School is a place where children grow and learn and even have fun. It goes without saying that it should be a place that’s safe for them.
But unfortunately, that’s not the case for many children who are bullied.
Delanie Marcotte, a fifth-grade student at Pollard Elementary School in Plaistow New Hampshire, has grown to dread going to school every day.
This is because of relentless bullying where she is verbally and physically abused.
The 11-year-old has even suffered death threats from her fellow classmates.
“They kick me and they say mean things, call me names – it is not nice,” Delanie told
Delanie and her parents asked the school to address the issue and protect her and her fellow students from bullies but nothing has been done.
She’s even been confronted by one of her bullies parents asking why she’s trying to get their son in trouble.
Finally, Delanie and her parents were fed up and took the matter to the school board.
“It is very hard to watch your child get bullied, hear about it day in and day out, and you do get very aggravated,” Delanie’s father, Todd Marcotte, said. “It’s an issue, and it’s an issue that has to be addressed.”
Delanie made an impassioned plea at a Timberlane Regional School Board meeting begging them to take action.
This brave girl’s articulate speech might drive you to tears.
“I am here to talk about a problem that means a lot to me — bullying,” Delanie told the school board with her voice trembling. “Bullying is a problem in our school. I am a victim of it. My parents have contacted the school about it, but it continues. It happened to me and my classmates. I have been asked by the mother of my bully during a school field trip why I tried to get her son in trouble,” she told the school board.
“I have been threatened to get shot in the head by an AK-47 and buried in my back yard and many other things. I ask you what are you going to do to protect me and my classmates against bullying. I am here to stand up for every kid that gets bullied.”
Todd shared a video of his daughter’s speech where it has been viewed more than 150,000 times.
“Quite frankly, she is doing something that I would have never had the guts to do, being bullied myself in high school,” Delanie’s mother, Amy Marcotte, said in a statement to WMUR in Manchester, New Hampshire.“We stand by her 100 percent and will do whatever it takes to protect our child.”
The school district said that it too stands behind Delanie and their other bullied students. They are encouraging those who are bullied to speak up about it.
School District Superintendent Earl F. Metzler said that bullying now has the district’s “undivided attention.”
“We will continue to encourage all students to speak up when they see, hear or experience something that makes them uncomfortable,” he said. “The same holds true for parents and community members. There are many vehicles at Timberlane to share your concerns including, but not limited to, the public comment portion of our School Board agenda.”
The superintendent’s statements ask victims to take action, but that’s not the question Delanie asked them. She asked what THEY are going to do to put an end to bullying. Hopefully, the district will take some real action to protect their bullied students.
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