As a parent, no matter how tired we are, we would still do our best to make sure our kids are clean, healthy, happy, and of course, safe.
No wonder millions of people were shocked when they saw the news about a 2-year-old little girl who managed to get out in the middle of the night.

Not just that, the little girl was able to cross the street and go inside the convenience store to buy candy.
It may seem unbelievable, but it did happen.
The video from the gas station starts as we see a tiny figure walking alone in the middle of the night.

You would see how the tiny girl was still making baby steps as she went to the convenience store just across the street.
With her little hands, she opened the door.
Alerted that someone was inside the shop at this late hour, store owner Mohamad Bazzi checked out what the customer needed, only to get the surprise of his life when he saw a tiny girl in a blue winter coat.

At first, he tried to check if the little girl was with someone, and when he realized she was alone, he was scared.
She was wearing a royal blue coat and boots. Then she went to the counter and set two pennies to buy some candies.

“The little girl, she started walking around. This aisle, this aisle, this aisle – there’s nobody there!” said Bazzi to Inside Edition.
Bazzi couldn’t believe it. The girl lived in an apartment building, and she was able to wear her coat and boots, then she left her home without anyone noticing.

Not just that, the little girl should have been scared because of the traffic and the dark road, but she didn’t.
Instead, she waited until it was clear, and she crossed the road and went to the convenience store.
Bazzi did what any sane grown-up would do, he locked the door and called 911.

Then, the kind store manager guided the little girl at the back of the store to keep her safe. After a few minutes, cops arrived.
At that point, the little girl started crying.
The police were also very disappointed, but they were thankful that Bazzi was there.

They took the little girl into custody while they searched for the parents. An hour later, they found them and brought them to the Highland Park Police Station.
Chief Kevin Coney scolded the parents!
In his disappointment, they just said, “So what?”

It seemed that this wasn’t even the first time. A two-year-old little girl is still just a baby. For most of us, we would still tuck them in bed or sing them lullabies.
They can’t believe a little girl can go out unnoticed.

Chief Coney can only assume that the parents might be busy upstairs at that time, but still, it’s a form of negligence on their part.
The little girl was very smart and lucky.
Watch the details unfold in the video below!
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