For the past few years, a debate has been ongoing between breastfeeding and formula-feeding mothers. The controversy was stirred up as a result of the infamous Breast is Best campaign.
This campaign increased pressure on mothers to breastfeed and has even led to the death of infants as a result of their mothers not producing enough milk.
According to American Pregnancy, the benefits of breastfeeding include infection-protection properties, essential fats needed for nervous system development, carbohydrates which reduce the amount of ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut, and numerous fat-soluble vitamins, including Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
So, while most people agree that breastfeeding their children is a better alternative to formula, how would you feel if another mother gave your child her breast milk without your knowledge?
One anonymous woman has been stirring waves online after confessing to just that.
In a post that has since gone viral, the mother admits to using her breast milk to make brownies for her child’s school bake sale.
The post reads, in part, “I made brownies for my school bake sale that had breastmilk in them. I didn’t have time to run to the store and didn’t think it was a big deal (some of those kids could use the nutrition, let’s be honest). And it wasn’t even that much.”

The post, which was screenshotted and shared on the Sanctimommy Facebook page, has garnered over 1k comments, with most mothers displaying disgust with the decision.
Other joked about the situation.
It is an interesting debate.
As mentioned, breastfeeding (and breast milk, in general) has been attracting attention for a number of reasons.
In China, breast milk has become a “delicacy” for the rich, says The Asian Parent. The article explains:
“The breast milk is being sold to wealthy adults and these wealthy clients even have the option to drink the breast milk through direct breastfeeding or through a breast pump. It has also been reported that wet nurses who are attractive are able to earn even more money from selling their breast milk.”
As a result of breast milk achieving delicacy status, a breast milk black market has also cropped up. The website Only The Breast is a site specifically tailored to matching breastfeeding mothers with buying clients.
However, Newsweek reports that most mothers selling milk are not concerned with quality control. As a result, breast milk can be dangerous and may also carry pathogens for infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV.
Although wet nurses have been common throughout history, people are still shocked by this woman’s decision to feed schoolchildren breast milk brownies without their knowledge.
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