People everywhere are coming up with clever ways to stay entertained (and sane) during this time of quarantine.
For one father and daughter from Denver, Colorado – that meant having some fun with a good old-fashioned dance-off!
Chris Starkey was working from home on the computer when his daughter Brooklyn came up with the idea to battle it out on the dance floor.
According to the dad, she didn’t think he still “had it” anymore.

That was all Chris needed to throw on his athletic gear one Monday and head to the family room.
You know how it is when these kids challenge us older folk.
We’ve still got tons to prove. It’s on!

It’s a comical dance-off that’s gone viral.
Just because you’re a parent, doesn’t mean you can’t still be cool and bust a move.
Chris, who has a great sense of humor, gladly took on Brooklyn’s challenge to teach her this lesson. At the beginning of the video, he says:
“I don’t think she realizes how much a 38-year-old can still throw it down.”
And throw it down he did!

But instead of letting Chris enjoy a moment of pretending to still be in his thirties, his daughters respond with the higher ages of 57 and 72.
Oooh, now that’s how you get a battle started! (He’s really 51 by the way.)
Alright, “let’s do this.”
Both Chris and Brooklyn are wearing hoods and keep a little distance between them.
For, you know, quarantine protocol. Also because he didn’t want to burn her with his dancing.

After hilariously reminding crowd members to stay six feet apart and to “sanitize!” – it’s finally time to see their skills. The song for the challenge is Flo Rida’s “Low.”
Chris wasn’t lying that he’s ‘still got it.’
The father and daughter duo jump into a high-energy choreographed dance that makes you feel tired just watching them.
Turns out, they’re both amazing dancers! But it’s hard not to keep your eye on Chris.
Perhaps he’s been keeping up with the trends because he’s on fire!

Chris’s modern dance moves have the internet grinning from ear to ear, and his facial expressions are like the cherry on top.

Not many people can say their dad has skills like these.
On Facebook, Chris wrote:
“My daughter challenged me to a dance off and said I don’t have it anymore. See that closet in the back she is still crying in it!!!”

Chris is actually so confident that at one point, he pushes Brooklyn over so he can have the spotlight to himself.

The video of their dance-off has currently been watched over 12 million times on Facebook alone and it’s making national headlines too.
While turning down a dance challenge would be hard to do, Chris and Brooklyn created the video as a way to have fun and bring people happiness.
Chris told Fox 31 News that they wanted to “Make America smile again.”
But they’ve also helped spread smiles in other ways too.

The Colorado dad decided to use the attention from the video “to give back,” according to GMA. He’s been working with others to collect iPads for the elderly in ICU who don’t have ways to communicate with their loved ones.
Chris also takes part in donating care packages to those in need during this time.

As we know, every dance battle needs a winner.
Now while they’re both competitive, one has to lose.
A lot of folks on the internet seem to think that Chris is the champion of the father vs daughter dance-off.
Overall, the video has collected numerous positive comments like the ones below!

Watch the video below for a good mood boost, and to determine who your favorite dancer is!
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