Is there anything cuter in this world than an adorable wee baby all wrapped up like a little snuggly burrito? Well actually there is, but we’ll get to that in a minute. The ancient art of ‘swaddling’ your baby is that process of wrapping them up in a cloth to keep them warm, safe and comfortable. According to What To, the benefits of swaddling include stopping your baby from flailing their arms and legs which can trigger a startle reflex, it can help them sleep better, and keep them warm until their internal thermostat revs up.
So what, you ask, could be cuter than that?
Well, it’s simple. The very moment that an adorable little baby breaks free of her comfy constraints and takes the biggest stretch in recorded history. It also helps that this baby is objectively one of the cutest babies in the whole wide world. Just look at that adorable little face and try to disagree!
Just look at her in anticipation of her freedom!
Already excited to get her tiny little arms and legs free, that heartwarming little smirk is enough to make a statue crack a smile. This little baby burrito is about to be opened.
Free the arms!
The second this little cutie’s arms are free, they stretch right out as if they were spring loaded. And just as she was wearing a heart-melting little smirk in anticipation of freedom from the swaddle, she’s now wearing a triumphant grin as she stretches out wide.
She even looks up to Mom in success!
As if throwing her arms up after scoring a touchdown, this adorable wee one stretches out to the maximum from the tips of her fingers, to the ends of her tiny toes.
Although maybe it’s nearly time for another nap.
This little one looks like she’s almost ready to get back into the napping game, the way she’s still yawning. And you can see that she yawns like she stretches, which is to say, at 110%. I’ve never seen anyone, no matter how young, this enthusiastic for the art of the stretch. I want to experience a stretch any part as satisfying as this young one is having.
And boy does she look proud of herself!
I would be too, if I had unlocked such a high level of stretching as she has at such a young age. Perhaps she’s unlocked the secret to happiness already, to not underestimate the power of a good stretch. Cats know it. Dogs know it. A good, long stretch is an unbeatable and essential power move for a happy life.
And what a contented expression she continues to wear. Oh, the innocence of a baby. A time in your life when all you had to think about was your next good stretch. And this may be a grand, sweeping thing to say, but between this adorable epic stretch, and all the cute little smirks and smiles, this is for sure the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.
Watch the full video below to enjoy this adorable stretch-a-thon.
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