Baby Has Priceless Reaction After Trying Coke For The First Time
Do you remember how you felt when you first tried Coke?
D.G. Sciortino

There’s nothing more incredible than watching a tiny human discover the world for the first time. A child’s reaction to their surroundings and how they interpret them is often one of the most precious, and sometimes hilarious, things we’ll see.

Every parent is well aware of this.

Something as simple as watching your child eat something for the first time can be mind blowing. For you and the child.

That’s what happened when little Evie took her first sip of soda. Evie tried out her first sip of Coca-Cola at a McDonald’s which was encouraged by her parents.

“Take a sip Evie,” you can hear her mother say.



The little girl agrees, having no idea what she’s in for. For Evie, carbonation is a brand new strange world and she’s about to find out just how powerful those little bubbles can be. She puts the straw in her mouth and takes a sip.

As soon as the soda touches her lips, the little girl squints her eyes, shoots her head back and takes her mouth off the straw.

Her faces twists back into a pucker and she blinks her eyes one at a time. You can hear her parents quietly giggling in the background. Then she has a totally different secondary reaction. She cocks her head back all the way and keeps it there for a minute.

She cocks her head back all the way and keeps it there for a minute.



Then she starts to smile and pulls her head back up and lets out a happy little yelp.

Though she looked completely shocked and terrified at first after taking a sip, she decides to go in for another one.

Because it kind of looks like they just might be from this baby’s reaction. We think we have a new Coca-Cola fan here for life folks!

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