Children are without a doubt something special. Each moment with our child draws us closer to understanding them and how they view the world through their eyes.
The experience is incomparable to anything else.
This is especially true when each day feels like a new breath of fresh air.
A mom got the opportunity to share her conversation with her toddler with the rest of the world after taking video footage of the interaction.
Little did she know that it would set the internet ablaze with millions of viewers tuning into the wholesome exchange.

The mom’s child, Noel, seemed to be enthusiastic about playing dinosaur games with his friends at a place called Nurse City.
The little munchkin recalled when his toy dinosaur knocked over a volcano and caused a huge lava splash around the vicinity.
He’s clearly excited about his prehistoric buddies, even citing that his favorite is the T-Rex.

Dinosaurs are not all this adorable toddler is into.
He’s a fan of Ghostbusters! His face lit up with excitement when describing how to the nefarious ghosts that lurk in people’s dwellings. According to him, it looks like you have to drop a glass on them and then shoot them.
The young boy is already an expert with handling paranormal activities it seems!
So what do you learn in Nurse City?
Well, according to the young lad you learn about transport, knights, and dragons! Yeap, dragons that spit fiery flames at you if you misbehave.
And if you didn’t get the picture, Noel enthusiastically makes sure to let out a loud dragon roar to get you to pay attention!

As the conversation progressed, we begin to get to the juicy details of Noel’s social life.
He seems to be a very popular guy with lots of friends, especially guy friends. All his friends are boys in fact!
When asked about girls, the topic threw him completely off.

“Have you got lots of friends?” asked mom to her little one, to which he responded, “Yea.” Then, his mom finally asked the question: “Do you have any friends that are girls?” and immediately received a priceless response from her little one: “Mom, I don’t have a girlfriend!”

His hilarious reply is enough to kill you with cuteness!
Noel somehow knew what his mom was trying to pry from him and immediately shut the idea down before it stirred him any longer.
Clearly, he’s not into the ladies at this stage and prefers to build a tight brotherhood with all of his male counterparts. We can’t help but marvel at how ridiculously cute Noel’s reaction was to the whole thing!
As with all things, there are pros and cons to having a significant other at an early age. Not that Noel is ready for such a thing, but if you’re wondering what these benefits and consequences are, check out this link to see how to approach your young one for this type of situation.

After Noel turned his head a couple of times in dismay, Noel’s Mom knew it was about time to end the conversation.
With that, she wrapped up the talk and we got to see the little one give us one big wave goodbye to conclude the wholesome moment.

Kids are a walking, organic puzzle that constantly shifts its jigsaw pieces depending on how they feel and what they learn.
This video captures so much of that genuine connection between offspring and parent.
It lets us peer into the world of parenthood and what it means to strengthen that bond with your child.

Don’t worry kid, you don’t have friends that are girls now, but you’ll soon meet many, many girls that will have the pleasure of knowing such a sweet boy like yourself!
Be sure to catch the entire video below!
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