Dad calls repairman to fix furnace never anticipating man to leave note behind about his new baby
The family's furnace had stopped working right after the birth of their son.
Sasha Alonzo

Picture this chilling scenario: it’s the dead of winter, a snowstorm is on the horizon, and your furnace decides to take an untimely vacation.

As if that’s not enough, you’ve just welcomed a brand-new baby into your family.

Sounds like a plot for a drama, doesn’t it?

But for Jesse and Maria Hulscher from Willmar, Minnesota, this was no fictional tale.

Their furnace decided to stop working right after their son Adler was born, turning their joyous occasion into a race against the clock.

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

The calendar read February 23, and the local weather forecast was anything but comforting.

Snow was on the way, and Jesse knew that the situation was dire.

“Instantly I panicked,” Jesse candidly revealed in an interview with FOX 9.

“I have a two-year-old here, a newborn coming home in a couple of days, and this was before the big potential snowstorm. The stakes were sky-high.”

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

With Maria still in the hospital, recovering and bonding with baby Adler, Jesse knew he had to act fast.

He grabbed his phone and started dialing for help.

His call was answered by Magnuson Sheet Metal, a local business known for their HVAC services.

Jesse was hoping against hope for a quick fix that wouldn’t break the bank.

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

As Jesse spoke to the person on the other end of the line, his emotions were palpable.

The joy and excitement of having a new baby were suddenly overshadowed by the looming threat of a winter storm and a non-functioning furnace.

“He said ‘the fan’s not working, the furnace isn’t working, my wife is in the hospital, we just had a baby yesterday,'” Magnuson co-owner Craig Aurand later recalled.

Craig’s response was immediate and reassuring: “I just said take it easy, we’ll be right there.”

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

Magnuson Sheet Metal was true to their word.

They dispatched a technician to the Hulscher residence that very same morning.

And guess what?

In less than an hour, the furnace was humming along, as if nothing had ever happened.

Both Jesse and Maria breathed a huge sigh of relief.

The immediate crisis was over, and they could now focus on bringing their new baby home.

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

But the story doesn’t end there.

A few days later, an invoice from Magnuson Sheet Metal arrived in the mail.

Jesse braced himself for the cost but was stunned when he read the bill.

“I opened it up and looked at the receipt and it said, ‘no charge, take care of the new baby,'” Jesse couldn’t believe his eyes.

Maria was equally shocked, adding, “I was like, what? No. This can’t be real. And he’s like, ‘I know I can’t believe it either.'”

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

Overwhelmed by this unexpected gesture of kindness, Jesse and Maria felt compelled to share their experience.

Jesse took a photo of the invoice and posted it on his Facebook page, not really expecting much.

But the internet has a way of amplifying good deeds, and amplify it did.

Within just a few days, the post exploded with over 4,000 reactions and hundreds of shares, turning this local story into an internet sensation.

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

Jesse was effusive in his praise for Magnuson Sheet Metal: “Can’t thank them enough for the great service, speedy response time, and amazing technicians. Businesses like this earn customers for life!”

Despite the avalanche of positive attention and the viral nature of their act, the owners of Magnuson Sheet Metal stayed grounded.

Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube
Fox 9 Minneapolis-St.Paul - YouTube

Craig Aurand summed it up perfectly: “We didn’t do it for the PR, we just did it to be good people. That’s it. Just to be nice to these people.”

And that, dear readers, is the crux of the matter.

In a world that often seems cold and indifferent, acts of genuine kindness like this one warm our hearts and restore our faith in humanity.

It’s a dose of warmth we could all use, especially when life’s furnaces go out!

Watch the video below to hear the full story.

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