It’s normal for siblings to fight, as they are together most of the time.

There are many reasons why they fight.
Most of the time, it only starts with silly things like toys but there are many more causes.
Here are some of the reasons according to Kids Health. First, it’s because of the needs of each child and we all know that their needs and wants evolve as time goes by. The temperament of each kid can be one of the reasons too.

No matter what the reasons are, we can’t deny it’s frustrating to see siblings fight especially for the parents’.
But this particular video on YouTube with nearly 1 billion views is kind of different.
It’s a clip of two twin sisters who were fighting over a pacifier.

Nope, it’s not annoying to watch. Not at all.
In fact, it’s really hilarious and captivating at the same time. It started when the baby on the left was enjoying sucking on a pacifier. But her sister suddenly stole it which surprised her.

The little one tried to get it from her twin sister but she failed to so which made her cry out loud.
It didn’t take a few minutes before she got the pacifier back on her hands.

She really did her best to get it and she was successful. She immediately put the pacifier back in her mouth and her sister was not happy about it.
The two of them were determined to steal the pacifier from each other.

It happened a couple of times and none of them was giving in. Whenever one of them has the pacifier, it is expected that the other one is crying.
Who really owned that little thing?

Well, that one isn’t clear but it looks like it belonged to the baby on the left side of the video. Why? Because in the first part of the video, she was the one who had the pacifier.
Even in the latter part of the 1-minute-video, she was also the one who was sucking on it.
Regardless of who really owned it, I’m pretty sure that their parents did something about their cute little brawl.
There’s something special and unique about the relationships of twins.

Although they have individual identities, it’s easy to see their numerous similarities.
It’s not only on the physical but also in different aspects.
National Geographic even featured some twin siblings and listed down their differences and similarities.

Most of them don’t only have identical faces but they also have the same preferences when it comes to some things like the clothes they buy.
There are also twin sisters who both had breast cancer. These stories just show that the connection that twins have is something special.
Just like these two babies in the viral video. We can all see that they both loved the pacifier. Although they were fighting, their innocence and cuteness are priceless.
You can witness it in the video down below!
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