Gender Reveal Reactions Two Sisters
Who do you think was excited and who do you think was not excited when they found out the gender of their younger sibling?
Cedric Jackson

Welcoming a new child into the family is always exciting, especially for your kids.

With the growth in fun gender reveals, kids are getting in the fun, as well. The two girls in this video get to enjoy some cupcakes that will tell them whether they are getting a brother or sister, and the results are hilarious.


The video begins with the girls, Jules and Grace, sitting at the table, each with her own cupcake. Their mom tells them:

“Mommy and Daddy found out what the baby is today.”

Jules, the older girl on the right, looks very excited to find out if she’s getting another sister or a brother at 0:04. Their mom goes onto explain that the cupcakes are special and they “can break them open and see what’s inside.”

As she starts to explain that blue filling means a boy, Jules starts nodding along as she clearly knows where this is going. After a few laughs, her mom finishes explaining that a pink filling means they get a baby sister.

At 0:20, the girls are about to dig in, and their mom says, “Go. Break it open!”

Proving that kids can be highly unpredictable, Grace doesn’t want to follow the suggestion.

She says, “I don’t want to break mine open” while watching her older sister carefully peel the cupcake liner off the bottom of her own treat. It only takes a few seconds for Jules to peel back the liner enough to break open the bottom and exclaim “BLUE!” with an excited face at 0:27.

While Jules is excited, pay attention to the look of sadness on her sister’s face. Right away, Grace looks like she is close to tears while her older sister happily shows off the blue filling at 0:29.

At this point, the video starts to get comical. Jules remains excited while Grace gets even sadder. Now that she knows the filling will be blue, she says:

“I really don’t want to open mine!”

She’s also holding back tears the whole time.


The two completely different reactions to the gender reveal make the video so entertaining for anyone who has ever interacted with children.

On one hand, you have Jules who can’t wait to meet her brother and is so happy about the news. On the other hand, you have Grace who doesn’t want a brother and is adamant that she doesn’t open her cupcake.

At 0:41, while the girls are starting to eat their cupcakes, the mom asks:

“Grace, are you excited it’s a boy?”

Her answer is very honest, responding, “I’m not” with a huge frown on her face. This leads to laughter from everyone.

Then, their dad asks: “How about you, Jules?” She responds with “I’m excited!” with a big grin at 0:50, but it was pretty clear she felt that way without her words. After all, she’s had a huge smile on her face since she found the blue in the cupcake.

Not to be outdone, Grace chimes in:

“Well, I’m excited for a girl!”

Clearly, she hasn’t quite grasped how the baby’s gender will work.

Her mom tries to clear up the confusion, explaining:

“It’s not a girl. It’s a boy. It’s going to be a little brother.”

Based on her reaction, it seems that Grace was still hoping her cupcake would have pink inside even though Jules’ cupcake had blue. At 1:09, when Jules points out the blue inside Grace’s cupcake, the younger girl’s expression of horror is clear.

In fact, at 1:11, it looks as if she’s about to start a tantrum, saying, “No! I wanted pink.” This is when the tears she’s been holding back begin to fall. She even says, “No fair!”

Since the girls’ mom is a photographer with regular Instagram updates, we know that they both warmed up to their baby brother pretty quickly.


You can check out the mom’s Instagram updates here.

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