Dad Takes Over Bath Time For Mom, Things Escalate In Hysterical Fashion
What would happen if dad took over bath time in your family?
D.G. Sciortino

We’ve all heard of rubber duckies that make bathtime lots of fun. But the same could be said for dads. One dad who is a part of the Good Husband Movement who took over bath time for mom and made sure his kids had lots of fun.

He filled his bathtub with a 10-foot tall bubble and let his kids play with it.

This dad didn’t care about the mess at all. All he seemed to care about was the fact that his kids were having the best time ever. The mess he could worry about later. His kids giggled and laughed with delight as two of them were surrounded by this massive foam of bubbles and the other two watched from outside the tub.

“My butt, my beautiful butt,” yelled one of the kids.

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

They were getting downright silly with excitement over the fun experience their dad created for them.

“Pop those bubbles, stand up and pop those things,” dad said off camera.

That’s when the real fun began and the kids began slapping away the bubbles around them.

“It’s literally touching the ceiling,” said dad.

“What?” said one of the kids.

“It’s touching the ceiling now,” dad said laughing.

“Mom, come here,” yells ones of the boys. “Moooooommmmmmmmm.”

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

Apparently, this was mom’s night off. Dad was in charge of bathtime tonight, mess and all. Mom was hopefully somewhere relaxing with a nice glass of wine.

“Sometimes, bath time gets out of control,” the caption to the video reads. “Sometimes, being a good husband means simply being a good dad. Give your wife a break and take over bath-time now and then!”

This is admirable because there are lots of men who don’t contribute at all around the home.

But in my opinion, parenting should be a job that both parents do. Dads shouldn’t just give their wives a break every now and then, they should be contributing to the parenting work on a daily basis. This sentiment kind of just perpetuates the stereotypes that women are in charge of parents and dealing with the children.

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

“Okay, but caring for your children isn’t “giving your wife a break.” It’s not an extra-nice thing to sometimes do,” said one Facebook commenter. “It is the most basic requirement of parenthood.”

But again, some dads don’t do this stuff at all and change takes time.

The video ended up going viral on the internet and was viewed more than 22 million times.

“That’s it! I’m taking a ‘mommy vacation’ to the nearest hotel that has jet jacuzzi tub and taking a bubble bath this ‘extra’! Sounds like a win to me!” said another commenter on Facebook.

Love What Matters Screenshot
Love What Matters Screenshot

Check out this “extra” bubble bath below.

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