Having a child with your partner is a big decision to make. Children require most of your time on a daily basis, while your life revolves around them forever after their birth- or at least it is them and their well-being you are thinking of most of the time.
And, while having a healthy baby is the most important thing, couples have been found to prefer a boy as their first child.

According to a 2013 study, 47% of the couples said they would prefer to have a son first because they thought boys were “less hard work” than girls.
Other reasons why boys were preferred over girls were that boys were believed to be better at looking after younger siblings, or that they wanted the boy to carry the family name.
A West Michigan family indeed had a boy first. It was Tyler, and he was born when his parents were just 17 years old.

Katerin and Jay Schwandt were high-school sweethearts and they had their first child when they were still very young. But they didn’t stop there. They had another one, and then another one, and so on… until number 14!
Yes, you read that correctly: the couple had 14 boys!
Friends and family had always been betting that the next one would be a girl over and over again, but it just seemed that Katerin and Jay would only have boys in their family.
This changed a few days ago, when Katerin gave birth to their 15th child. And, guess what, it is a girl!

45-year-old Katerin announced her pregnancy to the family earlier this year, and once again, everyone started wondering if this would be when they would finally have a baby girl. And they did!
“We are overjoyed and beyond excited to add Maggie Jayne to our family,” Jay Schwandt said. “This year has been memorable in so many ways, for so many reasons, but Maggie is the greatest gift we could ever imagine.”

Welcoming a baby girl to the family was special and so is the name they chose for her. Maggie Jayne is actually a combination of her parents’ names. Katerin’s middle name is Margaret- and that’s where Maggie comes from- and Jayne obviously comes from daddy Jay.
Maggie’s brothers, who have a livestreaming program, “14 Outdoorsmen“, welcomed their sister publicly by sharing a photo of her, accompanied by the following:
“As if 2020 couldn’t any crazier! We are blessed to welcome and announce the birth of our little SISTER, Maggie Jayne. Her and mom are doing well and we couldn’t be more excited!”

As Maggie’s dad said, they had to check twice to make sure she was indeed a girl.
Even the outfits that she wore for the official photos at the hospital were from 28 years ago, when their oldest son was born- just in case he was a girl.
The happy parents admit they have no pink clothes at home, but we are sure they will now be buying loads of pink clothes and accessories for the new family member.

Maggie’s brothers will probably have to rename their program now that there’s a female addition to the “gang”, and we bet they can’t wait to take her with them on their adventures.
Watch the shocked parents talk about their amazing family in the video below.
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