From now on, this baby is going to be nicknamed “Lamb.”
There are few things cuter than hearing a baby laugh. But this baby’s laugh is both incredibly cute and very unusual.

One morning, the family’s baby sat up and wanted to play with his mom, dad and sister.
The dad did something funny, so naturally, the baby started laughing. But that laughter sounded like it was coming from something other than a human.
The baby’s chuckling sounded just like a sheep “baaing.”
Soon, the mom had started recording the baby. The baby’s sister and dad were doing what they could to keep the laughter going.

Every time the sister made a funny face, the baby went, “baaaaaabaaaaabaaaa.” This time, the entire family could not contain their own laughter.
Then the dad slammed his hands down on the floor and placed his face close to his son.
“This laughing situation’s got to stop!” the dad announced to the baby. But this just produced more torrents of sheeplike laughter from the baby.

The dad couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and collapsed with laughter himself.
Then he lifted himself up and said, “You’re not a sheep. You’re a boy.”

Yet again, the baby laughed like a sheep.
The dad kept on telling the baby that he was a boy. The baby kept on responding with more, “baaing.” Clearly, the baby was determined to prove the dad wrong.

Then the sister came back up to make her little brother laugh even more.
The video cut out there, but it’s easy to imagine what happened next. The baby kept on laughing like a sheep until he wore himself out and took a nap. Or maybe he just turned into a lamb?
Luckily, this footage then appeared online, where it soon went viral. To date, the video has gained almost 1.5 million views. It also has more than 1,900 likes and 100 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Just think, that baby has become famous online, and he has no idea!
Could this baby’s unusual laugh help us understand the human condition better? Possibly.

Back in 2012, Doctor Caspar Addyman conducted the first in-depth study of baby laughter in 50 years.
And he made some interesting discoveries.

For this study, Doctor Addyman worked with a range of babies who were between two months to two years of age. The studies utilized technology like infrared lights to track what the babies were looking at and electroencephalography, which measured the babies’ brain activity.
One of the most interesting things that this study did was confirm just when babies first smile.

Before the study, traditional theories stated that apparent smiles in the first four months of a baby’s life were just the result of trapped wind. But the study showed that most babies smile for the first time between the ages of one to three months.
Another interesting discovery that Doctor Addyman made was that babies are moral beings.

According to his research, babies never laugh at other people falling over (at least not until they have worked out that the person falling over is safe.) Instead, it seems that laughing at others’ misfortunes is something that humans develop later in life.
So the baby in this video wouldn’t use his sheep-like laugh if his dad fell over and hurt himself. Who knew that babies were so empathetic?
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