It has been almost five years since this video was posted on YouTube but it has since resurfaced with many commenters saying how sweet it is to have this young boy’s father gushing over how talented he is. And rightfully so! Just watching this video you can see how much talent is inside of that little ten year old. Behind the mini rockstar you can see his father exclaiming and pointing to the boy and saying,
“That’s my boy!”

After hearing that ten year old rock out on his guitar in church it is easy to understand why his father is so proud! There are commenters on the video saying that the music this boy is playing is impressive even for an adult much less a ten year old boy! His guitar instructor must be just as proud of him as his own father is.

At first, the boy’s father wasn’t behind him but another member of the church pointed to the boy and can be seen telling the father to look at him. When he walks into the frame you can see the look of pride take over his face. While watching this video it is hard to tear your eyes away from the proud father. He points to the boy and to himself claiming him as his boy and then puts his head in his hands because it is all just too much for him. His friends surrounding him laugh at him good-heartedly and pat him on the back. When he looks at his son you can see so much love and pride in his gaze.

Meanwhile, the ten-year-old keeps his cool and continues his guitar solo in his sharp beige suit and purple bow tie. It looks like he does not have an ounce of stage fright. His friends next to him tap their feet and watch him skillfully play the guitar. Even when he looks behind him to see who was saying “that’s my boy” he doesn’t miss a beat and continues to play as if nothing happened.
The video’s caption doesn’t have much information but there are some helpful commenters that said this church is in Memphis, Tennessee and that his name is Isaiah Newson. It is unclear whether they meant the boy or the father.

Seeing the boys father gush with pride is such a heartwarming thing to witness that he almost completely steals the spotlight from the little musician. However, if you keep your eyes on the boy you can see him scrunch up his face in concentration as he is playing. The beat of the song is so catchy you might find yourself tapping your foot along with the rest of the members of this boys’ church.

For many parents, this fathers reaction to his son playing the guitar so skillfully is really understandable. Many parents are more proud about their child’s accomplishments than their own. So watching this father adorably freak out over his son’s talent on the guitar is really relatable. Hopefully this skilled boy continued playing guitar after this and continues to make his father proud!
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