Genetics is a fascinating thing, and we have seen a lot of unique traits that have been passed from one generation to another.

Two of the most extraordinary people who became popular because of their genetics are twins Hayleigh and Lauren Durrant. They don’t look the same at all, and that is what makes them rare because they are twins!
Whenever these two are out in public, people would never suspect that they are related at all. Once they hear about them being twins, people become so fascinated by how it all happened.

Most people are nice about it but there can also be folks who don’t believe them.
“Some people can be really rude. They’ll say, ‘You’re lying, you aren’t twins — prove it!’” Hayleigh, who has dark skin and black hair, said in their exclusive interview with The Sun. The girl got her skin color and features from her father, Dean.
Over the years, the girls have been used to getting stunned expressions from strangers after hearing their stories, but they never get tired of it.

The girls find it funny and are always ready to pull out their identification just to prove that they really are related and more so, twins.
“So we’ll reel off the same address or pull our passports out. It’s nice to see the shock on people’s faces. When we went to college it was difficult because there were lots of groups of Asian, white and black kids,” the twins shared further.

Having their unique genetics story can make them some sort of celebrities, but as it turned out, they are not the only ones who have this rare trait in the family.
“We were like celebrities when we were kids,” Hayleigh shared. “Everyone wanted pictures with us and would ask us how it felt to be twins but different. To us it was normal.”

Their twin sisters were born seven years after Hayleigh and Lauren’s birth. And they also had the same genetic trait!
Leah and Miya were born in 2009 and did not have the same complexion.
This new development gave the family a path to being part of the Guinness Book of World Records.

Young Leah inherited her mom’s fair skin, while Miya got her father’s skin color.
Who would have known that having another set of twins with different complexion would happen twice in this family?
“The younger ones idolise the older ones and are always copying them. It’s like having two Mini-Mes,” Dean said.

Alison loves the fact that her daughters are not only sisters but also the best of friends.
“They are best friends and close in every way, apart from looking different,” she sahred. “It took me some years to understand the science of how they could appear so different.”
The family remains to be the only one with two sets of twins with varying complexions.

The older twins were inseparable, but the secondary school had them in different classes.
This led them to have different interests, but it did not change the fact that they were twins and best friends.
“We are so the same in some ways,” Lauren said. “We say the same things at the same time, and finish each other’s sentences.”
The younger twins look up to their big sisters, who are also their “heroes.”
Learn more about their story in the video below!
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