In some circles, little Robbie Richardson might be called a stool pigeon.
His understanding of the law led him to follow it to the letter.
Thankfully, the 6-year-old’s blind obedience to the law only resulted in a good chuckle for 911 dispatchers.
Robbie must have learned about traffic law and how running red lights are illegal and can be dangerous to others.
So, he decided to rat his dad out when dad Mike Richardson ran a red light.
Not only did he tattletale on his dad, he gave the cops a full description of his dad’s car so they could track his dad down.
Mike was pretty embarrassed when he realized that his son called the emergency line to tell of his transgression.
“Oh no, I apologize,” Mike quickly said after getting on the line.
In Robbie’s mind, he was just doing the right thing and preparing for his future career in law enforcement.
“Since he turned 6 in February, he’s said he wants to be a police officer, so in his head he was doing the right thing,” Robbie’s mom, Joleen McDonald explained to ABC News.
In truth, Mike didn’t even break the law. He made a right on red which was totally legal.
“It was fine. It didn’t say, ‘No turn on red’ or anything, but Robbie was convinced that red means stop so you do not go,” Joleen said.
After Robbie was convinced that his dad was breaking the law, he then threatened his own father with the police.
“In his eyes, Daddy was breaking the law. He told Mike when they were in the car wash, ‘Daddy, I’m gonna call the police on you,’ and Mike brushed it off and didn’t think anything of it,” Joleen said. “We were outside cooking on the grill later and we thought Robbie went inside to use the bathroom and he came back out to on us the back porch with the police on the phone.”
Captain John Dougan, the public information officer for the Quincy Police Department, said he was glad that Robbie knew to call 911 during an emergency.
Now all that Robbie needs to know is what actually constitutes an emergency and when it’s appropriate to apply the law.
“We explained to him when we hung up the phone that you don’t call for those things, but if there was an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of the police, then you call,” Dougan told ABC News.
It’s not the first time the police department has gotten interesting calls like Robbie’s.
“Every day we answer numerous 911 calls. Oftentimes, these calls are from individuals who are in need of immediate assistance. Sometimes, it’s a simple misdial. Then there’s Robert’s 9-1-1 call,” the police station wrote on their Facebook page.
But Robbie still doesn’t seem to get it and still has his eye on his dad.
“Everyone follows the rules, but not daddy,” he told the Boston Globe.
Looks like Robbie’s dad is going to have to be extra careful about breaking any rules. Has your child ever tattled on you for a simple mistake?
Learn more about Robbie’s hilarious 911 call in the video below!
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