When your friends start having their own kids, does your friendship end? No, of course, it doesn’t.

But, there will be noticeable changes in how things will be. Going out for dinner will include little kids on the table and vacations will not be as easy as they were before because children always need attention.
These are all part of parenting; we all know it can’t be helped. Once your friends have children, the time you have for other friends who don’t have kids yet will indeed be reduced.

For one couple who doesn’t have a child of their own yet, having friends over with children is something they do not prefer.
And since they are not keen on having children visit their home, even the kids of their own companions, one of their closest friends suggested child-proofing their home. It was a comment they did not like at all.

The childless couple thinks that child-proofing their own home for their friends’ children is too much to ask.
Why? According to the couple’s post on Reddit, it is not because they don’t like children or because their friendship becomes less important when kids enter the picture.
“My husband and I are empty nesters. It is a grand experience. Our house is far from childproof,” shared the woman in her post.

She also shared how they had a small bar in the game room, a pool, and expensive artwork. Having a dog they do bite sports with is not also a good idea for parents who want to bring their kids around.
The couple explained that they also had secured firearms and a magnetic knife bar full of expensive knives.

Their property is not exactly child friendly, so their friend who would like to come over with her three kids suggested they childproof their home. Apparently, the empty nesters were far from doing this as they prefer their home to stay as it is.
Adults are welcome to join them for game nights and all, but kids are not allowed in their homes.

“We host friends for things like game nights and watching movies and having some drinks, but I have one friend who constantly wants to bring her kids, ages 6,8 and 13,” the woman shared further.
Even when their friend says the 13-year-old can watch over the younger kids, the woman still feels uncomfortable having kids and young teenagers in their home filled with things not meant for children to touch or even see.

The couple wonders if their friends think they hate children and clarified that this is not the case.
“I don’t dislike children, our house is just not safe for them and it stresses me out having them here, both for their safety and also the stress of things getting broken and how that can impact friendships,” she wrote.
According to the woman, some of their friends see them as jerks and unfair, which led to having lesser acceptance of their invitations for house guests.

People online have mixed reactions, and honestly, we all have our opinions and at the end of the day, it is their home and they are the boss.
What do you think? Is this couple doing the right thing?
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