and the reasons why individuals laugh, which also change with age. In infants and younger babies, as in nonhuman primates, laughter occurs as the result of physical play like tickling. In older individuals, laughter can arise from physical play but also from social interactions.”
It’s a really pure, wholesome interaction between people but especially between parents and their kids!

Since posting the video, Sean has become a lot more active on YouTube, posting more videos of his family and especially his hilarious daughter!
They’re often out in nature and while a lot of the videos are adorable, a lot of them involve Alana’s laughter!
How can you not laugh with a baby who makes faces like this!?

You can check out the video below, and I highly recommend you do for a good laugh or pick up for the day!
It doesn’t get much better than wholesome interactions in a family!
Great shirt, Sean!
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