Strangers Write Note To Dad For Valentine's Day
Patricia Lynn

In this day age, the negativity found online can be overwhelming. Everything we read, whether it on Facebook or even in newspapers, has some sort of opinion that that can be perceived as negative. That’s why at Shareably we really value and appreciate stories involving random acts of kindness.

It’s honestly a relief to hear about people being selfless and going above and beyond for others. The story below is just that.

It involves a single dad who took his six-year-old daughter out to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day. But he didn’t realize that his every move was being watched the entire time.


“Hi there!

Sorry to spy but my husband & I saw you out with your little date & were so impressed with what a great dad you are.

From two adults who grew up without dads, its [sic] so important to have a male role model at a young age.

Keep up the good work Dad!

Dinner is on us!”

The dad was moved to tears by the kind remarks. No names or signatures were left – the note was completely anonymous. Even though he couldn’t thank the admirable strangers, the father’s heart was warmed by their generosity.

Thanks to all the loving, tender-hearted fathers who spend time striving for close relationships with their children and to be a role model in their lives.

Please SHARE if you enjoy random acts of kindness too!

[Source: Imgur]
