Being a good husband or wife isn’t easy. It’s a learning process. However, one of the best ways to keep your marriage going smoothly is to avoid making these simple mistakes. The random fails of these 60 men and women are a mix of silly, foolish, mildly annoying, and hilarious. Once you check a few of them out, you’ll see what we mean.
For example, the husband who constantly opens new jars of jelly before finishing the old ones. No, it probably won’t destroy his marriage, but it is going to make his wife pretty upset with him.
That’s just one of the funny husband and wife fails we’ve gathered to share with you today. Do you recognize any of these behaviors in your significant other? If so, it might be time to share this list with them too.
This wife never fully screws the lids back on containers before putting them back into the fridge. It drives the husband crazy. It’s a giant spill waiting to happen.
Some of the funniest fails happen simply because someone forgets to proofread their text messages. You never know what autocorrect is going to do to a message. Sometimes, it can turn out pretty wild.
Here we have a husband who has no idea how to open a pack of Honey Buns. He completely destroyed the box. Apparently, it’s a regular thing for him.
What is the point of leaving one sip of soda in the bottle and putting it back in the fridge? That is what this wife is trying to figure out. Her husband never completely finishes things.
It was the husband’s turn to make dinner and this is what he came up with. The wife was less than impressed. Spaghetti with a slice of American cheese on top is not her idea of quality cuisine.
When you are married, your word is everything. If you can’t follow through on the things that you said you would do, then you’ll lose all trust. Hopefully, though, this woman’s husband will forgive her.
The way this guy has been lighting the candle really annoys his wife. There are three wicks for a reason! However, he doesn’t seem to get it.
Here we have a wife who keeps using her iPad as a drink coaster. It’s a really sketchy way of supporting a drink. The odds of it one day causing a costly spill on the couch are very high and the husband doesn’t like it.
The pumpkin pie was meant to be eaten in slices. However, the husband just devoured it. He didn’t leave any part untouched for his wife to eat and she was the person who baked it!
“I’m not very good with the Bernina, and now my husband’s patched pants look like a different kind of hole,” jokes the wife. Her sewing mistake turned out pretty humorous. And unfortunately, the hole is still there.
Why are there so many bags inside this food cabinet? Apparently, the husband has a bad habit of leaving a couple of potato chips left in every bag and then opening new ones. They are starting to accumulate a big collection.
This husband decided to buy a memory foam mattress for his side of the bed. There is only one problem — it takes up the majority of the bed. There is basically no space left for the wife to sleep.
The wife asked her husband to stir her cocktail for her. This was his stirring technique. It wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.
Normally, it’s the husband who forgets the wedding anniversary. However, it can go the other way as well. This isn’t the first time that the wife has lost track of what day it is.
5. Toilet Paper Collection
Whenever the toilet paper rolls get low, the husband moves them to counter instead of finishing them and throwing them away. No one is sure why he does it, but at this point, it’s definitely a reoccurring incident.
“I bought my own drill accessory kit because my husband loses pieces all the time. He found my kit,” explains the woman. It’s easy to tell. Nothing is put back in its correct spot. There are tools everywhere.
The wife was shocked when she saw how her husband was eating his bagel. Sure, he has every right to eat it however he wants. Although, she also has the right to laugh at him for it.
Wives can mess up bagels too. This wife completely burned the bagel she was cooking for her husband’s breakfast. There is no amount of butter or cream cheese that is going to make it edible.
This husband likes to play practical jokes on his wife. Every morning, he sticks the lint roller in places his wife can’t reach to annoy her. It’s definitely working.
20. Unorganized Dishwasher
There is a right way to load a dishwasher and a wrong way. According to the husband, the wife does it the wrong way. Judging by the picture, we definitely agree with him.
“My husband ties bread bags into super tight, impenetrable knots so I have to tear the bag open to get to the bread,” writes the wife. There is no other way of getting the bread out. The bags simply have to be ruined.
Washing clothes isn’t rocket science. Although, sometimes, mistakes do happen. For example, the time that the wife shrunk her husband’s fleece down to miniature size.
This husband doesn’t know how to put cream cheese on his bagel correctly. In addition, he also puts salt on it. That’s right, folks. He puts salt on a bagel!
This is not how the silverware is supposed to be put away. However, the husband doesn’t care. He just haphazardly throws it in the drawer.
Every one of the wife’s donuts got a bite taken out of them. We wonder who is responsible. Could it be the husband, perhaps?
When the wife volunteered to cut the husband’s hair, he put all of his trust in her. She assured him that nothing would go wrong. Unfortunately, something went wrong…
This clever husband decided that he and his wife should have matching socks. It was a really fun idea until they tried to do laundry. Sorting out their two different sizes wasn’t exactly easy.
The box didn’t really fit into the trash can, yet the wife just left it there. The husband is going to have to deal with it now… like always. It gets on his nerves.
You would think that the husband would rinse the container out and put it in the recycling bin like a normal person. However, what he actually did was put it back in the fridge empty. That way, the next person who found it would have to deal with it.
This wife tried to bake her husband a cake for his birthday. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that great. Whenever she tried to spread the icing on it the whole thing crumbled to pieces.
Shoes are very dirty. Yet, this husband always puts them on the counter when he comes home from work. The wife can’t figure out why he does it. It’s disgusting!
The wife asked her husband to make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He complied, but it looks like he forgot a very important ingredient. The peanut butter suspiciously missing.
Eating several pieces of pizza at the same time is an interesting strategy. Most people only eat one at once, but this husband rotates which slices he takes bites out of. He is a total weirdo.
34. Husband’s Fiery Birthday
Growing older means you need a lot of candles on your birthday cake. However, not so many candles that it melts all of the icing off of the cake and sets the smoke alarm off. That’s what this wife found out the hard way.
When the husband went to the bathroom, he left his ice cream cone sitting like this on the counter. His wife actually wasn’t that surprised. He is always doing goofy things that she doesn’t understand…
It looks like someone was a little thirsty recently. That someone was the wife. Her nightstand is littered with water bottles.
It drives the wife up a wall when the husband leaves his beers like this. He then yells at the kids when the cans get knocked over instead of taking responsibility. There is a perfectly good drink holder to put them in one inch away.
It’s always nice to get a romantic surprise from your partner. Although, some partner’s surprises are more romantic than others. After receiving this text, the wife felt kind of guilty about the Valentine’s Day present that she bought.
Have you ever seen someone slice a banana lengthwise? It’s a first for us. The wife was pretty surprised too when she saw her husband do it.
The husband left a pile of toenail clippings sitting on the bedside table for the wife to discover. He forgot to throw them away. It’s enough to gross anyone out.
This husband leaves the plastic on every piece of electronic equipment that he buys. He doesn’t let anyone take it off. It’s there to “protect it from scratches and stuff”.
Some things aren’t meant to go in the washer. That’s what this wife realized when she tried to wash her husband’s foam pillow. It ended up making quite a mess.
43. Weird Eating Technique
This photo was taken by the wife. It shows how her husband eats oranges. He just bites straight into them like they are apples instead of breaking them into slices.
“My wife never finishes a bottle of shampoo or body wash before buying a new kind and leaving the old ones,” explains the husband. The collection of shampoo bottles now fills up all of the shelving space in their bathroom. It’s a bit excessive.
Here we have a husband who is unable to throw his clothes all of the way into the hamper. They don’t quite make it. When you are a tidy person and your significant other is not, it can cause some serious issues in a relationship.
The husband asked his wife to pick him up some beer while she was at the store. She failed pretty badly. Technically, she did pick it up, but then she dropped it shortly after.
This is a pretty interesting way to open a jar of peanut butter. The wife had a good laugh when she saw what her husband did. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Most people just rip the whole seal off.
Opening up a nice fresh bar of soap is one of the great pleasures of life. The little old ones can just sit around and be wasted. At least, that’s how this husband views the world.
There is a proper way to slice an avocado, but this is not it. The husband has no idea what he is doing. He totally butchered it.
The wife made her husband a Travis Mathew birthday cake because he really likes the brand. Unfortunately, he didn’t really catch onto what she was doing. He thought the cake was a baby reveal and she was trying to tell him that she was pregnant!
Resealable packages aren’t resealable if you open them from the side. Yet, that’s what the husband does every time. It drives the wife bonkers.
We’ve seen a husband who can’t cut an avocado properly, but it turns out, some wives don’t know what they are doing either. This woman’s husband had a big laugh when he saw what she did.
We thought this was a serious emergency. Then we saw the photo description. “This is what ensues when your husband is on the roof trying to address the leak and you’re inside trying to feed the kids and give them a bath but not near your phone.”
Everyone knows that you are supposed to cut a sandwich diagonally. That is, everyone except for this husband. He is the odd one out. He cuts sandwiches lengthwise.
The husband finally hung up all of his clothes. However, when he handed them over to his wife, he had all of the coat hangers facing opposite directions. At least he tried though…
Yes, this message is a bit aggressive, but we get why the husband is upset. Coming up short on toilet paper when you are in the bathroom is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a person.
57. Juice Carton Technology
Not all cartons of juice are meant to be opened from the side. A lot of them come with screw off tops. Try telling that to the husband in this household though.
58. Toilet Paper Laziness
This is how the wife changes the toilet paper roll. In other words, she doesn’t. She just sets the new one on top of the old empty roll!
“When we brought the groceries home I asked my husband to put the apples in the bowl. And you can see that’s exactly what he did,” the wife joked. She wasn’t pleased. He is always cutting corners with these sorts of things!
Both the husband and the daughter hang up there towels like this. Unfortunately, the towels don’t dry very well this way. It means that the laundry has to be done much more frequently.
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