Being a kid isn’t always easy. There are exams to take, homework to do, bullies to deal with, and as one Missouri boy explains, buses to catch.
The boy, whose name is Adam Holliday, unfortunately, missed his bus one day. This resulted in a hilarious note that recently went viral.
His sister Sarah Holliday posted a copy of the letter, which he had written sometime in the past. Since then, the letter has been retweeted 216,944 times and was liked 947,696 times on Twitter.

“Never forget the time my brother missed the bus and wrote my mom this note,” the caption to her Tweet read.
The letter was also posted on the 95.5 My Country’s website by radio DJ Doc Holliday who is also Adam’s dad.
“The Holliday DNA is strong with this one and now the world knows,” dad wrote.

The letter was originally posted on the Internet in 2017 by his mom Rachel Bradney who captioned it with: “I had to pick my oldest son up from his job today, and when I got home my other son Adam Holliday left me this note.”
The note is titled, and underlined, “I Missed the Bus” and reads as followed:
“As your son, I regret to inform you that I’ve missed my means of public transportation. I know you must be on a roller coaster of emotions right now but rest assured, I’ve decided to stay home. This was a tough decision to make while you were gone for 20 minutes. I’m probably in my bed moping about the fact that I can’t go to school, so please don’t interrupt me. If you require any further assistance, please see the pros/cons list chart on the back side.”

The pros list included: “First day home this quarter, grades will be fine” and “Today was gonna be a bad one, can’t get over my hair.”
All extremely valid points.
The cons list included: “Might become a habit (doubtful)” and “You have to call the school and tell them I’ve got Polio.” That last con was his mom’s personal favorite.

People on the internet were going crazy over the post. It was even retweeted by actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. His favorite part was: “I’m probably in my bed moping about the fact that I can’t go to school, so please don’t interrupt me.”
Bradney said she completely forgot about then note until her daughter found it and Tweeted it. And for those who are wondering, she let her son stay home from school that day.
“Of course I did how could [I] make him go to school after that! I, however, didn’t tell them he had polio,” mom explained.
As you could have already guessed, it sounds like Adam is going to give mom a run for her money into his teenage years. The boy’s already built some impressive debating skills. Maybe he’ll even end up making a great lawyer one day.
You can check out Sarah’s original Tweet below.
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