It’s officially spooky season, and who doesn’t love a good scare?
Little Yerin Park certainly gets a kick out of her dad’s antics. Sometimes when she comes around the corner, he startles her and she goes running scared!
Running… and giggling uncontrollably back to her mama.
Her dad started filming her adorable reactions and would wait patiently in his room with the camera rolling for her to come check on him.
And sure enough, it wasn’t long before she’d come poke her little head around the corner to see what’s going on.

The look she’s shooting him says she’s feeling bold and think she’s ready to hold her ground and not be startled.
But the little dear can never quite hold on to a straight face, and always ends up losing her cool!

And sometimes… even loses her footing!
While running away from her ferocious father, she slips on the hardwood floor of their home. I mean, I think we can all relate to this.

But that doesn’t stop her. She comes back, channeling a little marshmallow with her precious outfit, ready to be hurt again. Maybe not ready to fall, but ready to challenge dad.

And once again, he manages to give her a scare and send her off cackling towards the kitchen. Of course, wherever Mom is, acts as a little “safe” zone.

But hey, we all out grow things eventually.
And the girl does not want to be scared anymore.
One day this little gal had enough. As usual, dad was waiting in one room with his camera out and ready to give his daughter a good spook when she inevitably came around the corner.
As soon as he saw her, he gave her his usual routine, but this little gal was not having it.
Instead of her usual giggling and running off, she decided to turn the tables and make him jump for once. She gives him a strong “baba!” very sternly, making it clear she’s not in the mood for his tricks.
He laughs and tries to speak over her but she’s not letting that happen either – she wants to make sure she’s being heard! Yes girl, you tell him!

As soon as it seems her message got across, she went back to being playful and looked very proud of herself for standing up to her “bully”. She also gives a cheeky off-camera look to Mom, as if to say “look what I did!”.
They grow up so fast, don’t they?
This adorable little one is named Yerin. It means ‘treasure’ in Korean, so I think we can all agree her parents did a great job naming her.
She has a younger sister, and her dad is their absolute number one fan. He’s been sharing cute videos like this one of his daughters as they grow up and they now have thousands of followers from all over the world.
Patricia Hernandez is one of the girls’ global fans who wrote about it on Kotaku.
“It might be accurate to say that I’ve seen this baby grow up from thousands of miles away. I’ve watched her eat, I’ve watched her play, I’ve watched her cry. I’ve watched her discover the weirdness of trying shoes on for the first time (it seems so arbitrary at a young age!). I’ve watched her discover that everything has a name and a place. I’ve watched her laughter bubble and burst.”
It’s strange how that’s something technology has made possible for us… but hey, it clearly works!
Her dad really captures every moment!
You can follow these little cuties on Instagram, but be sure to click the video below for Yerin’s adorable reaction to dad’s tricks.
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